Casually garbed in a lumber jacket and a green Tyrolean hat, Walt Disney stood with a group of his executives, talking excitedly. It was a brilliant October day in 1965, and the setting 16 miles south west of Orlando, was an undeveloped wilderness, twice the size of Manhattan, which Walt Disney productions had just purchased. Where the ordinary observer saw only swamps and cypress groves, WD could see the beckoning future an unparalleled vacation kingdom called Walt Disney world, which would encompass a massive amusement area, revolutionary new hotels, camp grounds, championship golf courses, monorail, lagoons, lakes and white sand beaches. what a fathoming he even asked "wouldn't it be something if we could build a city here, a community of tomorrow, where people could live without traffic or smog or slums?" he continued "The city would be free of pollution, completely enclosed for climate control" when he was interrupted by his vice president "that would cost hundreds and millions of dollars" WD immediately said "Joe can't you keep your mind on the subject and away from inessentials." WD indeed was a great dreamer who was so passionate that he was able to fantasize and build on that dream, what a great visionary.
As a child he had live farm animals as his companions and toys:
Skinny the piglet squealed deliriously through games of hide and seek. all games were played according to rules and the animals seemed to understand them. Pete the farm terrier proved adept in tug of war, charley the buggy horse seemed to play a game of his own when ever WD climbed on his back he headed towards the vast five acre orchard. WD was a great artist discovered by chance when he used the side of the horse as his canvas using the melting tar from the barrels where they were storing rain water to draw a picture of a pig who seemed to be snoring with a satisfied contention. his aunt discovering his talent got him crayons and a tablet on which he spent many hours drawing all that he liked. he drew a mocking bird in a sycamore tree, a setter drowsing in shade etc. WD used to usually accompany a elderly physician on his rounds in the villages nearby. who one day requested him todo a portrait of Ruppert. the doctor was so impressed that he framed the work loading a lot of praise for the good work.
workings of the lords grace in shaping lives.
his life is well known on the canvas of the world but how many of us wants to see what is behind all the fun one experiences in the kingdom of WD.
to be continued.
As a child he had live farm animals as his companions and toys:
Skinny the piglet squealed deliriously through games of hide and seek. all games were played according to rules and the animals seemed to understand them. Pete the farm terrier proved adept in tug of war, charley the buggy horse seemed to play a game of his own when ever WD climbed on his back he headed towards the vast five acre orchard. WD was a great artist discovered by chance when he used the side of the horse as his canvas using the melting tar from the barrels where they were storing rain water to draw a picture of a pig who seemed to be snoring with a satisfied contention. his aunt discovering his talent got him crayons and a tablet on which he spent many hours drawing all that he liked. he drew a mocking bird in a sycamore tree, a setter drowsing in shade etc. WD used to usually accompany a elderly physician on his rounds in the villages nearby. who one day requested him todo a portrait of Ruppert. the doctor was so impressed that he framed the work loading a lot of praise for the good work.
workings of the lords grace in shaping lives.
his life is well known on the canvas of the world but how many of us wants to see what is behind all the fun one experiences in the kingdom of WD.
to be continued.