In Varanasi lived a brahmin who was a great devotee of Visvesvara and he used to visit the temple every day. one day Bhrgu and a host of his followers came to the temple and finding the brahmin immersed in his worship of the Lord in his heart they asked the Lord who he was. Lord Visvanath replied When i was enjoying rest on mount Kailash with Parvathi a swan came there and devoutly placed it at our feet and seated itself at our feet, after paying us respect waiting for our command. I was surprised to see a black lotus and asked the swan where from had he got that black lotus flower. The Swan informed me that he serves as a conveyance to Brahma, as I was coming here to pay my obeisance to you i was crossing the Man Sarovar where i found this black lotus, but before that i too had fainted and when i got back my consciousness i was transformed to this black colour much agitated over this i was when i heard a voice from amongst the cluster of lotuses "I was a brahmin's wife before we were rearing a parrot. one day as i was engaged in teaching the parrot my husband entered the house and i failed to notice him he got angry and cursed me to become a parrot i then was living in a hermitage of a saint who used to recite the 10th chapter of the Gita every day. Listening to this i was relieved and was born as a divine damsel. I was having a bath in the sarovar when Sage Durvasa happened to enter the sarovar not knowing what to do i transformed myself to a lotus. however the power of the sage was so great that he knowing what i had done cursed me to become a black lotus for a 100 years. this is that very lotus i place before you. So saying he requested the Lord to bless him and permit him to go to the place where the 10th chapter of the Gita was being recited. On going there and listening to the Gita the swan was blessed and was born as a knowledgeable Brahmin who you now see here said the Lord Siva to Brughu Maharishi.
The Yoga of Divine Glories (Vibhuti Yoga)
O! Arjuna the Lord says listen to my supreme word with a desire to do you good, I speak it to your increasing delight. " I am the source of all the Gods and of all the sages. He who knows that I am unborn, beginning less and the Lord of all the world, is wise among men and he is freed from all sins. I am the source of everything the wise know this and worship me with all heart. The wise with their minds fixed on me, and with their lives absorbed in me, enlighten each other and ever speak of me. thus they are satisfied and delighted. To those who are ever steadfast and worship me with love, I give them the yoga of discrimination by which they come to me. Out of compassion to them i dwell in their hearts and dispel their gloom of their ignorance by the shining lamp of wisdom."
Arjuna asks "O! Lord I pray tell me of all thy various divine forms by which thou exists pervading all the worlds."
The Lord then says. O! Arjuna I will tell you some of my more prominent of my divine forms, as it is not possible to exhaust them for they are limitless. I am the self seated in the heart of all beings. I am the beginning, the middle and also the end of all things. I am Visnu amongst the twelve adityas, I am the radiant sun among the luminous objects, I am marici among the forty nine Maruts, I am the Moon among the stars, Among the vedas I am Sama Veda, I am Indra among the Gods, I am the mind among the senses, I am the consciousness in all living beings, I am shankara amoung Rudras, I am Kubera among the Yaksas and raksasas, I am agni among the vasus, I am meru among the mountains, I am Brhaspati among the preceptors, I am skanda among generals, I am ocean among the lakes, I am Bhrgu among the rishis, I am Chitra ratha among the Gandharvas. I am sage kapila among the perfect sages, I am Uccaissravas among the celestial horses, I am Airavata among the elephants. I am the monarch among men. I am thunderbolt or Vajrayudha among the weapons, I am Kamadhenu among cows, I am Manmatha the god of Love, amongst Progenitors, I am Vasuki among serpents, I am Anantha among nagas, I am Varuna among the water gods, I am Aryama among Pitris. I am Yama among controllers. I am Prahalada among Raksasas, I am time among those that measure, I am Lion among the beasts, I am Garuda among the birds, I am wind among the purifiers, I am Raama among warriors, I am shark among fishes, ganga among rivers, letter A among letters, dvandva among compounds, I am everlasting and imperishable time. I am dispenser of fruits of action facing all sides, I am Brharsama among the samas, I am Gayathri among the vedic meters, I am mrigashira among the months in a year, I am spring among the seasons, gambling among the fraudulent, the glory of the glorious, victory of the virtorious, determination of the determination of the determined. the goodness of the good, Krsna among yadavas, arjuna among pandavas, vyasa among munis, usanas among men of wisdom. I am the origin of all creatures there is no being animate or inanimate moving or nonmoving that can exist without me. Arjuna there is no end to my divine glories and manifestations, This is only a brief account of the extent of my attributes.
Striving to do the best in whatever task at hand should be the motive then for all of us we are in gods home the task ascribed is by him should we then not give everything we do its very best then.
The Yoga of Divine Glories (Vibhuti Yoga)
O! Arjuna the Lord says listen to my supreme word with a desire to do you good, I speak it to your increasing delight. " I am the source of all the Gods and of all the sages. He who knows that I am unborn, beginning less and the Lord of all the world, is wise among men and he is freed from all sins. I am the source of everything the wise know this and worship me with all heart. The wise with their minds fixed on me, and with their lives absorbed in me, enlighten each other and ever speak of me. thus they are satisfied and delighted. To those who are ever steadfast and worship me with love, I give them the yoga of discrimination by which they come to me. Out of compassion to them i dwell in their hearts and dispel their gloom of their ignorance by the shining lamp of wisdom."
Arjuna asks "O! Lord I pray tell me of all thy various divine forms by which thou exists pervading all the worlds."
The Lord then says. O! Arjuna I will tell you some of my more prominent of my divine forms, as it is not possible to exhaust them for they are limitless. I am the self seated in the heart of all beings. I am the beginning, the middle and also the end of all things. I am Visnu amongst the twelve adityas, I am the radiant sun among the luminous objects, I am marici among the forty nine Maruts, I am the Moon among the stars, Among the vedas I am Sama Veda, I am Indra among the Gods, I am the mind among the senses, I am the consciousness in all living beings, I am shankara amoung Rudras, I am Kubera among the Yaksas and raksasas, I am agni among the vasus, I am meru among the mountains, I am Brhaspati among the preceptors, I am skanda among generals, I am ocean among the lakes, I am Bhrgu among the rishis, I am Chitra ratha among the Gandharvas. I am sage kapila among the perfect sages, I am Uccaissravas among the celestial horses, I am Airavata among the elephants. I am the monarch among men. I am thunderbolt or Vajrayudha among the weapons, I am Kamadhenu among cows, I am Manmatha the god of Love, amongst Progenitors, I am Vasuki among serpents, I am Anantha among nagas, I am Varuna among the water gods, I am Aryama among Pitris. I am Yama among controllers. I am Prahalada among Raksasas, I am time among those that measure, I am Lion among the beasts, I am Garuda among the birds, I am wind among the purifiers, I am Raama among warriors, I am shark among fishes, ganga among rivers, letter A among letters, dvandva among compounds, I am everlasting and imperishable time. I am dispenser of fruits of action facing all sides, I am Brharsama among the samas, I am Gayathri among the vedic meters, I am mrigashira among the months in a year, I am spring among the seasons, gambling among the fraudulent, the glory of the glorious, victory of the virtorious, determination of the determination of the determined. the goodness of the good, Krsna among yadavas, arjuna among pandavas, vyasa among munis, usanas among men of wisdom. I am the origin of all creatures there is no being animate or inanimate moving or nonmoving that can exist without me. Arjuna there is no end to my divine glories and manifestations, This is only a brief account of the extent of my attributes.
Striving to do the best in whatever task at hand should be the motive then for all of us we are in gods home the task ascribed is by him should we then not give everything we do its very best then.