Wednesday, August 6, 2014

The final liberation. (t from s.)

The scriptures says, the bad begin
when dead with woe to pay for sin
while bliss awaits a happier birth
the good whenever they quit the earth.
but here the virtuous suffer pain
the bad by vice enjoyment gain
How then this doubtful case decide
tell what is urged on either side.

Did God exist omniscient kind
And never speak his will in vain
T would cost him but a word and then
His suppliants all they wish would find
If god to men allotted woe
Although that woe the fruit must be
of men's own actions then were he
without a cause his creatures foe
more cruel, thus than men who ne'er
To others causeless malice bear

in this our state of human birth
man's self and Brahma co exist
As wise Vedantists all insist
But when this wretched  life on earth                                (dont agree.)
shall end and all redemption gain
Then Brahma shall alone remain
A clever doctrine here we see
Our highest good to cease to be.

A hero hates not even the foe,
whoes deadly bow is against him bent.
like the Sandal tree with fragrant scent
imbues the axe which lays it low.

narrow and large heartedness.

Small souls enquire "belongs this man to our race, or class, or clan?"
But large hearted men embrace As brothers all the human race.

Himself in men's esteem to raise
on others faults let no one dwell;
But rather let a man excel,
all other men in doing well,
And thus command the meed of praise.

Of worthless men in blind conceit,
their own superior merits vaunt
and better men with failings taunt
reproof themselves with scorn they meet.

By blameless acts alone the wise
Although they neer themselves exault
nor yet with other men find fault.
to high esteem and honour rise.

The odour sweet of virtuous deeds
tough voiceless far and wide will fly
To tell his presence in the sky
The noon day sun no herald needs.

By self applause a fool in vain
From others seeks renown to gain
a wise man's merit long concealed
At last are surely all revealed.

knowledge as attribute.ts

"Ekaika gunaprarnthe sranthaah nigamavandhinah
na hrshtEhdhrashtAram pasyeh,
na sruthtEh srothArm srnvyAth
namathEh manthAram manvee THAh
na vijnAthAram VijaneeyAh.
Meaning you cannot see the seer of sight, hear the hearer of hearing thinker of thought and knower of knowledge. He does not deny the seear, knower etc. It only refutes the view of the Vaiseshikas, that knowledge is the attribute of the self- Knowing and thinking etc are the essential nature of the self. It dismisses the individual self as the knower etc.and shows the Brahman the real self as the knower.

like wise 'AnandO Brahma" does not denote Brahman as purely bliss but also as the Anandee possessor of bliss.

'VijnAnam Anandam Brahma"

to e continued.

Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Good and Bad.ts

Both good and bad the patient earth sustains
To cheer them both the sun impartial glows
On both the balmy wind refreshing blows
On both at ones the God Parjanya rains.

Not even here on earth are blest,
unrighteous men who thrive by wrong
And guileful arts who bold and strong
with cruel spite the weak molest.

Though goodness only brings distress
Let none that hallowed path forsake
mark what reverses overtake
The wicked after brief success.

not all at once the earth her fruits
Produces; so unrighteousness
But slowly works yet not the less
At length the sinner quiet uproots

At first though wrong he grows in strength
He sees good days and overthrows.
In strife triumphant, all his foes
But justice strikes him down at length.

Yes retribution comes though slow
for if the man himself go free.
His sons shall then the victims be,
Or else his grand sons feel the blow.


Those noblemen who falsehood dread,
In wealth and glory ever grow
As flames with greater brightness glow
With oil in ceaseless flow when fed.

But like to flames with water drenched
Which faintly flickering die away
So liare day by day decay
till all their lustre soon is quenched.


As far and wide the vernal breeze
sweet odours waft from blooming trees
So top the great savour speeds
to distant land of virtuous deeds

As one expert in daring feats
Athwarta pit a sword who lays
And walking on its edge essays
The chasm to cross but soon retreats

With cries afraid to fall below
And trembling stands upon the brink
So let a man from false hood shrink
And guard himself from future woe.

Monday, August 4, 2014

time of death.ts

For ruthless death will never stay to notice whether thou hast done or not, the work begun, he hastes to bear thy life away as wolves and tigers snatch their prey.

Un utterable wretchedness, does not wait for undeveloped understanding or imperfect feelings, life should be made profoundly interesting, feeding our every minute with spacious visage of eager attention filled with abundance of love for all creation.
pay attention write down even if a little bit every day, do it every day for a while, do it as you would do scales on a piano or say sloka, do it with a pre arrangement with your self, do it as a debt of honour and make a commitment to finish things.
The sage will never allow a day unmarked by good to pass away, but waking up will often ask, Have I this day fulfilled my task? with this with each days setting sun, a  part of my brief course is run.
Self Examination.
with daily scrutinizing ken
let every man his actions try
enquiring what with brutes have I
in common what with noble men?
Let all thy acts by day be right
that thou mayst sweetly rest at night
let such good deeds thy youth engage
that thou mayst spend a tranquil age
so act through life, that not in vain
thou heavenly bliss may'st hope to gain.

All men think all men mortal but themselves.
Is not those men's delusion strange
who, while they see tat every day
so many sweeps from earth away
can long themselves elude all change.

Concept of creation and infinity of time.
The universe as one of many that stretch in cycles of creation and destruction into the endless past and that will stretch in similar cycles into the endless future.

We often believe that we are what we do in life and that our joy comes from the results we achieve, to experience the full richness depth and magic of every moment. Whether we are actually achieving anything or not, we must learn how to flow from the pure inner essence of who we are. This allows us to connect with the essence of everything, so we can join the dance being always open to the infinite possibilities existing within its natural rhythm.

The lapse of time.
Again the morn returns again the night, again the sun, the moon ascends the sky, our lives still waste away as seasons fly, but who his final welfare keeps in sight.

Men hail the rising sun with glee, they love his setting glow to see, but fail to mark that every day, in fragments bears their life away.

All natures face delight to view
As changing seasons come anew
none sees how each revolving year
abridges swiftly man's career

No second youth for man.
The empty beds of rivers fill again
Trees leafless now renew their vernal bloom
returning moon their lustrous phase resume
But a man a second youth expects in vain.

Man should not delay to be good
Death comes and makes man his prey
A man whose powers are yet unspent
like one on gathering flowers intent
whose thoughts are turned another way.

Begin bedtimes to practice good
lest fate surprises the unawares
Amid thy round of schemes and cares
Tomorrows task today conclude.

And none can tell how things may change
And who may all this day survive
While yet a stripling therefore strive
On virtues arduous path advance.

Sunday, August 3, 2014

Sarve sishtalokah. all good people by Sri Ramanuja.

If Ramanuja charya was confronted with the world religions he would have embraced the whole of mankind, as per what he says SARVE SISHTALOKAH.

secret sin not unobserved.

"None sees me:" so when bent on sin
The fool imagines madly bold;
For Gods his evil deeds behold
The Soul too sees the man within.