aksaram brahma paramam svabhavo dhyatmam ucyate
bhutabhavodbhava karo visargah karma samjnitah. 8. 3.
Sri Ramanuja's commentary.
What is designated in the first verse as tad brahma or the supreme spiritual substratum pervading all existence is the aksaram brahma or the supreme indestructible atma or soul. Aksaram is that which is not subject to decay or imperishable and is the collective given by the ksetrajnanis or those knowledgeable of the field of action or the informers of uninformed matter and atma embodied beings. The Subrala Upanishad II states avyakta the indiscemible compound of spirit and matter merges into the aksara the indivisable compound which descends into tamas or nescience. Parama aksaram is the supreme indestructible atma nature which is completely disengaged from prakriti or the material substratum and not connected to even the aksaram, which comprises even the embodied beings and combines both. the word svabhavo is also called adhyatma and indicates subtle material and its accompanying erratic tendencies. these subtle elements are what adheres to the atma in the descent of the supra subtle quintuple process.
to be continued.
bhutabhavodbhava karo visargah karma samjnitah. 8. 3.
Sri Ramanuja's commentary.
What is designated in the first verse as tad brahma or the supreme spiritual substratum pervading all existence is the aksaram brahma or the supreme indestructible atma or soul. Aksaram is that which is not subject to decay or imperishable and is the collective given by the ksetrajnanis or those knowledgeable of the field of action or the informers of uninformed matter and atma embodied beings. The Subrala Upanishad II states avyakta the indiscemible compound of spirit and matter merges into the aksara the indivisable compound which descends into tamas or nescience. Parama aksaram is the supreme indestructible atma nature which is completely disengaged from prakriti or the material substratum and not connected to even the aksaram, which comprises even the embodied beings and combines both. the word svabhavo is also called adhyatma and indicates subtle material and its accompanying erratic tendencies. these subtle elements are what adheres to the atma in the descent of the supra subtle quintuple process.
to be continued.