Friday, December 31, 2021
Wednesday, December 29, 2021
Stotras of Devi Lakshmi:
• Kanakadhara Stotram (Adi Shankara)
- कनकधारा स्तोत्रम्
• Lakshmi Suprabhatam
- लक्ष्मी सुप्रभातम् - मातः प्रसन्नवदनाम्बुजनिर्जिताग्रे
• Mahalakshmi Ashtakam (Padma Purana)
- महालक्ष्मि अष्टकम्
• Sri Suktam (Rig Veda appendices)
- श्रीसुक्तम्
Incarnations of Devi Lakshmi: (Incarnations)

• As Bhargavi, the adopted daughter of sage Bhargava (Thiru Aadanur Divya Desam)
• As Bhoomi Devi, the adopted daughter of sage Markandeya (Thiruvinnagar Divya Desam - Oppiliappan Koil)
• As Vanjulavalli, the adopted daughter of sage Medhavi (Thirunaraiyur Divya Desam - Nachiyar Koil)
• As Vasumathi, the daughter of king Dharmasena (Thiruvallur Divya Desam)
• As Vedavalli, the adopted daughter of seven sages (Thiruvallikkeni Divya Desam)
• As Akhilavalli, the combined form of the 360 daughters of sage Kalva (Thiruvidanthai Divya Desam)
Pilgrimages Devi Lakshmi: (Pilgrimages)

• Thiru Aadanur Divya Desam (Thanjavur district, Tamil Nadu): Devi Lakshmi incarnated as Bhargavi, the adopted daughter of sage Bhargava.
• Thiruvinnagar Divya Desam (Oppiliappan Koil) (Thanjavur district, Tamil Nadu): Devi Lakshmi incarnated as Bhoomi Devi or Bhoomi Nachiyar, the adopted daughter of sage Markandeya.
• Thirunaraiyur Divya Desam (Nachiyar Koil) (Thanjavur district, Tamil Nadu): Devi Lakshmi incarnated as Vanjulavalli, the adopted daughter of sage Medhavi.
• Thirukalvanur Divya Desam (Kanchipuram district, Tamil Nadu): Devi Lakshmi came to the Gayatri Mandapam of the Kanchi Kamakshi Temple.
• Thiruninravur Divya Desam (Chennai district, Tamil Nadu): Devi Lakshmi came here and stayed for sometime.
• Thiruvallur Divya Desam (Thiruvallur district, Tamil Nadu): Devi Lakshmi incarnated as Vasumathi, the daughter of king Dharmasena.
• Thiruvallikkeni Divya Desam (Chennai district, Tamil Nadu): Devi Lakshmi incarnated as Vedavalli, the adopted daughter of seven sages.
• Thiruvidanthai Divya Desam (Kanchipuram district, Tamil Nadu): Devi Lakshmi incarnated as 360 daughters of sage Kalva (and finally merged into one form of Akhilavalli).
Festivals Devi Lakshmi: (Festivals)

2. Shishira Ritu: Magha Masa (Jan - Feb)
3. Vasanta Ritu: Phalguna Masa (Feb - Mar)
4. Vasanta Ritu: Chaitra Masa (Mar - Apr)
5. Grishma Ritu: Vaishakha Masa (Apr - May)
6. Grishma Ritu: Jyaishtha Masa (May - Jun)
7. Varsha Ritu: Ashadha Masa (Jun - Jul)
8. Varsha Ritu: Shravana Masa (Jul - Aug) → last Friday before Poornima: Varalakshmi Vrata
9. Sharad Ritu: Bhadrapada Masa (Aug-Sep)
10. Sharad Ritu: Ashwina Masa (Sep - Oct) → Shukla Paksha first nine days: Sharadiya Navaratri - Poornima: Kojagari Lakshmi Puja
11. Hemanta Ritu: Karthika Masa (Oct - Nov) → Amavasya: Deepavali - Lakshmi Puja
12. Hemanta Ritu: Agrahayana Masa (Nov - Dec)
Tuesday, December 28, 2021
Please watch the above video.
ŚB 1.2.8
धर्म: स्वनुष्ठित: पुंसां विष्वक्सेनकथासु य: ।
नोत्पादयेद्यदि रतिं श्रम एव हि केवलम् ॥ ८ ॥
dharmaḥ svanuṣṭhitaḥ puṁsāṁ
viṣvaksena-kathāsu yaḥ
notpādayed yadi ratiṁ
śrama eva hi kevalam
dharmaḥ — occupation; svanuṣṭhitaḥ — executed in terms of one’s own position; puṁsām — of humankind; viṣvaksena — the Personality of Godhead (plenary portion); kathāsu — in the message of; yaḥ — what is; na — not; utpādayet — does produce; yadi — if; ratim — attraction; śramaḥ — useless labor; eva — only; hi — certainly; kevalam — entirely.
The occupational activities a man performs according to his own position are only so much useless labor if they do not provoke attraction for the message of the Personality of Godhead.
Monday, December 27, 2021
61 _ 62
All in a nutshell conveyed. Meaning of Vangmay
īśhvaraḥ sarva-bhūtānāṁ hṛid-deśhe ‘rjuna tiṣhṭhati
tat-prasādāt parāṁ śhāntiṁ sthānaṁ prāpsyasi śhāśhvatam
Friday, December 24, 2021
pencil philosophy.
A young girl was watching her grandmother writing in a book. She asked her what she was writing.
Wednesday, December 22, 2021
Mahajanas are the twelve delegated agents of the lord vishnu who have the duty to bring to the people the message to follow the path of devotional service. The word means "great persons", and was also used for administrators or officials of the rulers.
Bhagavad purana] (6.3.20-21) lists twelve Mahajanas, biggest devotees of God vishnu and knowers of Bhagavata-dharma. They are Lord Brahma, Narada, Shiva, the four kumaras, Kapila— the son of Devahuti, Svayambuha Manu, Prahalada, janaka, Bhisma, Bali, Suka and Yama.
Madhu ( मधु, madhu) and Kaitabha ( कैटभ,
BHAGAVATA PURANA states that during the creation, the demons Madhu and Kaitabha stole the Vedas from Brahma and deposited them deep inside the waters of the primeval ocean. Vishnu, in his manifestation as Hayagriva, killed them, and retrieved the Vedas. The bodies of Madhu and Kaitabha disintegrated into 2 times 6 — which is twelve pieces (two heads, two torsos, four arms and four legs). These are considered to represent the twelve seismic plates of the Earth.
According to another legend, Madhu and Kaitabha were two demons who had become powerful enough to annihilate Brahma. However, Brahma spotted them and beseeched goddess Mahamaya for help. At this point, Vishnu awoke and the two conspiring demons were killed. This led to Vishnu being called Madhusudana the killer of Madhu, and Mahamaya came to be known as Kaitaba
According to Devi bhagvad purana Madhu and Kaitabha originated from Lord Vishnu's earwax and performed a long period of tapas devoted to goddess Mahadevi The goddess granted them the boons of invincibility and voluntary death. The pride-filled demons then started attacking Brahma. Brahma sought Vishnu's help but was unable to awaken Vishnu who was still in deep meditative sleep. Brahma then prayed to Mahadevi and she helped awaken Vishnu. The two demons then fought against Vishnu and was undefeated. Upon advice from Mahadevi, Vishnu employs a trick to destroy the two demons. Vishnu praises the battle powers of the two demons and says that he is pleased to grant them boons. The boastful demons, proud of their victories against Vishnu, say that they are willing to grant him boons instead. Vishnu cleverly asks Madhu and Kaitabha for their lives and they are forced to kill each other.
The Kumaras are four sages (rishis) from the Puranic texts who roam the universe as children, generally named Sanaka kumara, Sanatana kumara, Sanandana kumara and Sanat kumara. They are described as the first mind-born creations and sons of the creator-god Brahma, Born from Brahma's mind, the four Kumaras undertook lifelong vows of celibacy against the wishes of their father. They are said to wander throughout the materialistic and spiritualistic universe without any desire but with purpose to teach. All four brothers studied Vedas from their childhood, and always travelled together.
The Bhagvad purana lists the Kumaras among the twelve Mahajanas (great devotees ) who although being eternally liberated souls from birth, still became attracted to the devotional service of Vishnu from their already enlightened state, they play a significant role in a number of Hindu spiritual traditions, especially those associated with the worship of Vishnu and his avatar Krishna, sometimes even in traditions related to Lord Shiva.
Yajna (: यज्ञ, yajña) or Yajneshwara ("Lord of Yajna") is mentioned as an avataraof the Hindu god Vishnu in the Bhagavad purana As Yajna, Vishnu is the embodiment of the Hindu sacrifice ritual or Yagna. He was also Indra(king of the gods) of the Svayambhuva Manvantara, the era of Svayambu Manu His father rushi; mother Aguthi.
Tuesday, December 21, 2021
Wednesday, December 15, 2021
Wave / ocean.
For better understanding let us take the example of an ocean wave. At a point of existence it exists it dances as if it is an individual it rises with the tide goes up high enjoys and revels in all its state imagining it is the sole being though its real nature is its the part of the whole sea its soul is only being a part of the sea it exists only for a while but while it exists it imagines its the only being some times it merges with some bigger wave and causes a tide, ultimately it rests only with the waters loosing its individuality which it never was as all the time it belonged to the water. It came with the water stayed with it and merged with it. For the short span of its life as a wave it was and believed it was but then it ultimately was only the water; so too human existence A wave in its great play a maya of being but as humans more distinct than a wave but the truth is its only a part of the whole.
Hiranmayena patrena satyasyapihitam mukham
Tattvam pusannapavrnu satyadharmaya drstaye.
Pusannekarse Yama Surya prjapatya vyuha rasminsamuha
Two yatte rupam kalyanatamam tatte pasyami yo savasau purusah so hamasmi
O sun , sole. Traveller, controller,acquirer, son of prajapati do remove thy rays and gather up thy dazzle. I behold that form of thine, that bring, that is most auspicious he am I.
Vayuranilamamrtamathedam bhasmantham sariram
Om Krato smara kratam smara krato smara kratam smara.
Anne Naya dupatta Raye asman visvani deva vayunani vidvan
Yuyodhyasmajjuhuranameno bhuyistham te nama ultimate vidhema.
Tuesday, December 14, 2021
V and AV
अन्धं तमः प्रविशन्ति येऽविद्यामुपासते।
ततो भूय इव ते तमो य उ विद्यायां रताः ॥
andhaṁ tamaḥ praviśanti ye'vidyāmupāsate |
tato bhūya iva te tamo ya u vidyāyāṁ ratāḥ ||
ये अविद्याम् उपासते ते अन्धं तमः प्रविशन्ति। ये उ विद्यायां रताः ते तमः भूयः तमः इव प्रविशन्ति ॥
Anvaya Transliteration
ye avidyām upāsate te andhaṁ tamaḥ praviśanti| ye u vidyāyāṁ ratāḥ te tamaḥ bhūyaḥ tamaḥ iva praviśanti ||
Into a blind darkness they enter who follow after the Ignorance, they as if into a greater darkness who devote themselves to the Knowledge alone.
Hindi Meaning
जो अविद्या का अनुसरण करते हैं वे घोर अन्धकार में प्रवेश करते हैं। और जो केवल विद्या में ही रत रहते हैं वे मानों उससे भी अधिक घोर अन्धकार में प्रवेश करते हैं।
ये - ye - they who | अविद्याम् - avidyām - the Ignorance | उपासते - upāsate - follow after | ते - te - they | अन्धम् - andham - blind | तमः - tamaḥ - darkness | प्रविशन्ति - praviśanti - enter | ये - ye - they who | उ - u - on the other hand | विद्यायाम् - vidyāyām - in the Knowledge | रताः - ratāḥ - have attachment / devotion | ते - te - they | भूयः - bhūyaḥ - into a greater | तमः - tamaḥ - darkness | प्रविशन्ति - praviśanti - enter |
Those who worship avidya (ignorance)enter into blinding darkness.but those who revel in vidya knowledge enter as it were into greater darkness than that.
The human mission is to find or realise one's Supreme self enlightenment , there is no other purpose of life but few are aware of it.
Avidya is ignorance and vidya knowledge upasathe is worship and rather is revealing. Revealing in vidya is indulging in the pleasures accruing from spiritual practice. Spiritual pursuit is enchanting indeed but merely following the spiritual path becomes pleasurable. Practitioners become involved and addicted to the joy derived which is mundane as these practices are only the means to and not an end in itself. Thus. They are doomed to blinding darkness even greater than those who are immersed in worldly pursuits.
A perfect seeker uses the spiritual paths of karma action, jnana knowledge and bhakti devotion to attain enlightenment. One must make good use of them to purify the mind throughly and then employ the purified mind to realise the Supreme self within.
No seeker can cross over from the terrestrial to the tra.nscendental without the help of spiritual practices. One must employ them in reaching the ultimate rather than revealing in them.
Anyadevahurvidyaya anyadahuravidyaya
Iti Supreme dhiranam ye nastadvicacaksire
Process of realisation
Realisation is first hand experience of the Absolute Truth. The goal is not impossible to reach but the journey is long and arduous even for the determined seeker, say the sastras, pointed out Swamini Satyavratananda Saraswati in a discourse. The Gita shows the efficacy of the paths of karma, jnana and bhakti, each of which is useful to the aspirant. Worship of God through puja, japa, dhyana, etc, are advised to be incorporated as one’s daily duties, as these are sure to instil bhakti and jnana.
Sunday, December 12, 2021
All beings are bound by prakriti and the three gunas that constantly draw us towards the world of senses. It is important to win over the powerful sway of the senses. That is why sastras insist on nitya naimittika karmas for individuals as a measure of self discipline which is the foundation for good habits and conduct. The traditional system of teaching and learning has always focused on the upright way of life followed by the preceptors, parents and elders in society which is sure to influence the moral calibre of their immediate successors, pointed out Swami Vidyashankara Saraswati in a discourse.
Learning is not only laukika knowledge, but also the awareness of one’s self or atma. Humanity has been in continuous search of this knowledge that culminates in realisation. Realisation is not something that can be evaluated through any examination as is the case with laukika knowledge where the learning can be assessed by certain parameters. The Gita captures the spirit and essence of guru-sishya learning when it highlights the grace of the guru who, being a realised soul, is able to inspire disciples to seek the truth. Krishna makes it clear that realisation cannot be taught and has to be caught by the sincere seeker. The realised soul, a ‘seer of Tatva,’ whose way of life conforms to his direct perception of the Truth, has to be approached by the sincere seeker with total humility.
The disciple pays obeisance to the preceptor and offers to serve him. By the guru’s blessings, his spiritual progress is steady even as he imbibes the disciplined way of life, the basis of true knowledge.
Samartha Ramdas, a great Rama bhakta and Hanuman upasaka, as guru to Shivaji influenced him to be an inspired and righteous leader who was fired with national fervour. It is claimed that he once protected Shivaji from enemy attack by his yogic power.
Saturday, December 11, 2021
In the Gita, Krishna clearly states that sastras ordain us to do only the right and avoid whatever is wrong, and hence they provide guidelines for the good conduct and welfare of all beings. This is solely for our own benefit and to help us to come out of our ignorance about the purpose of our lives in worldly existence, which is to be freed from samsara, pointed out Swami Vidyashankara Saraswati in a discourse.