Except for the absolute every thing changes. change is inevitable but that is not what we are looking for in life. we need to know what is the truth the absolute the unchanging almighty
Wednesday, December 23, 2015
what to give up.
Suppose there is a rule laid down that as one grows old one gradually gives up anger, ego and the feeling of i and mine. then the world will be a better place to live in.
anger ego etc are for the youngsters who are struggling to make ends meet why do old people require it. as it is their needs are diminished. may be things like care
to be continued.
anger ego etc are for the youngsters who are struggling to make ends meet why do old people require it. as it is their needs are diminished. may be things like care
to be continued.
Wednesday, December 9, 2015
lesson of life.patience.
“The mind constructs its own abode; directed falsely from the beginning it thinks in erroneous ways and engenders its own distress. Thought creates for itself its own suffering.”
Saadi, the Persian poet, has said: "Contemplate the mirror of your heart and thou shalt taste litle by litle a pure joy and unmixed peace.”
The Buddists Scriptures from the Chinese, tell us:
“Let us watch over our thoughts.”
“A bad thought is the most dangerous of thieves.”
"He who walks with wise men will be wise."
The Mahaparinibbana Sutta teaches thus:
“To avoid the company of fools, to be in communion with the sages, to render honour to that which merits honour, is a great blessedness.”
“The company of saints and sages is one of the chief agents of spiritual progress.”
“He who know haw to find instructors for himself, arrives at the supreme mastery.... He who loves to ask, extends his knowledge; but whoever considers only his own personal opinion becomes constantly narrower than he was.”
Confucius has sais:
“It is impossible to arrive at the summit of the mountain without passing through rough and difficult paths.”
In the Bhagavad Gita one reads:
“All that man does comes to its perfection in knowledge. That do thou learn by prostration to the wise and by questioning and by serving them; they who have the knowledge and see the truths of things shall instruct thee in the knowledge.”
Giordano Bruno has said:
“The external forms are alone subject to change and destruction; for these forms are not the things themselves. Deliver thyself from the inconstancy of human things.”
In the Book of Knowledge one can read:
“When thou hast recognised the impermanence of all formations, thou shalt contemplate that which does not perish and remains for ever.”
Emerson has said:
“It is god within who hushes the tongue of prayer by a sublimer thought. A voice speaks to us in the depths of the heart, ‘I am, my child, and by me are and subsist thy body and the luminous world. I am, all things are in me and all that is mine is thine. ’ ”
In the Book of Golden Precepts we read this:
“Before the soul can understand and remember it must be united to Him who speaks by His silence, as to the mind of the potter the form on which the clay is modelled.”
“It is easy to know what is good, but not so easy to practice it.”
In the Zendavesta we read:
“Let this be thy aim to have always the right thought, right speech, right action.”
Sri Aurobindo sais:
“Those who are poor, ignorant, ill-born or ill-bred are not the common herd; the common herd are all who are satisfied with pettiness and an average humanity.”
Sri Aurobindo said so beautifully.:
“Patience is our first great necessary lesson, but not the dull slowness to move of the timid, the sceptical, the weary, the slothful, the unambitious or the weakling; a patience full of a calm and gathering strength which watches and prepares itself for the hour of swift great strokes, few but enough to change destiny.”
this is what i was looking for and landed reading all of the above.
Monday, December 7, 2015
To pick up where you left off.
In life change is the only constant. we often find that we are into doing some work we like with so much enthusiasm but suddenly circumstances develop that we have to put things we did on the back burner and concentrate on what is on hand. and then to pick up the strings of what we had done earlier becomes so difficult extra effort almost double is required to plunge back into the work done before. But it is possible it all depends on the passion one has that is the only way to get back on rail again. may be this time it will get done differently a constant call must be there to connect with what is closest to ones heart then it becomes possible. Living life with a passion makes all the difference.
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