Thursday, September 8, 2011

Please bring out the exemplary deeds of the Lord Thiruvinagarappan after bestowing his benevolence on us.
1. Thiruvinagarappan is viswa thomukan, Thirumangai Alwar’s one and only Lord, is Sarvathomukan, that Parabrahman with garlands on his crown made up of just blossomed flowers who is the sweet nadham in the vedamantrams is saluted by the ancient Rig Veda mantram.
“Tvami Visvathomukha Visvatha Paribhurasiapa na sosuchadhagam.”
O Veda Narayana O Chandhoga O Pouzhiya O Taittiriya O Lord Thiruvinnagar thou art the all pervading omnipresent, omniscient one please remove our sins in ite entity.
O Thannopparillappa thou art the one who consumed the seven oceans, seven kula parvathams and the seven universes and kept them safely in your stomach during the destructive time of pralaya, during the maha pralayam. You devoured the Sun, moon and stars and kept them in your stomach after this miraculous feet you shone like Yekaksharam.  In the spirit of Yajur Veda.  O Veda Narayana  thou created, protected and consumed all of these sentients thus thou shineth as sarvothamma, Parama poojya and thou also shines as the indweller antaryamai Brahman and directs them You are thus Sarvajnan and paramajothi.
2.  Resplendent as Manivannan Shining every where.
O Thiruvinnagarappan Yajur Veda  recognizes you as the power behind the agni, through your swayam jothi incandescent suryams power to warm, the pervasive wind, the energy principles behind the cooling rays of the moon, the aadharam for the purity of sukran the gigantic principle understood as Brahman and the protecting doctrine supporting prajapati. Thus you are for ever resplendent based on the yajur veda mantram. Thou art sarva kala swaroopa. All divisions of time spring from thee, the resplendent paripoorna . No one hath comprehended thee from above or across or in the middle.
Tadhevaghis…  ……..  sa prajapati.
Yet another Yajur veda manthram says
So no bhandharjamitha sa vidhantha dhamaniveda bhuvanani visva.
Meaning he is our only relative, our protective father, he is the great one who generated us. He is the one who understood every one and every thing.
yet another mantram says he is the one who blessed us with the different vedams and revealed their esoteric meanings and became Veda Narayana.
 3. All pervasive Golden Lord (Ponnappan)
The Lord of Thiruvinnagar, who is present every where as  Palavahaiyum Paranatha Peruman is witness to all happenings (Sarva Sakshi) Atharva veda salutes his sarva saakshithvam.
“ AA Pasyathi, Prathi Pasyathi, Para Pasyathi Pasyathi.
Divamatharikshamadh bhumim sarvam tadh devi pasyathi.”
Her sees every thing in front, he sees everything behind him, He sees every thing far and wide. He sees all that is in Aakasham, Bhumi and Antariksham. He recognizes Thiruvinnagarappan as the essence of the four Vedas and pleads with him for the boon of nitya Kainkaryam in his parama padha and to banish the two kinds of vinais. The atharvana veda mantra reads
Yajnam bhumo Yajamanamrucha: samani  bheshaja.
Yajugumshi nuthra bhrumaste nomunchanth vamhasa.
Meaning  we recite with svaram, the Rigveda mantram for eulogizing,  Saama veda mantras for singing about your glories, Atharvana veda mantrams for removing all kinds of afflictions physical and mental, Yajur veda mantras for performing yagas and pray to you to banish all our accumulated karmas, Lord Akasaagaram  to bless the supplicants with undiminishing wealth of nitya kainkaryams, soubhagyam as the  creator protector and dissolver of the universe and its chethanams and achethanams.
4. Salutations to Mutthappan.
In the end of the Atharvana vedam there is a mantram that begs the Lord to make the supplicants dhyanam, upasanai and kainkaryam fruitful by standing on their side as a friend to guide them.
Yuge Yuge thavastaram vaje vaje havamaha sakhaya indrammutaye.
Alwars as supplicants placed all their bhakthi laden pasurams at the sacred feet of the Lord. In the Rahasyartham Muthangal (pearls)  refer to alwars pasurams. Bhagwan of thiruvinnagar accepts these pearls strung together as pearl garlands and earned the name of mutthappan. These garlands are known as Muktavalis. They shine at his chest neck and at his ankles as NUPURA ABHARANAM> there they stay shining and with their sacred luster remove the kali dhoshams of all chetanams who bow unto these lotus feet of the Lord.
Swami desikan refers to the power of the muktavallis in banishing all the accumulated karmas this way in one of his slokams  of the Mukthapaddathi of Sri Ranganatha divya paduka Sahasram.
Lord Thiruvinnagarappan grants Moksham to those who seek his sacred feet as their sole refuge.
5. Thiruvinnagarappan as Jagadhaadharam.
The most sacred part of the four vedams is Purusha Suktam, the key passage here is
“Purusha Yevadhagum sarvam”
He is one who pervades every chethanams and achetanams both inside and outside. Thiruvinagaram has the combination of Bruhatva, Brumhanathva attributes. He is the grandest and the largest of svaroopam through his ananta kalyanagunashe has brumha nathvam, he is filled with endless glories, He is the one who empowered Brahma with the powers of creation, He is the supreme jothi the light of lights He is worshiped as Paradevathas by all the devas as their supreme lord. He is the most sacred of sacred doctrines (Pavitra nama Pavitram) and the most auspicious among auspicious entities (Mangala nam cha mangalam) He is the one with the unmatchable glories of sacred feet pointed to us by the mantra rathnam, the dvaya Mantram as revealed to us by the Mutthakam of acharya Ramanuja. When we hold firmly his sacred feet. He will not shake us and runaway from us because of his infinite daya for us. The limitless compassion he has for us is summed up by the last saaman of saama veda  which means may the master of vast knowledge, may mighty god bless us with prosperity, may the nourisher of all, the author of all Vedas bless us with prosperity. May he the giver of all comforts like the horse and cattle bless us with prosperity. May Veda Narayana the Lord of all elements  of nature vouchsafe us prosperity. May he standing as Thiruvinaggar vouchsafe us prosperity.
6. Bhumi Naathan is the Bhuman of the Upanishads. The Chandhogya Upanishad salutes the blissful swaroopa vishesham of parabrahma recognizing him as the Infinite bliss.
“Yovai Bhuma Thath Sukham naalpe suka mast.”
Meaning Brahma is bliss infinite, there cannot be any bliss in something other than that is in the Infinite Brahman. The Infinite Brahman should be the sole goal of our serious learning, rest of them are all bhinna vasthus and cannot lead to bliss.
The Rig vedam salutes the Infinte Brahman standing as the archa at thiruvinnagar at his leela vibhuthi as parama padanathan.
“Sam bahubhyam dhamathi sam pathatr dhyava Bhumi janayan Deva Yeka Visvasya bhuvanasya raajaa”
The sole and supreme lord of lords is our Saranyan, Our father Mother Bhandhu at Thiruvinnagar and every thing . He is Anaadhi as explained by the Upanishad. “ Sayeva Soumya idam agre aasith” By knowing him “Yena asrutham srutham bhavathi” This is purushartha vivekam that leads us to “our thulya svatantryam.”
7. The fruits of Thiruvinnagaraam’s sevai.
The last slokam of Swami Desikan’s Parama Padam Sopanam  summarises  beautifully the fruits of the enjoyment of Archai and the anubhavam of the sri sookthi of  alwar and acharyas on thiruvinnagarappan which reads.
“Baladha aakarshidhbhi…………………..sopana padhavee.”
Meaning for us who are pulled powerfully by the many of our apradhams and turn us away from bhagwan and lands us deep in the mud of samsaram. The glory of his krupa pulls us out of these miseries and aligns us to climb the steps of the ladder of his paramapadham.  This has been asserted by his pramanas as the truth.
Swamy Nammalwar’s Thiruvaimolzhi  starting from the first decad of the first patthu (Uyarava Ra uyar nalam udiyavan) to the last decad of the 10th Patthu (MuniyE nanmukhanE  mukkaNNappA) I s involved with Sri Satakopan’s  anubhavam of the anantha kalyanagunas i.e. limitless auspicious attributes of the Lord Sriman Narayana.  These Saarasvatams and their saram saves us from chasing perishable matters and engaging in useless pursuits and brings  Lord Sriman Narayana in front of us Prathyaksha Pramanam.
The 3rd decad of the 6th 100 of the Thiruvaimozhi , Lords Thiruvinnagarappan’s exemplary deeds are elaborately discussed.
1.       Nalkuraveun  Selvum……. Thiruvinnagar Kandeen.
I see the lord everywhere, he appears in many ways as poverty and plenty, as heaven and as hell, as bitter feud and friendship, as poison and medicine. He is my master living with affluent people in Vinnakar.
2.       Kanda inpam thunpam …… thiruvinnagar NannagareE.
As pleasure as pain, as confusion and clear thoughts, as punishment and forgiveness, as light and shade. The Lord my master is hard to understand. He resides in Vinnakar, surrounded by clear waters.
3.       Nagaramum naalugalum……. Yaavarkkum PuNNiyamE.
As cities and villages, as knowledge and ignorance, as the brilliant orbs and darkness as earth and wide sky. The lord resides in Thiruvinnagar surrounded by mansions other than his grace we have no refuge.
4.       Punniyam paavam……….kandu KoNmiNagal KaithavamE.
Good and bad karmas, union and separation, memory and amnesia, reality and illusion, these he is and he is not. Krishna the Lord of Vinnkar is surrounded by mansions other than him there is no doer, witness ye all.
5.       Kaithavam semmai ………….Perundheundai MoovulagE.
The doer is the colour fair red black and white. Truth and falsehood, youth and age, newness and oldness.  The Lord in Thiruvinnagar is fortified by walls.See he laid this garden world and all the good in it.
6.       Moovulaga NGgalumaay …….. UraikinRa paran chudarE.
These three worlds and yet not them pleasure and anger, the lotus dame and wretched dame, praise and weighty blame. The Lord of Thiruvinnakar worshipped by the Gods. Is a radiant lotus form that lives in my heart.
7.       Paranchudar udampaay ………. Yaavarkkum van saraNE.
A body of exceeding radiance, a body of filth,  Hiding now and coming then, constant yet deceiving. He resides in vinnaka worshiped by the Gods. Other than lotus feet we have no refuge.
8.       Van SaraN surarkkaay ……. Ennai yaaludai ennappanE.
The permanent refuge of Gods  the ghaustely death of Asuras. Protecting all the worlds below his feet and yet not thus. Refuge of the southern quarter. Lord of Vinnakar. Is my refuge O! my Father lord and Krishna Master.
9.       Ennappan enakkaay ……. Thanathaaln NizhalE.
The lord and father is my mother my foster mother. Golden father gem hued father pearly father father. He resides in Vinnakar, with golden walls around. Peerless lord he gave me the shade of his golden feet.
What an excellent  pasuram, so sweet, lovely. Emperuman is my appan, father. He is also mySevilitthaay baby sitter and my mother as well. He is my father who is my Gold, my pearl, my mani. The pupil of my eye. He is in Thiruvinnagar, surrounded by big golden ramparts. There is absolutely one equalto him.  ( He is opparil appan oppilliappan) Such great Lord has granted me the shadow of his lotus feet for my redemption there is no other means for me except taking refuge under His feet.
10.   Nizhalveyil Si rumai …….. Kalai. KaNilam KaaNmiNngaLE.
Shade  and  sunlight small and bigness long and shortness. Walking Standing other things and yet not any of them. The Lord resides in Vinnakar with sweetly humming bees. His feet alone protects   us  all. O!  see   the truth in this.
11.   KaaNmiNngaL ulageer ………enRumaavar KuravargaLE.
This decad of a thousand songs by Kurugur Satakopan.  Addresses the Lord of  Vinnakar who grew before our eyes when he came begging as a lad then said “Behold O Bali”.
Oh See! He raised his feet to the entire height and length of the universe during his  trivikrama avatar and asked us to see his lotus feet. They came right in front of our eyes for us to see. We need not even make an extra effort to see those feet. Those feet grew right in front KaNmugappE. PaadhukhE. During the occasion of Maha Balis injustice to the devas.  You participated in the incidence of Trivikrama avataram. You grew with your lords lotus feet and shot upwards into the sky. When the left foot of the Lord spread out with explosive velocity at that time, Brahma washed with great reverence your Lords sacred foot as well as yourself firmly attached to the left foot. There was not enough water  however to wash the growing feet. The naadham emanating from the rapid upward sancharam of your lords foot (left Foot) spread all over the universe and removed the fears of the devas about maha bali permanently.
About such Parama KaruNiko Bhagawaan, Emperumaan, Naamazhwar Thirukkurugoor Sadagopan has sung 1000 pasurams. Out of those 1000, readers of these 10 which are sung on Thiruvi NNagarappan than oppaaril appan oppilliappan, will be respected ever by Nityasuris.