Friday, November 8, 2019

types of stories.

While storytelling is as old as the human race, its importance in organizational change is often overlooked.

The Mechanics Of Changing Minds Through Storytelling
The first thing to learn about leadership storytelling is that most stories don’t change our minds or spark an intent to act differently. Stories naturally enable us to get inside the mind of another human being. Stories expand our understanding of other people. Stories give us vicarious experience that we can obtain in no other way. These stories “in the wild” are inherently stimulating and naturally life-enhancing. But if we think back to all the millions of stories that we have heard in our lives, we will see that very few have changed our minds or our behavior.

We now know that the stories that do change minds and spark different behavior tend to have a particular narrative pattern. The key to leadership storytelling is to master this narrative pattern. Once we understand this pattern and know how to put it into practice, we can reproduce effective change-inducing stories, whatever the situation we are in, whether your listener is a boss, a subordinate, a colleague, a customer, or a family member.

What stories you tell is more important than how you tell them. The first and the most important part of being a story teller is knowing what stories to tell.

A founding story. sharing a founding story gives your employees a chance to be a part of something bigger than just their jobs;

A story of courage and triumph Old man and the sea. a story of an old Cuban fisher man and his supreme ordeal a relentless agonizing battle with a giant Merlin far out in the gulf stream. courage in the face of defeat and personal triumph won from loss inspires every generation.

A story of equality. All animals are equal but some animals are more equal than others. When the down trodden animals fro M Farm overthrow their master and take over they imagine that it is the beginning of a life of freedom and equality. However soon they discover a cunning ruthless elite among them masterminded by the pigs starts to take control. that is when the other animals discover they are not all equal as they thought for they find themselves hopelessly ensnared. 
life's lessons happening almost before your eyes. tales to learn from.

Animal Stories.
  1. A friend in need is a friend indeed.
  2. A Town Mouse and A Country Mouse
  3. Elephant and Friends
  4. Four Friends
  5. Hungry Wolf
  6. The Clever Crab
  7. The Clever Frog
  8. The Crane and The Snake

Moral stories.
  1. A Wise Counting
  2. A Wise Old Owl
  3. Baa Baa Black Sheep
  4. Beg Your Pardon Mrs. Hardin
  5. Bell The Cat
  6. Belling The Cat
  7. Betty Botter
  8. Bye Baby Bunting
  9. Cat and Dog were Friends
  10. Clever Thief
  11. Cobbler Cobbler
  12. Cock-a-doodle doo
  13. Come To the Window
  14. Dick An Actor
  15. Diddle Diddle Dumpling
  16. Do You Know the Muffin Man?
  17. Do Your Ears Hang Low?
  18. Doctor Foster
  19. Faithful Jose
  20. Georgie Porgie
  21. Grey Goose and Gander
  22. Haste makes Waste
  23. Hey diddle diddle
  24. Hickory Dickory Dock
  25. Honesty is The Best Policy.
  26. Hunting With The Lion
  27. Long-Eared Puppy
  28. Look before You leap.
  29. My Son John
  30. Night Watchman
  31. Nursery Moral Stories
  32. One Nut and Two Boys
  33. Pride has A Fall.
  34. Satan in Disguise
  35. Selfish Friendship
  36. Sheba and The Monkey
  37. Silly Little Mariam
  38. The Camel and The Jackal
  39. The Cap-Seller and The Monkeys
  40. The Cat and The Fox
  41. The Cat is in the Well.
  42. The Cockerel
  43. The Crooked Tree
  44. The Crow and The Eagle
  45. The Cows and The Lion
  46. The Crane and The Wolf
  47. The Disobedient Boy
  48. The Disobedient Son
  49. The Dog and The Cows
  50. The Dog and The Donkey
  51. The Donkey in Lion's Skin
  52. The Donkey’s Brain
  53. The Dove and The Ant
  54. The Dreaming Astronomer
  55. The Failed Cock
  56. The Farmer and His Lazy Sons
  57. The Farmer and The Crane
  58. The Farmer and The Sparrows
  59. The Foolish Donkey
  60. The Foolish Hare
  61. The Foolish Wolf’s Flute
  62. The Fox and The Grapes!
  63. The Fox and The Stork - 1
  64. The Fox and The Stork - 2
  65. The Fox and The Crow
  66. The Fox and The Hare
  67. The Fox Without Tail
  68. The Giant and The Traveller
  69. The Girl without Hands
  70. The Golden Goose
  71. The Goose and Its Golden Egg!
  72. The Greedy Lion
  73. The Hare and The Lion
  74. The Hare and The Tortoise
  75. The Horse Who Wanted Safety
  76. The Inexperienced Mouse
  77. The Irresponsible Ox
  78. The King Cobra and The Ants
  79. The King and The Spider
  80. The Lion and The Frog
  81. The Lion and The Hog
  82. The Lion and The Mouse! : 1
  83. The Lion and The Mouse! : 2
  84. The Little Elves - 1
  85. The Little Elves - 2
  86. The Milk-Maid’s Dream
  87. The Mongoose and The Child
  88. The Mother Frost
  89. The Old Witch
  90. The Old Woman on the Moon
  91. The Peacock and The Crane
  92. The Poor Farmer
  93. The Poor Man’s Wealth
  94. The Proud Donkey
  95. The Red Hen and Her Friends
  96. The Right Person
  97. The Scared Little Mouse
  98. The Saint’s Wisdom
  99. The Salt Vendor and His Donkey
  100. The Shepherd Boy and The Wolf
  101. The Six Swans
  102. The Son of The Lioness
  103. The Story of The Desert
  104. The Thirsty Crow!
  105. The Tricky Fox
  106. The Truthful Woodcutter
  107. The Two Frogs
  108. The Two Pots
  109. The Valiant Tailor
  110. The Widow and Her Little Maidens
  111. The Wind and The Sun
  112. The Wise Cock and The Wicked Fox
  113. The Wise Judge
  114. The Wise Pigeon
  115. The Wolf and the Seven Little Goats
  116. The Wolf in Sheep-skin
  117. Two Silly Goats
  118. The Wolf and The Crane
  119. Two Friends and The Bear

Jataka tales

Aesop's Fables.

Birbal stories.

1. Tansen ... A Great Singer
2. Dasvant ... A Great Painter
3. King Todarmal ... A Financial Wizard
4. Abdu us-Samad ... A Brilliant Calligrapher and Designer of Imperil Coins
5. Abul Fazal ... A Great Historian ( whose brother was Faizi )
6. Faizi ... A Great Poet
7. Mir Fareh-ullah Shirazi ... Financier,Philosopher,Physician & Astronomer
8. King Maan Singh ... A Great Man known for His Chivalry
9. Birbal ... A Great Man known for His Valuable Advice.

Modern stories.

Mulla Stories.

Zen stories.

Classic stories.

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