Monday, September 30, 2019

ancestral worship.

This is the time for Pitru Paksha Shradh, preceding the autumnal Navratras, when ancestors are worshipped, and prayers offered for the repose of their souls. The ritual is considered even more important than the worship of God, because a person owes his physical birth to his lineage. When Rama observed the Shradh for his illustrious ancestors, one sadhu ate so much that the Lord’s three brothers got tired of feeding him. They sought Ramchandra ji’s help, who said that he would serve the sadhu himself. While doing so he recognized him as Shiva. The god smiled and vanished.
Shradh were recommended by the religious text Karam Kand (which emphasizes homage to ancestors), and observed from the autumnal full moon to the following Amavasya (dark night) for 15 days. On Amavasya day, the worship is to unknown ancestors. The period starts with Parwa, Dwitiya, Tritya, Chauth, and so on, for the full fortnight and a day

Black til (oilseed) for tilanjali, and chawal (rice) are among the main ingredients. Water is offered to the ancestors in front of the rising sun in the morning. Pujahavandaan (prayers, fire offerings, and charity) mark the period, in which no festive functions are held, and devotees abstain from non-vegetarian food, and even onions and garlic.
During the Shradh, it is believed that ancestors appear in dreams, to warn of impending dangers in the coming year. Each day of the Shradh is equal to a year, and so the multiplication goes on to include all ancestors for 15 generations and beyond. Ancestor worship starts with the father and mother, and includes grandfather, grandmother, great-grandfather. and great-grandmother back to as many generations as one can remember, with reverence paid to both paternal and maternal ancestors. For the unknown ancestors, Rookha or Seedha (raw) food is offered in a thali that includes wheat flour, rice, kheer (milk pudding) and sabzi (vegetables).

Homage to ancestors is as old as humanity. The belief is found worldwide. The Chinese practised it, so did the ancient Egyptians, Greeks, and Romans. . The Jews remember them when they observe Passover, the Christians devote the full month of November to departed souls, the Muslims pay homage on Shab-e-Barat. The Buddhists and the Parsis too have ceremonies to honour their ancestors. The Parsi dawn prayer Hosh-Bam recalls the deeds of Iranian heroes of old, the names of whom are recited early in the morning. Tribals worship ancestors confined in the forest tree-trunks, like the spirit Arial in Shakespeare’s play The Tempest.

The South Indians, Bengalis, and North Indians have their own special ways of observing the Shradh. For the Bengalis, the climax is reached at Mahalaya, when the Chandi mantra is recited early in the morning. In the poem Kubla Khan by Coleridge, Kubla, the Mongol warlord, hears the voices of his ancestors at the capital Xanadu, prophesying war. Even a ruthless killer like him believed in mellowing down for ancestral worship.

An interesting story is told about the legendary physician Dhanwantri When he died, his disciples wanted to hold his Shradh. He had told them not to do so, but to eat his flesh so that they could become like him. As the disciples were preparing for that, Yama, the god of death appeared, and, fearing losing their souls, forbade them from eating the body. He cunningly told them to throw away the flesh that they had already cut out.

This, the disciples did, and three other living beings ate it: the ants, the kites, and a woman from the so-called cobbler caste, named Cheta. All three were blessed with longevity. Some say it was not the kites, but the crows. Hence, the practice of feeding crows at Shradh time, when the souls of ancestors are said to visit homes as crows. Incidentally, even today, Vaids begin their prescription with the word “Cheta” to assure long life for their patients.

During the Shradh all directions for travel are considered closed for 15 days because of the influence of Disa Sal, the spirit of the pathways. They are said to open up only after the Amavasya bath. The other days are utilized for offering prayers to ancestors, in which lies Moksha (salvation), both for those performing the rituals, and for the long departed ancestors.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Nithi neri vilaccam.

If knowledge be not thine; thou art as one in deep mid stream so wide that both the banks are hidden from thine eyes.

When may my thoughts be fixed alone on thine who is Himself all sweetness, made all things, Whom all the Vedas sought though seeing dim, who saveth him that to his mercy clings.

When will my God attract to him my soul, and keep it ever near, beneath his care, just as a magnet draws as to a goal unto itself the weighty iron bar.

When will that God who hath no earthly shape, of all the end, and yet who maketh all, whose clear pervading eye nought can escape, accept my services all my soul enthrall.

I have learned of him, and find no single thing in all the world. to show how great his glory, words must fail, to tell the joy, the bliss i have in him. Yet when I try no man believes my speach.

O God I once knew nought of what thou art; And wandered far astray, But when thy light pierced my dark; I woke to know my God. O Lord I long for thee alone. I long for none but thee to dwell within my soul.

When thou didst make me thou didnst know my all, But I knew not of thee, tis not till light from thee gave me to understand of thee, that i could know, But now where ever I sit or walk or stand thou art for ever near.

Can I forget thee that art mine and I am only thine. Even with these eyes I see and with my heart perceive that tho art come to me as lightening from the towering sky.

If thy poor heart but choose the better path and in this path doth worship only God. His heart will stoop to  thine, will take thy heart and make it His. One heart shall serve for both when thy poor mind has always God within. The highest one will surely dwell with thee will rob thee of thy sins, as with a tool the artisen will shave or cut clear off each roughness from the wood so will he make thee free from sin and all together pure.

To lay her eggs the turtle swim forth far to reach the sandy shore she buries them and swimmeth back again yet doth her mind adhere to them when young ones break their shell they feel the tie, it draws them like a rope along their mothers path at last they meet. Just so hath God placed us. we wander here while he is far above. Yet in his mind we ever stay the tie doth reach to earth from highest heaven If we but follow we cannot fail to reach and live with Him.

Some think to find their God upon the hills and climb with weary feet. So some declare he is beyond the seas they sail afar to find him out Oh! ignorant and fools Its pride that prompts your work.
HIS sacred feet are in your heart. If there you seek our soul will find the being that alone is real.
Not for a single moment this my God forgotten this helpless me.
Oh! only GOD my king and king of kings I could not live one moment without thee. One mercy more. Bestow that praise may dwell upon my tongue.

Thursday, September 26, 2019



When the great sages Sanaka,  Sananandana, Sanathkumara and Sanatsujata wanted  an audience with Lord Vishnu, they were prevented by the guards or dwarapalakas jaya and Vijaya. Incensed at this the sages cursed them to be born on earth seven times before returning to Vakunta! Lord Vishnu intervened and gave them the choice according to which they agreed to be the inveterate enemies of Lord Vishnu in three births and return to Vaikunta! Their first birth was that of Hiranyaksha and Hiranyakasipu.

The second birth was that of Sisupala and Dantavaktra and the last one was that of Ravana & Kumbhakarna! Lord Vishnu Killed Hiranyaksha in his Varahavatar and Hiranya kasipu during the terrible Narasimhavatar! Ravana and Kumbhakarna were killed during his Ramavatar! As such, there was no expectation that Ravana would follow the righteous path!  Thus to Kill Ravana the Lord had to take avatar as an ordinary mortal!

Ravana was not an ordinary person! He was the grandson of Brahmarshi PULASTHYA and the son of VISRAVASU who was equally great and spiritual as his father. Visravasu had a son by his first wife. He was called as VAISRAVANA. He performed tapas for a thousand years and later became KUBERA the lord of WEALTH and the NORTH! Ravana was born to Visravasu and Kaikasi the daughter of Sumali the chief of rakshasas or demons. Thus Ravana is the brother of Kubera! Because of the prohibited time of their union, Visravasu told Kaikasi that she would bring forth rakshasas capable of terrible deeds, violent and criuel in nature. Thus Ravana with ten heads, twenty shoulders, terrible teeth, jet black color, and reddish lips and Kumbhakarna, and Surpanakha were born! The last son Vibhishana was righteous, gentle and pious!  When Ravana was born the clouds rained blood; comets hurtled down, cyclone winds  blew and the earth rocked! Visravasu called him “ Dasagriva” as he had ten heads! Kaikasi, Ravana’s mother sowed the seeds of envy and jealousy in him! Looking at Kubera moving freely in his Pushpaka vimana with all his glory, she instigated Ravana to excel Kubera soon!

 UTTARA RAMAYANA describes the amazing and incredible penance or tapas of Ravana to achieve his ends. He performed tapas for ten thousand years fasting!  For every thousand years of Penance he sacrificed one of his heads in the sacred fire! When he was about to cut off the last head at the end of tapas, Lord Brahma  appeared  and granted him boons that made him invincible! Nothing on earth and heaven could kill him. Ravana considered man too small and worthless to seek protection from! Ravana took over from Kubera the grand city of Lanka built by the heavenly sculptor Viswakarma and established himself. Later he fought against his own brother Kubera and confiscated the heavenly Pushpaka  vimana! While traveling in Pushpaka near Kailas, the vehicle stopped suddenly! Nandiswara came to Ravana and warned him not to proceed further as it is forbidden. In his anger Ravana made fun of his monkey face! Stung by this humiliation Nandi cursed Ravana that his clan will be destroyed by strong and warrior like monkeys! Later, in his arrogance, Ravana attempted to lift Kailash! When the mountain shook, Lord Siva pressed it with his toe and Ravana’s finger was crushed under the mountain! With terrible pain he bellowed so loudly that the three worlds shook with fear! Ravana then praised Lord Siva with Sama Veda and other sthothras.The  lord , again gave him many boons and called him ‘RAVANA”  because of his terrible cry that shook all the three worlds

 Moving around the sylvan surroundings of the Himalayan region, Ravana saw a beautiful damsel, Vedavathi, performing tapas. He fell in love with her instantaneously and extended his amorous hand! When she refused his advances, he caught hold of her locks of hair. She cut the hair in his hold with her hand and said that she will be born again to a righteous person to kill him and remain chaste! Then she immolated herself in a fire! Ravana continued his onslaughts and fought with Indra, Yama, varuna and kalakeyas and many others. His lust and weakness for women led the way for his doom! He would imprison any beautiful woman that he saw, kill her relations and take her away in his Pushpaka! The chaste women grew wild and cursed him that he would die when he kidnaps some other woman finally! While camping in the Himalayan regions,  Ravana saw the divine damsel Ranbha on her way to her paramour, Nalakubara, tha son of Kubera! Amazed at her bewitching beauty he sought her hand boasting that he is the best person to have her as his wife!  In spite of her appeals and refusal  he forcibly outraged her modesty! When Rambha narrated the matter to her lover, Nalakubara, he cursed Ravana that  if ever he tries to force an unwilling woman his head will break into thousand pieces!

Sant Das.

Swami or Sant or Saint Ravi Dass or Raidas (His followers today are called Raidassi and in fact have made His teachings their gospel truth and their very own Religion) was a class apart.

He was a cobbler (known in local dialect as a chamar), a profession and a caste which was considered rather down the rung in social hierarchy. Of course we are talking about those days, in the fifteenth century, much before Jimmy Choo the very famous chamar and his colleagues put cobblers up the social ladder.

So, Sant Dass and His folks were considered untouchables, and even though eventually kings and royalty as well as scholars and Brahmins, prostrated themselves on the floor of His humble hut, Raidas continued to live and be supported by His profession, mending shoes, and sort of keeping head above water, body and Soul together, just about barely.

So here we have an Enlightened Soul who refused to live by the grace and gifts of His followers and continued to work mending shoes, till He took Samadhi, and the best part is that many scholars and researchers believe Sant Dass to have lived in the physical body till He was one hundred and twenty five years old and also that when He took Samadhi His body sort of dematerialized.

Sant Dass hobnobbed with Sant Kabir, the famous Sage, who is considered by many as a Prophet Himself and when questioned about which religion He followed, He said aloud, ‘Kabir’. So Raidas and Sant Kabir lived as Spiritual Brothers, Each holding the Other in the highest respect. In fact Sant Kabir considered Sant Dass as 'The most Saintly among Saints'.

Much later Sant Dass met Guru Nanak thrice. In fact The Guru Granth Sahib (The Holy Book of Sikhs) comprises of forty one verses written by Sage Ravi Dass and handed them over to Guru Nanak Babaji by the Saint Himself.

And of course Raidas was the Guru of Meera Bai, the Krishna intoxicated child-disciple-lover of Krishna and many scholars believe that Raidas’s holy body was cremated in the compound of Mira Bai’s Krishna Temple.

What I truly like about Swami Ravi Dass is His complete disregard to everything that came between God and the disciple. Thus, for Him, one’s lineage, caste, creed, sex, religion did not matter at all where merging with the disgruntled and selectively deaf Old Man known by many as God, who went about life in general and eons in particular floating about the galaxy with a trail of harp music following Him.
All His life Raidas with dignity and humility earned a meager living as a cobbler, an untouchable, who lived in a small hut, with His wife and son. He mended shoes and was not apologetic about it.

In fact historians are of the opinion that it was Sant Dass who initiated Guru Nanak with The Naam or the importance of taking one’s God, Goddess, Master’s Name and through the chanting of The Name, one went through life, Karma, the entire scale of spiritual-astral-causal paragon and then beyond the beyond, and all this one achieved or got liberated through by chanting The Name.

He was born in a family of cobblers, who though were well off, were still considered as untouchables. His date of birth is not certain though many feel He was born on the Full Moon of February, year 1440 A.D.

Those days the caste system and exploitation of man by man in the name of caste was at its peak. But Ravi Dass through His simple devotion began to win a lot of hearts and that became a major issue with the ruling Brahmin society. They created major issues for Him and often He would be insulted, verbally abused and even imprisoned. But Ravi Dass never once doubted His own belief that The One who created everything was beyond prejudices.

He slowly began to attract a lot of influential people who had no option but to go to His humble abode to seek His blessings. Often they would hide from the world, as they did not want to be seen in the company of an untouchable, no matter how highly spiritually evolved or Enlightened His state of being was.

His life was filled with creating miracles but the greatest miracle is to make people move beyond duality, into the ocean of Oneness and to become better human beings.
One of the most famous incidents that took place was when the Brahmins complained to King Nagar Mal, that this cobbler was creating discord in society by challenging the very fabric of the social structure. The king by now was fed up to the gills with these complaints and eventually to settle the issue once and for all, He summoned the Brahmins and Sant Dass.

Ravi Dass would dress like a Brahmin but would sit and mend shoes and this created more animosity amongst the Brahmins. What they did not realise is that a Brahmin in the true sense of the word was One who was engrossed and filled with Brahma, The Creator.

Any way the King placed an idol between the Brahmins and Sant Dass and then announced that whoever could move the idol towards himself without touching the idol was obviously spiritually more evolved. The Brahmins did their stuff and the idol remained rooted to Its place. Then Sant Dass shut His eyes and said this beautiful prayer.
Act not in such a way, O my Lord,
That my work may go wrong,
And Thou may merely watch,
Sitting at a distance…………
Kanshi is crowded with a multitude of people
Who have come to witness the assembly of devotees;
Keep up or give up Thy reputation of being the Saviour of the poor and the lowly
Prays Guru Ravi Dass the cobbler.
I have come to Thy shelter, O God of all Gods,
Have mercy on me, thinking me Thine Own……

With confidence in Thy Name, I have given up hope of others,
My mind finds no comfort in worldly observances,
Accept the service of Guru Ravi Dass, Thy Slave O Lord,
And manifest Thy Name, the purifier of the fallen ones.
All eyes were on the idol when suddenly the idol disappeared and when they looked at Sant Dass the idol was comfortably resting on The Saint’s lap. It seems there were eighteen thousand Brahmins who were present for this spiritual dual and the King converted them all into following Sant Dass as their Guru.
But Sant Dass continued to live in his modest hut, continued to work as a cobbler, refused all gifts and tokens and money from those who came to meet Him, saying His duty was to earn His own living and God would take care of His and His family’s modest needs.
Meera Bai, who treated Sant Dass as Her Guru, used to be ridiculed and made fun of for having an untouchable, poor cobbler as Her Guru.

When She could take it no more She went to Sant Dass and offered Him a very rare and a bloody expensive diamond or some precious stone (researchers say the stone was as big as the Kohinoor diamond). She kept insisting and Sant Dass told Her, “My dear child, I don't need it. Whatever I have attained, has been attained through My humble work. If it is below Your dignity to come to Me or if people are harassing You for coming to Me, You may stay at home and do Your devotion."

But She insisted and placed the diamond in the thatched roof. After months She came to pay Her Guru a visit and saw Him sitting at the exact spot, working, oblivious to one and all, in complete union with His work and His God, and the blasted diamond was exactly at the same spot where She had kept it. She realised the depth and greatness of Her Guru and His love for His God and Master (Ram, Hari, Krishna) and I would like to believe that His love passed on to Her and after a while She too became God intoxicated and is now known as one of the greatest disciples and lovers of Krishna.

Sant Dass travelled the length and breadth of the country and scholars say He even travelled to parts of Arabia.
It was in one of His travels with Sant Kabir that They met young Guru Nanak. Guru Nanak was with His friend Madira, and Nanak’s father had given Him twenty rupees to go out in the world and make a good deal. Babaji met Sant Dass, Sant Kabir and three more Saints. He sat Them down and took care of Them and went back to His father saying He had made the best deal ever. I am certain Guru Nanak’s father had a lot to say about this very strange business deal.

Little wonder that Giants like Sant Kabir, Guru Nanak, Sant Ekanath, Sant Haridas, Sant Dadu, Sant Tukaram and many more Saints considered Sant Dass to be the Sage of Sages.
Even now scores of people worship Sant Dass as the Messiah of the downtrodden. There is an entire new religion that considers Him their Prophet and their God. Countless Sikhs call themselves Ravidassis and worship Ravi Dass.

Ravidassis have a number of Gurudwara’s all over the country and even in the United Kingdom.
I love this poem of His the most.
“If I did not commit any sins, O Infinite Lord, how would You have acquired the Name, Patit-Pavan (Redeemer of sinners)?
You are My Master, the Inner-knower, Searcher of hearts. The servant is known by his God, and the Lord and Master is known by His servant.
Grant me the wisdom to worship and adore You with My body.
O Ravi Daas, one who understands that the Lord is equally in all, is very rare.”

He was such a simple Man that once, when His disciples told Him that a particular day was very important, and that a dip in the Ganges was considered very auspicious, He stood up to go and then He sat down, and told one and all that He could not accompany them as He had promised a man of giving the man his pair of shoes and as He had not done His work as yet He would rather finish working on the shoes than take the dip in the Ganges. Then He smiled and said, “Mun changa to kathauti mein Ganga” (If the mind is pure, then Ganga flows in the small earthen shallow pot.) And His disciples saw the Ganges flow in the iron casing in which all cobblers dip their wears and the leather and other stuff.

It is said that Sant Dass lived to the age of one hundred and twenty five years while some scholars say He lived to the age of one hundred and five years. Anyway one day Perfect Masters Kabir, Namdev, Tirlochan and Dhanna came to meet Him. They told Him that They had been Divinely guided that Sant Dass had achieved supreme liberation and that twenty one days later He would leave His body to go to His Lord and Master. Sant Dass served The Masters and They physically embraced Each Other one final time.

Sant Dass called His family members and disciples to Banaras and informed about the Divine message. Then on the twenty first day, Sant Dass after a bath early in the morning sat for prayers and meditation. With the name of God in His heart and soul He took Samadhi.

Some believe He dematerialized and there was no physical form left, while some say He was cremated in1584 (1528 A.D.)

giridhara gopala

Kunjan ban chhaadi he
Madho kahaan jaaun ghanshyaam
Kunjan ban chhaadi he
Madho kahaan jaaun ghanshyaam

Jo main hoti jalki machhaliya
Jo main hoti jalki machhaliya
Prabhu garje mo snaan
Charan chhune ke mahao
Madho kahaan jaaun ghanshyaam
Madho kahaan jaaun ghanshyaam

Jo main hoti mukhta moti
Gal vich hoti haar
Jo main hoti mukhta moti
Gal vich hoti haar
Heeya par chadh rehti ayi madho
Madho kahaan jaaun ghanshyaam
Madho kahaan jaaun ghanshyaam

Jo tum chaho milan hamaro
Meera ke ghanshaam
Jo tum chaho milan hamaro
Meera ke ghanshyaam
Darsha bina kya ghul hai madho
Darsha bina kya ghul hai madho
Madho kahaan jaaun ghanshyaam
Madho kahaan jaaun ghanshyaam.
Ghanshyam aaya ri
Mere ghar shyam aaya ri
Ghanshyam aaya ri
Mere ghar shyam aaya ri

Adhar par hai pran uske
Hath mein murli
Adhar par hai pran uske
Hath mein murli
Pushp veni gunj rahi
Uphar laya hai
Pushp veni gunj rahi
Uphar laya hai
Ghanshyam aaya ri
Hamare ghar shyam aaya ri
Ghanshyam aaya ri
Hamare ghar shyam aaya ri

Aaj ghunghat mein chipi hoom
Milan bela mein
Aaj ghunghat mein chipi hoon
Milan bela mein
Man aag kaise karu malhar laya ri
Ghanshyam aaya ri
Mere ghar shyam aaya ri

Hridyo mein preet bhar ke
Wo thumakta aaya
Hridyo mein preet bhar ke
Wo thumakta aaya
Nain chupke mur kar
Mujhko rijhaya ri
Nain chupke mur kar
Mujhko rijhaya ri
Ghanshyam aaya ri mere ghar
Shyam aaya ri

Ras rachne ko mujhe
Tyar karta hai piya
Ras rachne ko mujhe
Tyar karta hai
Nirakhta mujhko nirantar
Nain bharta hai
Warmala laya ri
Mere ghar shyam aaya ri
Ghanshyam aaya ri
Hamare ghar shyam aaya ri

Ras rachne ko mujhe
Taiyaar karta ji
Piya ras rachne ko mujhe
Taiyaar karta ji
Nirakhta mujhko niradar
Nayan bharta hai
Ghanshyam aaya ri
Mere ghar shyam aaya ri
Ghanshyam aaya ri
Hamare ghar shyam aaya ri.
Yaad aave yaad aave
Yaad aave yaad aave
Vrindavan ki mangal leela
Yaad aave yaad aave
Krishna kanhaiya chhail chhabila
Yaad aave yaad aave

Sakhiyan ke sang jana
Nirmal jamuna neer nahana
Sab mil kar lalan gun gana
Kabhi kabhi val dars na pana
Yaad aave yaad aave

Nabh pe taro ka jhilmil na
Murli dhun sun dil khil milna
Murli dhun sun dil khil milna
Murli dhun sun dil khil milna
Kunjan kunjan mohan milna
Yaad aave yaad aave

Chandai madhu chandai raat mein
Ras rachana
Rup mantar se prem jagana
Krishan roop mein kridyan gana
Krishan roop mein kridyan gana
Aabha ko parbhu ko mil jana
Yaad aave yaad aave

Koi kahe ye hai mitha sapna
Koi kahe ye hai mitha sapna
Koi kahe ye hai mitha sapna
Koi kahe ye hai mitha sapna
Krishan kahani savimal rachna
More nahi kachu kahna sunna
More nahi kachu kahna sunna
More to brij lalan lalna
Yaad aave yaad aave.


Nanda bala mora pyara
Aao girdhari
Nanda bala mora pyara
Aao girdhari

Var mala pahnau jau wari
Sang khelo it aao
Mohe dekho girdhari
Var mala pahnau jau wari
Sang khelo it aao
Mohe dekho girdhari
Nandbala mora pyara
Aao girdhari

Murli mohan he murli mohana
Mohana he murli mohna
Karuna dhan mohna
Murli mohna mohna
Kab lo dhare
Ankhiya bharo bandh
Ati bhai vilambh ki
Man ye murjhayo
Ati bhai vilambh ki
Man ye murjhayo
Merejeevan tum ho
Ho girdhari nand bala
Merejeevan tum ho
Ho girdhari nand bala
Mora pyara nand bala
Mora pyara nand bala
Mora pyara nand bala
Nandbala nandbala
Nandbala nandbala
Nandbala nandbala
Nandbala nandbala
Nandbala nandbala
Nandbala nandbala.

More angna mein murli bajao
Murli bajao
More angna mein murli bajao
Murli bajao
More angna mein murli bajao
More angna mein murli bajao re
More angna mein murli bajao re

Jhuthla deungi khelan deungi
Jhuthla deungi khelan deungi
Aangan mein murli bajao
Aangan mein murli bajao
Aangan mein murli bajao
More angna mein murli bajao re
More angna mein murli bajao re

Nach nach more hey man mohan
Nach nach more hey man mohan
Madhur geet sunaungi
Madhur geet sunaungi
Madhur geet sunaungi
Madhur geet sunaungi
Madhur geet sunaungi
More angna mein murli bajao re
More angna mein murli bajao re
More angna mein murli bajao re
More angna mein murli bajao re

Meera ke parbhu girdhar nagar
Meera ke parbhu girdhar nagar
Hari charnan tar jaungi
Hari charnan tar
Hari charnan tar
Hari charnan tar jaungi
More angna mein murli bajao re
More angna mein murli bajao
More angna mein murli bajao
Bajao bajao bajao
More angna mein murli bajao re
More angna mein murli bajao re.
Hamne suni hari adham udharan
Hamne suni hari adham udharan
Adham udharan sab jag taran
Adham udharan sab jag taran
Hamne suni hari adham udharan

Jag ki araz garz uthi bhayo
Sankat pade ko kasht niwaran
Drupat suta ko cheer bandhayo
Drupat suta ko cheer bandhayo
Dhushasan ko maran maran
Hamne suni hari adham udharan
Adham udharan sab jag taran
Hamne suni hari adham udharan

Parhlad ki partigya rakhi
Harany kashyap udar vidharan
Meera ke parbhu mohan ji
Meera ke parbhu mohan ji
Der bhai kin karan
Hamne suni hari adham udharan
Adham udharan sab jag taran
Hamne suni hari adham udharan
Hamne suni hari adham udharan.
Birndawan kunj
Bhavan nachat girdhari
Birndawan kunj
Bhavan nachat girdhari

Dhar dhar murli adhar
Madhur madhur swar bhar bharan
Dhar dhar murli adhar
Madhur madhur swar bhar bharan
Sangeet natwar sundar
Antar sukhkari parbhu antar sukhkari
Jawat balihari jawat balihari
Nachat girdhari

Ghan ghan bajat tar
Thumak thumak thumak chalat chal
Ghan ghan bajat tar
Thumak thumak thumak chalat chal
Ghan ghan bajat tar
Thumak thumak thumak chalat chal
Mil mil lalat sang gopanayi
Parbhu sang gopanai
Gawat balihari
Gawat parbhu gawat
Gawat parbhu gawat
Gawat gawat
Gawat gawat mohan
Gawat gawat gawat gawat
Girdhari girdhari girdhari
Girdhari girdhari girdhari.

Hamne suni hari adham udharan
Hamne suni hari adham udharan
Adham udharan sab jag taran
Adham udharan sab jag taran
Hamne suni hari adham udharan

Jag ki araz garz uthi bhayo
Sankat pade ko kasht niwaran
Drupat suta ko cheer bandhayo
Drupat suta ko cheer bandhayo
Dhushasan ko maran maran
Hamne suni hari adham udharan
Adham udharan sab jag taran
Hamne suni hari adham udharan

Parhlad ki partigya rakhi
Harany kashyap udar vidharan
Meera ke parbhu mohan ji
Meera ke parbhu mohan ji
Der bhai kin karan
Hamne suni hari adham udharan
Adham udharan sab jag taran
Hamne suni hari adham udharan
Hamne suni hari adham udharan.


Baso more nainan mein
Nandlala nain mein
Mor mukut makar aakriti kundal
Arun sihat sohe bhal
Mor mukut makar aakriti kundal
Arun sihat sohe bhal
Mor mukut makar aakriti kundal
Mor mukut makar aakriti kundal
Mor mukut makar aakriti kundal
Arun sihat sohe bhal

Adhar sudharak murli rajat
Aur bajanti mala
Baso more nainan mein nandlala
Rudar ghantika ghatin shobhit
Nupoor sabat rasai
Meera parbhu santan sukh dayi
Meera parbhu santan sukh dayi
Bhad vach gopal gopal gopal.

Suno meri manovyatha
Suno meri manovyatha
Jeevan nath tum ho
Sur muni man sukh data
Kyu aise vimukh hue ho
Sur muni man sukh data
Kyu aise vimukh hue ho
Tyag sakoge humko
Sanmukh aao bolo he
Kya tyag sakoge humko
Sanmukh aao bolo he
Sur muni man sukh data
Kyu aise vimukh hue ho

Kanhaji dukh dard se
Mere parwat pighal gaye
Kanhaji dukh dard se
Mere parwat pighal gaye
Naynan mein dukh jal
Dhar umade barse sukh gaye
Mandir dware meera pukare
Mat humko bisravo
Karuna karo aao
Karuna karo aao
Mat humko bisravo
Karuna karo aao
Pati mere girdhari
Karuna karo aao
Mat humko bisravo
Karuna karo aao
Mat humko bisravo
Karuna karo aao
Mat humko bisravo
Karuna karo aao
Mat humko bisravo
Karuna karo aao
Mat humko bisravo

Dwarka puri raja
Chhodo mat meera ko
Darsan hit main tarsu
Mat ab khulwao
Meera ki antim vinati
Tum mat bisravo.

Hey hare dayala
Hey hare dayala
Mere piya nandlala
Hey murli mohan sawre
Hey murli mohan sawre
Tore bin suna suna tan man bawre
Tore bin suna suna tan man bawre
Hey murli mohan sawre

Charan kamal taj jau kaha he
Charan kamal taj jau kaha he
Karuna sagra
Main charan kamal taj jau kaha
He karuna sagra karunga sagra

Ek tumhi ab dhani hamare
Ek tumhi ab dhani hamare
Krishna nat nagara
Ek tumhi ab dhani hamare
Krishna nat nagara
Sun sakha hari sujha
Sun sakha hari sujha devki nandane
Veera parbhu veera jai veera
Jai veera parbhu veera
Jai veera parbhu veera
Jai veera parbhu veera
Jai veera parbhu veera
Jai veera parbhu veera
Jai veera parbhu veera
Jai veera parbhu veera
Jai veera parbhu veera
Jai veera parbhu veera
Jai veera parbhu veera
Jai veera parbhu veera
Jai veera parbhu veera
Jai veera parbhu veera
Jai veera parbhu veera
Jai veera parbhu veera.
Mere to girdhar gopal dusro na koi
Mere to girdhar gopal dusro na koi
Jake sir mor mukut mero pati soyi
Jake sir mor mukut mero pati soyi
Parbhu kanth mala sohi
Mere to girdhar gopal dusro na koi

Tat mat badhu bhrata apna na koi
Parbhu tat mat badhu
Bhrata apna na koi
Ta gaagn mulhi gayi kya karega koi

Asuwan jal sich sich prem bel boyi
Parbhu asuwan jal sich
Parbhu asuwan jal sich
Parbhu asuwan jal sich
Parbhu asuwan jal sich
Parbhu asuwan jal sich
Parbhu asuwan jal sich
Parbhu asuwan jal
Sich sich prem bel boyi
Dasi meera parbhu lagan lagi
Meera parbhu lagan lagi
Mere to girdhar gopal dusro na koi.

Tuesday, September 24, 2019



Arjuna's Hymn to Durga.

Shree Arjuna Uvaccha ­ Shree Arjuna said:  Namaste siddhasenaani aarye mandaravaasini/  Kumaari kaali kaapaali kapile krsna pingale //1//  "I bow to you, O foremost of Siddhas, O Noble One that dwells in the forest of  Mandara, O Virgin, O Kali! O wife of Kapala! O you of a black and tawny hue.  Bhadra­kaali namastubhyam mahaakaali namo’stu te/  Candi cande namastubhyam taarini vara­varnini//2// I bow to you. O Beneficent Kali, I bow to you, O Maha­kali, O wrathful One.  I bow to you. O Tara the saviour, the great boon bestowing one.  Kaatyaayani mahaabhaage karaali vijaye jaye/  Shikhi­piccha­dhvaja dhare naanaabharana bhooshite//3//  O Durga! Great Being, the fierce bestower of victory! O personification of Victory!  O you that bears a banner of peacock plumes, O one decked with every ornament.  Attashoola praharane khadga khetaka dhaarini/  Gopendrasyaanuje jyeshthe nanda­gopa­kulodbhave//4//  O you that wields an awful spear, the holder of sword and shield, O you that were born as the younger sister of the chief of cow­herds (Lord Krsna),  O eldest sibling, born in the family of the cowherd Nanda!  Mahishasrk priye nityam Kaushiki peeta vaasini/  Attahaase koka­mukhe namaste’stu rana­priye//5//  O you who are always fond of buffalo's blood, born of Kusika's clan, dressed in yellow  robes, having assuming the face of a wolf you devoured the Asuras!  I bow to you who are fond of battle!  Ume shaakambhari shvete krsne kaitabhanaashini/  Hiranyaakshi viroopaakshi sudhoomraakshi namo’stu te//6//  O Uma! O Sakambhari! O you that are white in hue, and also black!  O slayer of the Asura Kaitabha! O yellow­eyed one!  O you that see everything! O you of eyes that have the colour of smoke, I bow to you!  Vedashruti mahaapunye brahmanye jaatavedasi/  Jambookataka caityeshu nityam sannihitaalaye//7//  You are the Vedas, the Srutis, and the greatest virtue! You are propitious to Brahmanas engaged in sacrifice. You are all knowing, you are ever present in the sacred abodes erected to you in cities of Jamvudwipa, I bow to you!  Tvam brahma­vidyaa vidyaanaam mahaanidraa ca dehinaam/  Skanda maatar bhagavati dure kaantaravaasini//8//  You are the Knowledge­of­the­highest­truth among sciences, and you are that sleep of  creatures from which there is no waking.  O mother of Skanda (Lord Muruga), possessor of the six (highest) attributes of Divinity, O Durga, that dwells in the most inaccessible regions.  Svaahaakaarah svadhaa caiva kalaa kaashthaa sarasvatee/  Saavitri veda­maataa ca tathaa vedaanta ucyate//9//  You are called Swaha, and Swadha, and the subtle divisions of time such as Kala, and  Kashta. You are the goddess of knowledge: Saraswati, and the mother of the Vedas, and the personification of Vedanta. Stutaasi tvam mahaadevi vishuddhenaantaaraatmanaa/  Jayo bhavatu me nityam tvat prasaadaad ranaajire//10//  With inner mind purified, I praise you, O great goddess; let victory always attend me  through your grace, on the field of battle.  Kaantaara bhaya durgeshu bhaktaanaam caalayeshu ca/  Nityam vasasi paataale yuddhe jayasi daanavaan//11//  In inaccessible regions, where there is fear, in places of difficulty, in the abodes of your  worshippers and in the nether regions (Patala), you always dwell. And in battle you always defeat the Danavas (a demon race).  Tvam jambhanee mohinee ca maayaa hreeh shreestathaiva ca/  Samdhyaa prabhaavatee caiva saavitree jananee tathaa//12//  You are the unconsciousness, the sleep, the illusion, the modesty, the beauty of all  creatures. You are the twilight, and the radiant light of day! You are Savitri, and you are the mother of all creation.  Tushtih pushtir dhrtir deeptish candraaditya vivardhinee/  Bhootir bhootimataam sanhkye veeksyase siddhacaaranaih//13// You are contentment, development, fortitude and light. You increase the radiance of the Sun and the Moon. You are the prosperity of those that prosper. The Siddhas and the  Charanas behold you in deep contemplation!  Sanjaya continued: Knowing the measure of Partha's devotion, Durga who is always  graciously inclined towards humans, appeared in the space and in the presence of  Govinda, said these words.  The Goddess said: "Within a short time you shall surely conquer your foes, O Pandava. O invincible one, you have Narayana (Lord Krsna) as your help. You are incapable of being defeated by foes, even by Indra — the wielder of the thunderbolt himself."