Panchakshari Stotram *
*Nagendraharaya Trilochanaya, bhasmangaragaya Maheswaraya, Nityaya Shuddhaya digambaraya, Tasmai nakaraya, Namashivaya!
He who wears the snake as a necklace, he who has three eyes, who is smeared with ashes, who is ever pure and sky clad, who is the Lord of All, to him, the mantra Namashivaya, which starts with the letter “na.”
*Mandakini salila chandana charchitaya, nandiswara pramatha natha Maheswaraya, Mandarapushpa bahupushpa supuchitaya, Tasmai makaraya Namashivaya!
He who is anointed with the sandal powder, wetted with the water of the Mandakini river, he the Lord of All,who has the bull Nandi as his foremost servitor, who is offered worship with the white Mandara flowers, to him, the mantra Namashivaya, of which the second letter is “ma.”
* Shivaya Gauri vadanabja vrinda-suryaya dakshadwaranashakaya, SriNeelakantaya vrishadwajaya, Tasmai shikaraya namasivaya!
The blue-throated one who sits on his bull vehicle along with his consort Gauri, who destroyed the yaga of Daksha, to him, the mantra Namashivaya, of which the third letter is “shi.” *Vasishtakumbhodbhava Gautamarya, munindra devarchita shekharaya, Chandrarka vaishwanara lochanaya,Tasmai vakaraya Namashivaya!
He whose three eyes are the sun, moon, and fire, who is worshipped by the great sages, like Vasishta, Gautama and many others, to him, the mantra Namashivaya, of which the fourth letter is “va.” *Yajnaswaroopaya jatadharaya, pinakahastaya sanatanaya, Divyaya devaya digambaraya, Tasmai yakaraya Namashivaya!
The ancient divine, sky-clad god who is the very form of all sacrifices, with matted hair, wielding the bow, to him, the mantra Namashivaya, of which the fifth letter is “ya.”
**Panchaksharamidam punyam ya padeth Shiva sannidhau, Shivalokamavapnothi Shivena saha modate.
If this most holy five-lettered mantra of Shiva is chanted in his presence, he will be very pleased and will take the devotee to his divine abode.
*Nagendraharaya Trilochanaya, bhasmangaragaya Maheswaraya, Nityaya Shuddhaya digambaraya, Tasmai nakaraya, Namashivaya!
*Mandakini salila chandana charchitaya, nandiswara pramatha natha Maheswaraya, Mandarapushpa bahupushpa supuchitaya, Tasmai makaraya Namashivaya!
* Shivaya Gauri vadanabja vrinda-suryaya dakshadwaranashakaya, SriNeelakantaya vrishadwajaya, Tasmai shikaraya namasivaya!
*Vasishtakumbhodbhava Gautamarya, munindra devarchita shekharaya, Chandrarka vaishwanara lochanaya,Tasmai vakaraya Namashivaya!
*Yajnaswaroopaya jatadharaya, pinakahastaya sanatanaya, Divyaya devaya digambaraya, Tasmai yakaraya Namashivaya!
**Panchaksharamidam punyam ya padeth Shiva sannidhau, Shivalokamavapnothi Shivena saha modate.
*Nagendraharaya Trilochanaya, bhasmangaragaya Maheswaraya, Nityaya Shuddhaya digambaraya, Tasmai nakaraya, Namashivaya!
He who wears the snake as a necklace, he who has three eyes, who is smeared with ashes, who is ever pure and sky clad, who is the Lord of All, to him, the mantra Namashivaya, which starts with the letter “na.”
*Mandakini salila chandana charchitaya, nandiswara pramatha natha Maheswaraya, Mandarapushpa bahupushpa supuchitaya, Tasmai makaraya Namashivaya!
He who is anointed with the sandal powder, wetted with the water of the Mandakini river, he the Lord of All,who has the bull Nandi as his foremost servitor, who is offered worship with the white Mandara flowers, to him, the mantra Namashivaya, of which the second letter is “ma.”
* Shivaya Gauri vadanabja vrinda-suryaya dakshadwaranashakaya, SriNeelakantaya vrishadwajaya, Tasmai shikaraya namasivaya!
The blue-throated one who sits on his bull vehicle along with his consort Gauri, who destroyed the yaga of Daksha, to him, the mantra Namashivaya, of which the third letter is “shi.” *Vasishtakumbhodbhava Gautamarya, munindra devarchita shekharaya, Chandrarka vaishwanara lochanaya,Tasmai vakaraya Namashivaya!
He whose three eyes are the sun, moon, and fire, who is worshipped by the great sages, like Vasishta, Gautama and many others, to him, the mantra Namashivaya, of which the fourth letter is “va.” *Yajnaswaroopaya jatadharaya, pinakahastaya sanatanaya, Divyaya devaya digambaraya, Tasmai yakaraya Namashivaya!
The ancient divine, sky-clad god who is the very form of all sacrifices, with matted hair, wielding the bow, to him, the mantra Namashivaya, of which the fifth letter is “ya.”
**Panchaksharamidam punyam ya padeth Shiva sannidhau, Shivalokamavapnothi Shivena saha modate.
If this most holy five-lettered mantra of Shiva is chanted in his presence, he will be very pleased and will take the devotee to his divine abode.
*Nagendraharaya Trilochanaya, bhasmangaragaya Maheswaraya, Nityaya Shuddhaya digambaraya, Tasmai nakaraya, Namashivaya!
*Mandakini salila chandana charchitaya, nandiswara pramatha natha Maheswaraya, Mandarapushpa bahupushpa supuchitaya, Tasmai makaraya Namashivaya!
* Shivaya Gauri vadanabja vrinda-suryaya dakshadwaranashakaya, SriNeelakantaya vrishadwajaya, Tasmai shikaraya namasivaya!
*Vasishtakumbhodbhava Gautamarya, munindra devarchita shekharaya, Chandrarka vaishwanara lochanaya,Tasmai vakaraya Namashivaya!
*Yajnaswaroopaya jatadharaya, pinakahastaya sanatanaya, Divyaya devaya digambaraya, Tasmai yakaraya Namashivaya!
**Panchaksharamidam punyam ya padeth Shiva sannidhau, Shivalokamavapnothi Shivena saha modate.