Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Tharakka bhindhige

Brundavana lola   Govinda aravinda Nayana
Oh Govinda   with lotus like eyes , oh one who wanders  in Brindavana
Sundaranga Druthatahanga ,
Suja nari thimira pathanga
Oh pretty limbed one, Oh Lord who holds the wheel,
Oh Sun who removes the darkness of the enemies of the good people
Mamava  Sri Ramani  Mani  mdanasritha  mithra,
Rama dasa dasa Thyagarajanutha  charithra
Oh consort of Goddess Lakshmi  , Oh friend of those who surrender to you,
Who has  the story of being praised by Thyagaraja who is the slave of the  slave  of Rama.

Bhajare Bhaja manasa  Ramam
Oh mind , please sing about   Rama
Ajamukha  , sukha vinutham  Shubha charitham
He with an auspicious story is  saluted  by  ,
Brahma and others   and Sage  Sukha.
1,NIrmitha lokam , nirjitha sokam,
Palitha   munijana  madhunaa  nrupa pakam.
1.He is the creator of the world, He is one who won over sorrow,
He protects  the sages  and now he has the form of a  king.
2,Sankara Mithram , Shyamala Gathram,
Kinkara  Janagana thapathraya  thamo mithram.
2.He is friend of Shiva,  He has a  black  body,
He is the one who removes   three  types of sufferings  ,
Of his devotees like a  Sun removes darkness.
3.Bhoosama   santham  Bhooja kantham,
Varamaki  ladham  Thyagaraja hrud  bantham.
3.He is as peaceful as earth and consort of daughter  of earth ,
He  is one who gives  everything , and one who shines in heart of Thyagaraja.

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