The Primordial Energy.
Mantras, their role, their powers and efficacy, have come down from vedic times to modern times, securing material gains and mental peace. In every Hindu household it is the practice to chant or recite mantras to propitiate the gods to secure wealth, happiness and progeny. Mantras are spiritual vibrations, they transform men to realise and to become one with the atman. The mantra sound vibrations were perceived by the ancient rishis at the subtle level. the mantras are knitted in certain meters so as to produce, on chanting, impulses on the human physiology. The metrical sound vibrations caused by the mantra awaken the supernatural energies within the body, which bring about connections with the cosmic vibrations. By repeated chanting of the mantras, vibrations are created again and again which facilitate experiencing cosmic consciousness.
Mantra means that upon which one reflects. Mantras first manifest in the form of sound vibrations. the Mantras are not products of human wisdom but flash of the divine sound waves experienced by the ancient seers who came into supersensuous contact with the universal truth. The Mantras are not mere sound, they possess the energy of the word and are to be articulated. As the mantras are sound vibrations and are oral in character they are learnt by rote. They have three components viz Rishi, Chand and Devata. The mantras are revelations of rishis. they experienced the sound flashed in their mind and expressed themselves in such mantras. they are thus Mantra dishtas not mantra kartas. These ancient seers were endowed with great mental prowess and intellectual capacity to grasp the subtle sound vibrations that were lying suspended in energy forms in the space.
Mantras are spiritual vibrations and not language. Mantras do not communicate information. The mantras are made in the performatory way. Uttering of the Mantra is or is part of the performance of an action. the performatory statements brings about some response in a hearer to establish awareness of some state of affairs. Mantras transform men to realise atman.
veda mantras are written in definite rhythm or chandas. Every varna or syllable has in it power and the syllables are grouped in a particular manner called chandas. There are four padas or foot in any composition of the veda mantra. The number of syllables in one pada measures the metre or chandas. Mantras are addressed to devatas or Gods who are propitiated in order to win their favour and obtain boons or rewards from them. Language unlike mantras are used for communication of thoughts. Language describes the objects and events according to the object perceived of its substance, of its activity, of its stability and of its relationship.
Mantra has the energy and to acquire that energy one should pronounce it knowing its meaning or message. Mantras are not concerned with intellectual contents but upon its emotional, sensitive and effacacious power of moving the will. When the psychic entity is nourished with prayer the power is obtained to get the prayer answered.
Mantras, their role, their powers and their efficacy have survived from the vedic times and are an important factor in the Hindu religious functions and rituals. Human beings find themselves powerless against the frowns of nature.
Mantras or manana is derived from the root manas mind. mantras come into existence by the union of the mind and the vac word. Vedic mantras are thoughts that overflow with love of life and energy for action and take the form of prayer. Vak therefore is the revelation of the soul of the sages. from vak syllables came and collection of syllables is mantra.
Mantras are not products of human wisdom but flash of the divine sparks seen by those eminent men who have come into super sensuous contact with the unseen eternal truth. By concentrating one's mind on such a mantra the devotee invokes the power inherent in the divine intuition and thus purifies his consciousness.
The Mantras are recited, muttered or sung in the vedic rituals. The mantra vibrations caused during the recitation in the Yagnas perforce cause beneficial effect on the nerve centers and the pranic nodes within the body of the human being. mantras are said to be sound or words of power for use in rituals. Mantras therefore, means that which has been thought and has the power to liberate. It is the catalyst that allows the sacred potential of the ritual setting to become a reality. Vedic civilization flourished without literacy. Writing was held in lower esteem than memory or sound or recitation. The Vedic mantras are therefore called sruti (that which is heard). The vedas are learnt by rote to preserve the sacramental character in the rendering of the mantras. The Vedic mantras properly chanted with their intonation only maintain their sound power. The vedic mantras have thus been orally handed down for centuries by memorization and recitation.
The hymns revealed by the rishis varied in the manner and range of expression. some hymns gave expression to the spiritual experience of the ancient seers while others exhibited the profound vedic wisdom of the seers. some hymns were plain and simple easy to understand while others were baffling and obscure.
In the vedic era women were not discriminated from men. We find women rishis also as the revealers of mantras. for eg. Lopamudra, Visvavara Apala, Indrani (wife of Indra)and Yami (Sister of Yama). Surya has revealed the various mantras relating to marriage and these mantras have great significance and are chanted at every marriage. Ghosa propitiated Aswins and they helped her to get youthful beauty and get a rich husband.
The vedic scriptures commonly carry the epithets Ya Ye vam Veda. This is truth. there are many instances in the vedic mantras where the rishis themselves have expressed that the mantras are their own realisations. for instance, in Yajur Veda verse 32.8 the sage Veena experiences and expresses that the universe is one home wherein unites and therefrom issues the whole. The Lord like warp and woof is present underlying the unity.
The mantras are set to certain meters known as chandas. Every varna or syllable has in it a latency of power involved in it. A combination of these syllable or varna - varnamala in a particular order may convey a particular effect also.
Chandas is the metric composition of the Vedic mantras. the Rig and Sama vedas are wholly in verse. Yajur Veda is partly verse and partly prose. the syllables are sometimes strung together in sequence called mantramala. verse in sanskrit is composed of four padas. the foot is calle Pada.Pada is foot of the Veda Purusha. the chandas or vedic meter of a mantra is measured by the number of syllables in it. the unit of syllable is one quarter or a pada. stanza is composed of four padas chandas are number of syllables in each pada. Only vowels and consonants with vowels are reckoned. the syllable should therefore end in vowel. Pure consonants are ignored or excluded. In Ushnik there are seven syllables. those with eight in them are called Anushtup, nine in Brihati, in Pangti there are ten, In trishtup there are eleven, and Jagathi has twelve. 26 syllables are called Dandakam. The King of mantras is Gayatri.
Chandas No of Syllables No of syllables pada wise swara
Gayatri 24 8+8+8 Shadja.
Ushnik 28 7+7+7 Rishab
Anushtup 32 8+8+8+8 Gandara
Brihati 36 9+9+9+9 Madhyam
Pankti 40 10+10+10+10 Pancham
Trishtup 44 11+11+11+11 Daivat
Jagati 48 12+12+12+12 Nishad
Modifications in meter are possible say if 23 Nichrt Gayatri if 25 Bhurik Gayathri. etc.
The Mantras chanted at the sacrifices, ceremonial rites, and other samskaras fall under the categories of Veda mantras, Agama mantras, Puranic mantras and Smruta mantras.
Vedic Mantra
Veda is the reverberation of the Brahman or the atma. In each syllable of veda there is vibration which is total knowledge. so by reciting the veda mantra one acquires total knowledge capable of achieving whatever one desires. Subalopanishad says that from the breath of Virata Purusa came the Rikveda, Yajur Veda, Sama Veda and Atharva Veda, Siksha, Kalpa etc.
The Hiranyagarbha after tapas (SElf control) for the purification of the creatures created the mantras comprising the vedas and the karmas or rites. The Brahman created Prana, from prana he created faith, space, air, fire, water, earth, organs, mind and food. From Food he created vigor, self control, mantras, rites, and names of worlds.
Vedic mantras occur in each of the four vedas. Prajapati meditated and issued knowledge, the three Rik, Yajur, and Sama as His own manifestation in the universe. The Vedas are therefore Apaurisheya and they do not have an author either human or divine. They are eternal without a beginning or end. In the beginning the Vedic mantras the sakhas as they were called were in the conglomerate form. The veda is compared to a banyan tree with many branches (sakha) there were 1180 sakhas. Krishna Dwaipayana undertook the task of codifying the various sakhas and putting them in four vedas.
Rik veda 21 Shakala and Bashkala
Yajur Veda 101
Sukla Yajur Kanava and Mahayandina
Krishna Yajur Taittriya, Maitrayaneya and Kata.
Sama Veda 1000 Gautama and Jaimini
Atharva Veda 50 Paiplaya and Sownaka.
He was therefore named Veda Vyasa after this. The rik sakhas contained various hymns, Yajur sakhas dealt with procedures and formalities relating to conduct and rituals and yajnas. the sama sakhas were collection of hymns rendered in musical form. Atharva sakhas are designed to protect man from dangers and enemies. Veda vyasa having codified the vedas into four categories entrusted the task of propagating the vedas to four of his disciples who were themselves great seers. The veda has three parts the Samhita, Brahmana and the Upanishads.
Samhita is the collection of mantras or hymns in praise of the devatas transmitted orally by the ancient seers from generation to generation. Samhita contains all hymns in praise of the devatas and belong to different kinds of vedic utterances eg. Rk verse, the saman chant and the Yajus formula. Samhita is mantra and it is total knowledge. The Rk samhita contains the hymns in praise of the gods where the seers have poured their emotions in songs. The mantras strictly conform to the laws of metrical composition. These hymns are known as Suktas. The Rig veda contains 1028 suktas and there are about 10589 verses. In the vedic period sacrifices were common. the ritual assumed a formal role and therefore there was a need to regulate them. The work yajur derived from the root 'yaj' denotes sacrifice or ritual procedure. the Yajur veda gives the formulas to be uttered when the alter is to be erected. this veda gives a practical shape in the form of worship to the various Rk mantras. There are 1975 verses in Yajur Veda comprised in 40 chapters. It also contains hymns in praise of devatas. There is no strict rule regarding number of letters in each line. Some mantras are in prose. Purusa sukta, Sri Rudra and Chamak appear in the Yajur veda. The saman chants the mantras at the sacrifice. It is musical. Sama means (shanthi) peace. The sama veda contains 1875 mantras of which 1800 are virtually repetition of the Rk veda mantras. The sama hymns are rearranged to suit the religious ceremonies in which they were to be employed. while singing the verses are altered by prolongation, repetition and insertion of syllables and their modification. The Atharva veda contains all knowledge of secular sciences. there are 5977 verses comprised in 20 volumes such as tantra, yantra etc. There are about 731 hymns and about one seventh is Rk veda mixed with prose and verse. The mantras are designed to ward off evils and to destroy the enemies. The Atharva veda deals with the practical side of life which men use, like magic, amulets and herbs for removing diseases, evil omens, funerals and the like.
to be continued.