Ardency; Inditing; Incontrovertible; Engendered; Phrenic; Irreprehensisible; Cerebrations; Impeccable; Imbecilic; Ken; Incoherent; Macrocosm; withal; Inculpably; Optate; Circadianly;
Victual; Coalescence; Valiancy; Obnubilate; Intrepidity; Predilections; What happens to the universe of your mind when you find these above words in just two paragraphs. And the small quotes goes Remove the mess and reduce the stress. or
Implement those thoughts and suggestions which we always give to others for being best. and I bet you you would not find a better suggestion in the world.
For the recent best seller or do i use cellar instead; for only the ripple knows the power of the sea.
why is it so difficult to read what he writes best seller ----------- what the future holds. if this trend continues most people would give up reading its just curiosity getting so much attention is it?
an example below.from
The Universe of your Mind, An evidence of invincible God
Not everyone is engendered by God not everyone is engendered by own self. Sometimes situations make us great and an authentic personality. We all are just a bundle of white papers and everyone is just scratching their phrenic conceptions on our irreprehensible pages. But is it genuinely transpiring or we are just making an illusion in our mind. who controls our cerebrations and how can we engender an impeccable person out of the macrocosm of our mind. he thus goes on using such complicated words where one is forced to use the dictionary or just give up reading.
even google marks most of the words as needing correction.
Victual; Coalescence; Valiancy; Obnubilate; Intrepidity; Predilections; What happens to the universe of your mind when you find these above words in just two paragraphs. And the small quotes goes Remove the mess and reduce the stress. or
Implement those thoughts and suggestions which we always give to others for being best. and I bet you you would not find a better suggestion in the world.
For the recent best seller or do i use cellar instead; for only the ripple knows the power of the sea.
why is it so difficult to read what he writes best seller ----------- what the future holds. if this trend continues most people would give up reading its just curiosity getting so much attention is it?
an example below.from
The Universe of your Mind, An evidence of invincible God
Not everyone is engendered by God not everyone is engendered by own self. Sometimes situations make us great and an authentic personality. We all are just a bundle of white papers and everyone is just scratching their phrenic conceptions on our irreprehensible pages. But is it genuinely transpiring or we are just making an illusion in our mind. who controls our cerebrations and how can we engender an impeccable person out of the macrocosm of our mind. he thus goes on using such complicated words where one is forced to use the dictionary or just give up reading.
even google marks most of the words as needing correction.