Wednesday, February 20, 2008

periyazhwar and Tiruppallandu.

Long live our Gracious Lord.
Years aplenty, years aplenty, thousands of years,
Millions and billions,
To you gem hued, with your wrestlers shoulders,
your rosy feet our rest.

Q. Bring out the circumstances in which Tirupallandu came to be written and explain the advice given by Sri Periyalvar through that prabandha to the people?

Tirupallandu is melodiously sung and recited in all the temples and homes during everyday prayers and aarthy. It is a song of benediction on Sriman Narayana. It constitutes the first ten verses of the Nalayira divya Prabandha. It was first recited by Vishnu chitta or Periyalavar.
Periyalvar or Vishnu chitta (as he was a great devotee and meditated on Lord Vishnu he came to be known as Vishnu Chitta) He spent his time mostly tending to the flower garden and serving the Lord Vatapatrasayi at Srivilliputtur Temple. He did not have any formal study under any acharya. But for the Lords devotee devotion can teach one all what one needs to know / learn to live a peaceful life dedicated to selfless service.
Once when the Pandian King Sri Vallabha Deva suggested that a meeting be held of scholars well versed in scriptures to establish the supreme being and announced as gift a bag of gold coins for any one who established the greatest of the three Brahma Vishnu and Maheswara based on proof. (Parabrahma swaroopa based on Pramanas.)
It is said that the Lord of villiputtur appeared in a dream to Vishnu chitta and commanded him to take the opportunity and explain the Visistadvaita system. Vishnu chitta pleaded that he was ignorant of the vedas, the lord then said he was to go as his spokesperson in establishing his paratatva the greatest truth. On the appointed day in the gathering of scholars Alvar Vishnu chitta poured forth his convincing arguments before the great assembly. Vishnu chitta said that Lord Vishnu was the greatest of them as he was the one who granted Moksha. though he was not well versed literally he had experienced in his living the greatness of Vishnu in his service and spoke out from the depth of his heart very convincingly. The king and the assembled scholars saw the truth in what Vishnu chitta had said thus the prize money was won. It is said that the bag of gold fell open even before it could be given and the gold coins pored forth like a shower on Vishnu chittas head. thus furter establishing the truth of what he had rendered. Vishnu chittas joy knew no bounds and when he was honoured with the kings orders for a grand procession with the alwar seated on the well decorated palatial elephant and paraphernalia of music and dance. Vishnu chitta knew that the Lord's grace was with him. In his mind's eye he saw the lord with his consort in the skies. Vishnu chittas life goal was achieved. sweet words poured forth from him and we have today the unparalleled work of Pallanda Pallanda.
Thus begins the 4000 Divya Prabandha. the work of 12 saints who went mad with joy on realising the divine grace upon them. they poured forth the sweetest nectar ever experienced in the form of wordsand their love for the Lord can be seen in each and every one of the 4000 verses rendered spontaneously by the 12 saints.
The meaning of Pallanda Pallanda can be discussed for pages on end. Different scholars have tried to explain the works in a manner easy for the lay man to understand. (Actually this was amongst the very first few assignments that came to be written for the course. As senior citizens i thought it was fine writting the message delivered by the work than giving the word to word meaning for the questions and the assignment. later i found that the pages were counted i had submitted my answers as a computer word document and had sent it via mail. this was not well taken and i got marginal marks. later i started writing my answers down and sent them by snail mail. getting mostly full marks. Ha ha ah)
There are three taniyans which have to be recited even before the palland is rendered. the first two are by Nathamuni. Explaining the relationship of Vishnu chitta with the Lord as his father in law. the greatness of Villiputtur and Lord Ranganatha. It is then no wonder that the Lord was blessed with words from VishnuChittan. It was a special relationship he had with the Lord. t is said that the Alwars who experienced the Lord poured forth their love for the Lord with different feelings. Some show fatherly love, motherly care, some prayed to him as a friend who was always there in need. some with the feelings of a lover etc.
Vishnu Chittas rendering is considered as a fatherly concern for the son saying may you be protected may you live for a thousand years thousands of years. etc. May you be protected, may the grace of looking at your feet be ours for a thousands of years. May we who sing your grace be protected for a thousands of years.
The greatness of all those who have realized the Lord unselfishly without ego their stance is difficult to explain but all of them without exception. they seem to be saying do not waste time this is the ultimate realization, this is what we all have to live for, realize him in this birth itself. Come and sing his greatness come and experience him. there is nothing worth in life except realization and taking his name praising him. the alwars refer to the various avataras of the Lord where he appeared and protected his devotees. They keep referring to his various deeds and encourage all mankind to sing and be one in realising the supreme Narayana. May everything connected with god live for a thousand years. May his name shine may he be known the world over. May his grace continue to shower our lives with the joy of experiencing him in every thing we do or say. May we ever pray at your feet for a thousands of years.