Bliss is integral to conscious experience. Amid the highs and lows of the pleasures and sorrows of our living. we are usually unaware of the deep seated bliss as conscious beings. We have at our disposal a body and mind that can help us become aware of the great being and reflecting his glory in this instrument we possess. It is occasionally in moments when one rises above the ego and the healing process of the great soul that we are able to construe THE PRESENCE beyond the surface turbulence of ourselves that a deep calm the untroubled joy can well up from the depths of the atma. As Sri Ramanuja explains this is the perfect state this bliss is Moksa. When the atman in the union of Brahman comes to the fullest realisation of its being. The self's perfect bliss comes in the self's perfect realisation of the union with its source or goal.
It is the inchoate bliss of susupti that accounts for the affirmation
"I slept well" when one arises refreshed to face the challenges of life again.
Sri Ramanuja charya says the dreamless sleeper though still in samsara being disconnected from all his sense faculties is rendered incapable of empirical knowledge and the feeling of pleasure and pain having reached the supreme self the place of repose. he returns refreshed to face the worldly experience once more. then
to be continued.