Karmanaiva hi samsiddhim asthita janakadayah
loka sangraham evapi sampasyan kartum arhasi.
Great souls like Janaka attained the highest perfection by a proper discharge of all lawful duties. But even after attaining such a state he continued to carry on worldly duties, not for his own self but for the welfare and well being of the world at large. So too one has to constantly have the bigger picture of the society we live in we have to encourage every thing that is good and positive for the well being of the world at large and the betterment of the people /society. we have to work towards ram rajyam. each one of us have to do our assigned duty to the best of our ability sacrificing when required towards this goal we may not see the light in our lives but effort we must put in. perform we must. each has a role to play and play it well we must. the lord himself says so in the saame chapter verse 22.
O Partha, there is nothing in all the three worlds, that Ihave not obtained or am desirous to obtain. Accordingly i have no obligatory duties to discharge; yet I work actively in the world for its own welfare.
Every time you read the verses 23 24 25 etc. new and newer meanings emerge its based on our maturity and understanding of the said same verse. a constant and vigilant progress is the call of the times.
Verse 25 goes....
The difference between the wise and the ignorant does not consist in renouncing actions or performing them, but in the ethod of discharging them. The ignorant are attached to their actions and their fruit, and there by involve themselves in bondage. The wise act with detachment and are therefore free from bonds of Karma.
The wise contribute to the welfare of the world in two ways 1. by proper performing of their duties they set an example for others to follow. 2. and as they perform satkarma pious deeds with pure minds their prayers are more acceptable to God and ensure his blessings.
A wise man should not unsettle or confuse the minds of the ignorant who are attached to action. on the contrary he should encourage them in the proper discharge of their duties by setting an example to them by his own life and conduct.
loka sangraham evapi sampasyan kartum arhasi.
Great souls like Janaka attained the highest perfection by a proper discharge of all lawful duties. But even after attaining such a state he continued to carry on worldly duties, not for his own self but for the welfare and well being of the world at large. So too one has to constantly have the bigger picture of the society we live in we have to encourage every thing that is good and positive for the well being of the world at large and the betterment of the people /society. we have to work towards ram rajyam. each one of us have to do our assigned duty to the best of our ability sacrificing when required towards this goal we may not see the light in our lives but effort we must put in. perform we must. each has a role to play and play it well we must. the lord himself says so in the saame chapter verse 22.
O Partha, there is nothing in all the three worlds, that Ihave not obtained or am desirous to obtain. Accordingly i have no obligatory duties to discharge; yet I work actively in the world for its own welfare.
Every time you read the verses 23 24 25 etc. new and newer meanings emerge its based on our maturity and understanding of the said same verse. a constant and vigilant progress is the call of the times.
Verse 25 goes....
The difference between the wise and the ignorant does not consist in renouncing actions or performing them, but in the ethod of discharging them. The ignorant are attached to their actions and their fruit, and there by involve themselves in bondage. The wise act with detachment and are therefore free from bonds of Karma.
The wise contribute to the welfare of the world in two ways 1. by proper performing of their duties they set an example for others to follow. 2. and as they perform satkarma pious deeds with pure minds their prayers are more acceptable to God and ensure his blessings.
A wise man should not unsettle or confuse the minds of the ignorant who are attached to action. on the contrary he should encourage them in the proper discharge of their duties by setting an example to them by his own life and conduct.