Saturday, November 13, 2021

Jagannath A


Jagannath Ashtakam is a devotional hymn composed by Guru Adi Shankaracharya to praise Lord Jagannath, an incarnation of Vishnu and the presiding deity of Shri Jagannath temple located in Puri.

Starting with ‘Kadachit kalindi’, the Jagannath Ashtakam lyrics are composed in a great way where the lyrics elucidate the divinity of Lord Puri Jagannath, his greatness, appearance, compassion towards devotees, and several other qualities.

Each of these eight hymns holds a great meaning explaining all the divine attributes of the Lord. In the Jagannath Ashtakam meaning one can also find the importance of Puri kshetra along with the Lord Jagannath’s attachment with Balabhadra and Subhadra.

Reciting this Jagannath ashtakam by Adi Shankaracharya has immense benefits and is explained in the phalastuti saying that, a devotee who recites this Ashtakam with great devotion and purity, can lead their soul to attain the adobe of Lord Vishnu.

Kadacit kalindi tata vipina Sangeetha taralo
Mudaa-bhirii nari vadana kamalaaswada madhupaha
Ramaa Shambhu Brahma-amarapati Ganeshaarchita pado
Jagannatha swami nayana padha gami bhavathu mey (1)

(I bow to the one) who sometimes fills the forests present on the banks of River Kalindi with his waves of music (from his flute)
The one who enjoys the blossomed lotus like faces of the women (Gopikas) like that of a wandering bee
Whose feet are worshipped by Ramaa (Goddess Lakshmi), Shambhu, Brahma, Amarapati (Lord of Devas – Indra), and Ganesha.

May that Jagannath Swami be my vision wherever my eyes go 

Bhujey savye vennum sirasi sikhi pincham kathithate
Dukuulam netranthe sahachara kataksham vidadhatr
Sada Shrimad vrundavana vasati leela parichayo
Jagannatha swami nayana padha gami bhavathu mey (2)

The one who holds a flute in his left hand, wearing a peacock feather on his head and with a lustrous cloth around his waist
Who with his divine gestures of side glances can bestow his companions
Who always resides in his great Brundavana and reveals himself by his divine play or Leelas
May that Jagannath Swami be my vision wherever my eyes go

Mahaambhodhes tire kanaka ruchire neela shikarey
Vasan prasaadaanthaha sahaja Valabhadrena Balinaa
Subhadra madhyasthah sakala sura sevaavasara do
Jagannatha swami nayana padhagami bhavathu mey (3)

O the one who resides on the shore of the great ocean (Purushottama kshetra – Puri) of which the sands appear with golden radiance, within a great palace present on the Nilachala hill
Present on that palace, with his brother Balabhadra, who is known for his great valor and strength
Along with sister Subhadra in the middle, the one who gives the suras an opportunity to serve him
May that Jagannath Swami be my vision wherever my eyes go

Krupaa paraavarah sajala jalada shreni ruchiro
Ramaa vani ramah spuradamala pankeruha mukhaha
Surendrair-raaradyah shruthi gaana shikhaa geetha charitho
Jagannatha swami nayana padhagami bhavathu mey (4)

O the Lord, whose compassion is like an ocean and who is with looks like that of dark clouds filled with water.
Who is a delight to Ramaa (Goddess Lakshmi) and Vani (Goddess Saraswati), whose face is spotless like a blossomed lotus
The one worshipped by the Surendra (head of the devas), whose greatness is sung by the holy scriptures like Shruthi’s and by great Geethas.
May that Jagannath Swami be my vision wherever my eyes go

Radha rudho gacchan pathi militha bhudeva patalauh
Stuti pradhur bhavam prati pada mupaakarnya sadayaha
Daya sindhur bhandhuh sakala jagataam sindhu suthaya
Jagannatha swami nayana padhagami bhavathu mey (5)

Riding on a chariot along the streets (indicating chariot festival) and seeing groups of Brahmins at every place
singing the prayers (Stuti’s), listening to each of those words by his ears and the one whose heart lies with his devotees
O the ocean of mercy, the friend to all the worlds, who is looking like the son of the ocean (with his merry appearance on the shore of the ocean)
May that Jagannath Swami be my vision wherever my eyes go

Parambrahma peedah kuvalaya dalotpulla nayano
Nivaasi neeladrau nihitha charano anantha sirasi
Rasaanandi radha sarasa vapuraalingana sukho
Jagannatha swami nayana padhagami bhavathu mey (6)

Who is with a condensed supreme form, whose eyes look like the petals of the blossomed lotus
The one who recites on Neeladri (Neelachala hill) having his feet on the head of Anantha (Shesha)
O the one who enjoys the pleasure of embracing the beautiful form of Radha filled with the joy of Rasa
May that Jagannath Swami be my vision wherever my eyes go

Na vai yaache rajyam na cha kanaka manikhya vibhavam
Na yache-aham ramyam sakala jana kamyam varavadhum
Sada kale kale pramadha patinaa Geetha charitho
Jagannatha swami nayana padhagami bhavathu mey (7)

I don’t seek for a kingdom, not even the gold, jewels, gems, or such glory
I also don’t seek a beautiful lady who is desired by all
(But I seek the one) whose glory is praised at every moment by the Lord of Pradamas (Maheshwara)
May that Jagannath Swami be my vision wherever my eyes go

Hara twam samsaram druthatarama-asaram Surapathe
Hara twam papanam vitatimaparaam Yadava-pathe
Aho deenenathe nihitha charano nischithamidam
Jagannatha swami nayana padhagami bhavathu mey (8)

O Lord, please remove my attachments to the worthless Samsara, O the Lord of Suras
Please remove my innumerable sins I have committed, O the Lord of the Yadavas
O the one for all the miserable and helpless, the only refuge is your feet
May that Jagannath Swami be my vision wherever my eyes go

Jagannatha ashthakam pumyam yah patheth prayataha suchihi
Sarva papa vishuddhatma Vishnu lokam sa gacchathi

For those who recite this Jagannath Ashtakam, which is holy, with great devotion and being pure (physically and mentally)
All their sins get removed and their pure soul will attain the adobe of Lord Vishnu (Vishnu Loka).

Na vai yaache rajyam na cha kanaka manikhya vibhavam

Na yache-aham ramyam sakala jana kamyam varavadhum
Sada kale kale pramadha patinaa Geetha charitho
Jagannatha swami nayana padhagami bhavathu mey (7)

I don’t seek for a kingdom, not even the gold, jewels, gems, or such glory
I also don’t seek a beautiful lady who is desired by all
(But I seek the one) whose glory is praised at every moment by the Lord of Pradamas (Maheshwara)
May that Jagannath Swami be my vision wherever my eyes go

Hara twam samsaram druthatarama-asaram Surapathe
Hara twam papanam vitatimaparaam Yadava-pathe
Aho deenenathe nihitha charano nischithamidam
Jagannatha swami nayana padhagami bhavathu mey (8)

O Lord, please remove my attachments to the worthless Samsara, O the Lord of Suras
Please remove my innumerable sins I have committed, O the Lord of the Yadavas
O the one for all the miserable and helpless, the only refuge is your feet
May that Jagannath Swami be my vision wherever my eyes go

Jagannatha ashthakam pumyam yah patheth prayataha suchihi
Sarva papa vishuddhatma Vishnu lokam sa gacchathi

For those who recite this Jagannath Ashtakam, which is holy, with great devotion and being pure (physically and mentally)
All their sins get removed and their pure soul will attain the adobe of Lord Vishnu (Vishnu Loka).



Śrī Śrī Rādhā-kripa-kaṭākṣa-stava-rāja

श्री राधा-कृपा-कटाक्ष-स्तव-राज
Śrī Rādhā-kṛpā-kaṭākṣa-stava-rāja

Text 1
मुनीन्द्र–वृन्द–वन्दिते त्रिलोक–शोक–हारिणि
प्रसन्न-वक्त्र-पण्कजे निकुञ्ज-भू-विलासिनि
व्रजेन्द्र–भानु–नन्दिनि व्रजेन्द्र–सूनु–संगते
कदा करिष्यसीह मां कृपाकटाक्ष–भाजनम् ॥१॥

munīndra-vṛnda-vandite triloka-śoka-hāriṇi
prasanna-vaktra-paṇkaje nikuñja-bhū-vilāsini
vrajendra-bhānu-nandini vrajendra-sūnu-saṅgate
kadā kariṣyasīha māṁ kṛpā-kaṭākṣa-bhājanam ||1||

O goddess worshiped by the kings of sages, O goddess who remove the sufferings of the three worlds, O goddess whose face is a blossoming lotus, O goddess who enjoy pastimes in the forest, O daughter of Vrishhabhanu, O companion of Vraja's prince, when will You cast Your merciful sidelong glance upon me?

Text 2
अशोक–वृक्ष–वल्लरी वितान–मण्डप–स्थिते
प्रवालबाल–पल्लव प्रभारुणांघ्रि–कोमले ।
वराभयस्फुरत्करे प्रभूतसम्पदालये
कदा करिष्यसीह मां कृपाकटाक्ष–भाजनम् ॥२॥

pravāla-vāla-pallava prabhā ’ruṇāṅghri-komale
varābhaya-sphurat-kare prabhūta-sampadālaye
kadā kariṣyasīha māṁ kṛpā-kaṭākṣa-bhājanam ||2||

O goddess staying in a vine-cottage by an ashoka tree, O goddess whose delicate feet are as splendid as red blossoms, O goddess whose hand grants fearlessness, O abode of transcendental opulence's, when will You cast Your merciful sidelong glance upon me?

Text 3
अनङ्ग-रण्ग मङ्गल-प्रसङ्ग-भङ्गुर-भ्रुवां
सविभ्रमं ससम्भ्रमं दृगन्त–बाणपातनैः ।
निरन्तरं वशीकृतप्रतीतनन्दनन्दने
कदा करिष्यसीह मां कृपाकटाक्ष–भाजनम् ॥३॥

sa-vibhramaṁ sa-sambhramaṁ dṛganta-bāṇa-pātanaiḥ
nirantaraṁ vaśī-kṛta-pratīti-nanda-nandane
kadā kariṣyasīha māṁ kṛpā-kaṭākṣa-bhājanam ||3||

O goddess who, playfully shooting the arrows of Your glances from the curved bows of Your auspicious, amorous eyebrows, have completely subdued Nanda's son [Krishna], when will You cast Your merciful sidelong glance upon me?


Text 4
तडित्–सुवर्ण–चम्पक –प्रदीप्त–गौर–विग्रहे
मुख–प्रभा–परास्त–कोटि–शारदेन्दुमण्डले ।
विचित्र-चित्र सञ्चरच्चकोर-शाव-लोचने
कदा करिष्यसीह मां कृपाकटाक्ष–भाजनम् ॥४॥

kadā kariṣyasīha māṁ kṛpā-kaṭākṣa-bhājanam ||4||

O goddess whose form is as splendid as champaka flowers, gold, and lightning, O goddess whose face eclipses millions of autumn moons, O goddess whose eyes are wonderful, restless young chakora birds, when will You cast Your merciful sidelong glance upon me?

Text 5
मदोन्मदाति–यौवने प्रमोद–मान–मण्डिते
प्रियानुराग–रञ्जिते कला–विलास – पण्डिते ।
कदा करिष्यसीह मां कृपाकटाक्ष–भाजनम् ॥५॥

madonmadāti-yauvane pramoda-māna-maṇḍite
priyānurāga-rañjite kalā-vilāsa-paṇḍite
ananya-dhanya-kuñja-rājya-kāma keli-kovide
kadā kariṣyasīha māṁ kṛpā-kaṭākṣa-bhājanam ||5||

O young girl intoxicated with passion, O goddess decorated with cheerful jealous anger, O goddess who passionately love Your beloved Krishna, O goddess learned in playful arts, O goddess expert at enjoying amorous pastimes in the kingdom of the peerlessly opulent forest groves of Vrindavana, when will You cast Your merciful sidelong glance upon me?

Text 6
प्रभूतशातकुम्भ–कुम्भकुम्भि–कुम्भसुस्तनि ।
प्रशस्तमन्द–हास्यचूर्ण पूर्णसौख्य –सागरे
कदा करिष्यसीह मां कृपाकटाक्ष–भाजनम् ॥६॥

prabhūta-śāta-kumbha-kumbha-kumbhi kumbha-sustani
kadā kariṣyasīha māṁ kṛpā-kaṭākṣa-bhājanam ||6|

O goddess decorated with a pearl necklace of bold amorous hints, O goddess as fair as gold, O goddess whose breasts are great golden waterpots, O ocean of happiness filled with the scented powders of gentle smiles, when will You cast Your merciful sidelong glance upon me?

Text 7
मृणाल-वाल-वल्लरी तरङ्ग-रङ्ग-दोर्लते
लताग्र–लास्य–लोल–नील–लोचनावलोकने ।
कदा करिष्यसीह मां कृपाकटाक्ष–भाजनम् ॥७॥

mṛṇāla-vāla-vallarī taraṅga-raṅga-dor-late
lalal-lulan-milan-manojña mugdha-mohanāśrite
kadā kariṣyasīha māṁ kṛpā-kaṭākṣa-bhājanam ||7||

O goddess whose arms are lotus stalks dancing on the waves, O goddess whose dark eyes are dancing vines, O playful, beautiful, charming goddess, when will You cast Your merciful sidelong glance upon me?


Text 8
सुवर्णमलिकाञ्चित –त्रिरेख–कम्बु–कण्ठगे
त्रिसूत्र–मङ्गली-गुण–त्रिरत्न-दीप्ति–दीधिते ।
कदा करिष्यसीह मां कृपाकटाक्ष–भाजनम् ॥८॥

salola-nīla-kuntala prasūna-guccha-gumphite
kadā kariṣyasīha māṁ kṛpā-kaṭākṣa-bhājanam ||8||

O goddess who wear a golden necklace on the three-lined conchshell of Your neck, O goddess splendid with three jasmine garlands and three jewelled necklaces, O goddess whose moving locks of dark hair are decorated with bunches of flowers, when will You cast Your merciful sidelong glance upon me?

Text 9
प्रशस्तरत्न-किङ्किणी-कलाप-मध्य मञ्जुले ।
कदा करिष्यसीह मां कृपाकटाक्ष–भाजनम् ॥९॥

praśasta-ratna-kiṅkiṇī-kalāpa-madhya mañjule
kadā kariṣyasīha māṁ kṛpā-kaṭākṣa-bhājanam ||9||

O goddess who wear a sash of flowers on Your curved hips, O goddess charming with a sash of tinkling jewelled bells, O goddess whose beautiful thighs punish the regal elephant's trunk, when will You cast Your merciful sidelong glance upon me?

Text 10
अनेक–मन्त्रनाद–मञ्जु नूपुरारव–स्खलत्
समाज–राजहंस–वंश–निक्वणाति–गौरवे ।
कदा करिष्यसीह मां कृपाकटाक्ष–भाजनम् ॥१०॥

kadā kariṣyasīha māṁ kṛpā-kaṭākṣa-bhājanam ||10||

O goddess whose anklets' tinkling is more beautiful than the sounds of many mantras and the cooing of many regal swans, O goddess whose graceful motions mock the moving golden vines, when will You cast Your merciful sidelong glance upon me?

Text 11
हिमाद्रिजा–पुलोमजा–विरिञ्चजा-वरप्रदे ।
कदा करिष्यसीह मां कृपाकटाक्ष–भाजनम् ॥११॥

kadā kariṣyasīha māṁ kṛpā-kaṭākṣa-bhājanam ||11||

O goddess worshiped by Brahma, O goddess to whom countless millions of Vaishnavas bow down, O goddess who give blessings to Parvati, shaci, and Sarasvati, O goddess whose toenails are anointed with limitless opulence's and mystic perfections, when will You cast Your merciful sidelong glance upon me?


Text 12
मखेश्वरि क्रियेश्वरि स्वधेश्वरि सुरेश्वरि
त्रिवेद–भारतीश्वरि प्रमाण–शासनेश्वरि ।
रमेश्वरि क्षमेश्वरि प्रमोद–काननेश्वरि
व्रजेश्वरि व्रजाधिपे श्रीराधिके नमो˜स्तु ते ॥१२॥

makheśvari kriyeśvari svadheśvari sureśvari
triveda-bhāratīśvari pramāṇa-śāsaneśvari
rameśvari kṣameśvari pramoda kānaneśvari
vrajeśvari vrajādhipe śrī rādhike namo ’stu te ||12||

O queen of Vedic sacrifices, O queen of pious activities, O queen of the material world, O queen of the demigods, O queen of Vedic scholarship, O queen of knowledge, O queen of the goddesses of fortune, O queen of patience, O queen of Vrindavana, the forest of happiness, O queen of Vraja, O empress of Vraja, O Sri Radhika, obeisance's to You!


Text 13

इती ममद्भुतं-स्तवं निशम्य भानुनन्दिनी
करोतु सन्ततं जनं कृपाकटाक्ष-भाजनम् ।
भवेत्तदैव सञ्चित त्रिरूप–कर्म नाशनं
लभेत्तदा व्रजेन्द्र–सूनु–मण्डल–प्रवेशनम् ॥१३॥

itī mam adbhutaṁ-stavaṁ niśamya bhānu-nandinī
karotu santataṁ janaṁ kṛpā-kaṭākṣa-bhājanam
bhavet tadaiva-sañcita-tri-rūpa-karma-nāśanaṁ
bhavet tadā-vrajendra-sūnu-maṇḍala-praveśanam ||13||

Upon hearing this most astonishing prayer of mine being recited by a devotee, may Sri Vrishhabhanu-nandini constantly make him the object of Her most merciful sidelong glance. At that time all his karmic reactions - whether mature, fructifying, or lying in seed - will be completely destroyed, and then he will gain entrance into the assembly of Nandanandana's eternal loving associates.


Text 14-15
राकायां च सिताष्टम्यां दशम्यां च विशुद्धधीः ।
एकादश्यां त्रयोदश्यां यः पठेत्साधकः सुधीः ॥१४॥

यं यं कामयते कामं तं तमाप्नोति साधकः ।
राधाकृपाकटाक्षेण भक्तिःस्यात् प्रेमलक्षणा ॥१५॥

rākāyāṁ ca sitāṣṭamyāṁ daśamyāṁ ca viśuddha-dhīḥ |
ekādaśyāṁ trayodaśyāṁ yaḥ paṭhet sādhakaḥ sudhīḥ ||14||

yaṁ yaṁ kāmayate kāmaṁ taṁ tamāpnoti sādhakaḥ |
rādhā-kṛpā-kaṭākṣeṇa bhaktiḥ syāt prema-lakṣaṇā ||15||

If a sadhaka with purified intelligence recites this stava with a fixed mind on the lunar days known as the full-moon day, the bright ashtami, the dashami, the ekadashi, and the trayodashi, then each and every one of his desires will be fulfilled, one by one. And by the merciful sidelong glance of Shri Radha he will obtain devotional service that has the special symptom of being imbued with pure, ecstatic love of God (prema).

Text 16-17
ऊरुदघ्ने नाभिदघ्ने हृद्दघ्ने कण्ठदघ्नके ।
राधाकुण्डजले स्थिता यः पठेत् साधकः शतम् ॥१६॥

तस्य सर्वार्थ सिद्धिः स्याद् वाक्सामर्थ्यं तथा लभेत् ।
ऐश्वर्यं च लभेत् साक्षाद्दृशा पश्यति राधिकाम् ॥१७॥

ūru-daghne nābhi-daghne hṛd-daghne kaṇṭa-daghnake |
rādhā-kuṇḍa-jale sthitā yaḥ paṭhet sādhakaḥ śatam ||16||

tasya sarvārtha-siddhiḥ syād vāk-sāmarthyaṁ tathā labhet |
aiśvaryaṁ ca labhet sākṣād dṛśā paśyati rādhikām ||17||

That sadhaka who recites this stava 100 times while standing in the waters of Shri Radha-kunda up to his thighs, navel, chest, or neck will attain complete perfection in the five goals of human existence, namely dharma, artha, kama, moksha, and prema. He also will attain the power by which everything he says will come true. He becomes very powerful and opulent due to attaining transcendental majesty, and he gets to meet shri Radhika face to face, seeing Her even with his present eyes.

Text 18
तेन स तत्क्षणादेव तुष्टा दत्ते महावरम् ।
येन पश्यति नेत्राभ्यां तत् प्रियं श्यामसुन्दरम् ॥१८॥

tena sa tat-kṣaṇād eva tuṣṭā datte mahāvaram |
yena paśyati netrābhyāṁ tat-priyaṁ śyāmasundaram ||18||

[By such chanting of this prayer in Radha-kunda] Shri Radhika becomes so pleased that She instantly bestows a great benediction on the devotee, which is that he sees Her beloved Shyamasundara with his very own eyes.

Text 19
नित्यलीला–प्रवेशं च ददाति श्री-व्रजाधिपः ।
अतः परतरं प्रार्थ्यं वैष्णवस्य न विद्यते ॥१९॥

nitya-līlā-praveśaṁ ca dadāti śrī-vrajādhipaḥ |
ataḥ parataraṁ prārthyaṁ vaiṣṇavasya na vidyate ||19||

Then that Lord of Vrindavana grants the devotee entrance into His eternal pastimes. Genuine Vaishnavas hanker for nothing beyond this.


॥ इति श्रीमदूर्ध्वाम्नाये श्रीराधिकायाः कृपाकटाक्षस्तोत्रं सम्पूर्णम ॥

|| iti śrīmad-ūrdhvāmnāye śrī-rādhikāyāḥ kṛpā-kaṭākṣa-stotraṁ sampūrṇam ||


The aspirant who recites this hymn on the full-moon day, on the eighth day of the waxing moon, and on the tenth, eleventh and thirteenth days of the waxing and waning moons, achieves the fruition of his desires and, by the grace of Sri Radhika's compassionate sidelong glance, bhakti characterized by prema sprouts in his heart.

The aspirant who recites this hymn one hundred times, while immersed in the waters of Sri Radha-kunda, either up to his waist, up to his navel, up to his chest, or up to his neck, achieves the perfection of his desired ends and whatever he speaks comes true, he is endowed with full spiritual opulence and gets the direct, personal darshan of Srimati Radharani.

Being pleased with him, Srimati Radhika immediately grants him the greatest benediction and he gets to see with his own eyes Her darling sweet Lord, Sri Syamasundara. The Lord of Vraja, in His turn, grants that devotee an entrance into His eternal sports. For the Vaisnavas there is no greater goal to be achieved than this.


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This is the most famous stotra in Sri Vrindavana, Sometimes called the national anthem of Vrindavan.

All the sadhus and devoted matajis [ladies] know it by heart, and it is recited daily in most temples and nearby villages; indeed, this prayer is regarded as the very heart of Vrindavana.

It is also known as: "The King of Prayers which Petitions the Most Merciful Side-long Glance from Srimati Radharani". This exceptional prayer is composed in a lovely meter and daily sung in a charming melody by many Brijabasis (Vrindavan residents).



Thursday, November 11, 2021


1. sucāru-vaktra-maṇḍalaḿ sukarṇa-ratna-kuṇḍalam

sucarcitāńga-candanaḿ namāmi nanda-nandanam



sudīrgha-netra-pańkajaḿ śikhi-śikhaṇḍa-mūrdhajam

anańga-koṭi-mohanaḿ namāmi nanda-nandanam



sunāsikāgra-mauktikaḿ svacchanda-danta-pańktikam

navāmbudāńga-cikkaṇaḿ namāmi nanda-nandanam



kareṇa veṇu-rañjitaḿ gati-karīndra-gañjitam

dukūla-pīta-śobhanaḿ namāmi nanda-nandanam



tri-bhańga-deha-sundaraḿ nakha-dyuti-sudhākaram

amūlya-ratna-bhūṣaṇaḿ namāmi nanda-nandanam



sugandha-ańga-saurabham uro-virāji-kaustubham

sphurac-chrīvatsa-lāñchanaḿ namāmi nanda-nandanam



vṛndāvana-sunāgaraḿ vilāsānuga-vāsasam

surendra-garva-mocanaḿ namāmi nanda-nandanam



vrajāńganā-sunāyakaḿ sadā sukha-pradāyakam

jagan-manaḥ pralobhanaḿ namāmi nanda-nandanam



śrī-nanda-nandanāṣṭakaḿ paṭhed yaḥ śraddhayānvitaḥ

tared bhavābdhiḿ dustaraḿ labhet tad-ańghri-yugmakam

1) I offer pranama to Nandanandana, whose face is extremely delightful, in whose beautiful ears hang jeweled earrings, and whose entire body is anointed with fragrant candana.

2) I offer pranama to Nandanandana, whose eyes are more beautiful than the fully bloomed lotus, whose head is beautifully adorned with an arrangement of peacock feathers, and who enchants millions of Cupids.

3) I offer pranama to Nandanandana, from whose beautiful nose hangs an elephant-pearl, whose teeth are immensely effulgent, whose bodily complexion is more beautiful and lustrous than a fresh rain cloud.

4) I offer pranama to Nandanandana, whose lotus hands hold the flute, whose lingering gait defeats even that of an impassioned elephant, and whose dark limbs are beautified by a yellow shawl.

5) I offer pranama to Nandanandana, whose threefold-bending posture is exquisitely elegant, the effulgence of whose toe-nails put to shame even the moon, and who wears invaluable jewels and ornaments.

6) I offer pranama to Nandanandana, whose body exudes an especially beautiful fragrance, and whose broad chest is adorned with the kaustubha jewel and the mark of srivatsa.

7) I offer pranama to Nandanandana, the expert lover of Vrindavana who performs immaculate pastimes and who is attired in clothes which are suitable for those pastimes, and who pulverized the pride of Indra.

8) I offer pranama to Nandanandana, who as the lover of the Vraja gopis perpetually delights them and who enchants the minds of all living entities.

9) Whoever regularly recites this (Sri Nanda-nandanastakam) will easily cross the seemingly insurmountable ocean of material existence and attain eternal residence at the lotus feet of 


Wednesday, November 10, 2021


 𝗖𝗵𝗵𝗮𝘁𝗵 Puja is an ancient Hindu #festival and the only #Vedic Festival devoted to the Hindu 𝗦𝘂𝗻 God, #Surya and 𝗖𝗵𝗵𝗮𝘁𝗵𝗶 𝗠𝗮𝗶𝘆𝘆𝗮. #ChhathPuja is performed to thank 𝗦𝘂𝗿𝘆𝗮 for being the primordial force sustaining life on 𝗘𝗮𝗿𝘁𝗵.

🔴 𝗦𝘂𝗿𝘆𝗮, considered the god of energy and the life-force, is worshipped during the 𝗖𝗵𝗵𝗮𝘁𝗵 festival to endorse well-being, prosperity and progress. In #Hinduism, 𝗦𝘂𝗻 worship is supposed to cure a variety of diseases, including leprosy, besides ensuring the longevity and prosperity of family members, friends and elders.

🔴 🎉 Who is #Chhathi #Maiyya? 🎉

☀︎︎ The Goddess who is worshipped during the famous 𝗖𝗵𝗵𝗮𝘁𝗵 Puja is known as 𝗖𝗵𝗵𝗮𝘁𝗵𝗶 𝗠𝗮𝗶𝘆𝘆𝗮 (𝗠𝗮𝗮). According to the legends, 𝗖𝗵𝗵𝗮𝘁𝗵𝗶 𝗠𝗮𝗶𝘆𝘆𝗮 is an incarnation of one of the forms of goddess #Durga, Devi #Katyayni, who is worshipped on the sixth day of Navratri. She is also said to be the daughter of Lord #Brahma, creator of the world. The legend states that during the creation of the world, Lord 𝗕𝗿𝗮𝗵𝗺𝗮 divided himself into two parts, one of male and another of female. The part which he divided into females became mother nature and she further divided herself into six parts, out of which the last part was full of motherly love for all beings and was hence called '𝗦𝗵𝗮𝘀𝗵𝘁𝗶' or '𝗖𝗵𝗵𝗮𝘁𝗵𝗶'. 𝗖𝗵𝗵𝗮𝘁𝗵𝗶 Mata protects the offspring and provides longevity to them.

🔴 𝗨𝘀𝗵𝗮 in the #Vedas is believed to be the consort of 𝗦𝘂𝗿𝘆𝗮, the sun god. 𝗨𝘀𝗵𝗮 is the term used to refer to 𝗱𝗮𝘄𝗻 – the first light of day. But in the 𝗥𝗶𝗴 𝗩𝗲𝗱𝗮, she has more symbolic meaning. Symbolically, 𝗨𝘀𝗵𝗮 is the 𝗱𝗮𝘄𝗻 of 𝗱𝗶𝘃𝗶𝗻𝗲 𝗰𝗼𝗻𝘀𝗰𝗶𝗼𝘂𝘀𝗻𝗲𝘀𝘀 in the individual aspirant. It is said that 𝗨𝘀𝗵𝗮 and 𝗣𝗿𝗮𝘁𝘆𝘂𝘀𝗵𝗮, wives of the 𝗦𝘂𝗻 god, are the main source of the 𝗦𝘂𝗻.

🔴 Both 𝗨𝘀𝗵𝗮 and 𝗣𝗿𝗮𝘁𝘆𝘂𝘀𝗵𝗮 are worshipped along with 𝗦𝘂𝗻 in 𝗖𝗵𝗵𝗮𝘁𝗵 Parva. 𝗨𝘀𝗵𝗮 (literally-the first morning sun-ray) is worshipped on the last day and 𝗣𝗿𝗮𝘁𝘆𝘂𝘀𝗵𝗮 (the last sun-ray of day) is worshipped in the evening by offering water or milk to the rising and setting sun, respectively.

🔴  🎉 𝗖𝗵𝗵𝗮𝘁𝗵 and #Karna 🎉

☀︎︎ It is believed that 𝗖𝗵𝗵𝗮𝘁𝗵 Puja was formally started by 𝗞𝗮𝗿𝗻𝗮, the son of 𝗦𝘂𝗿𝘆𝗮 𝗗𝗲𝘃. 𝗦𝘂𝗿𝘆𝗮 Putra 𝗞𝗮𝗿𝗻𝗮 ruled over #Anga Desh (present-day #Bhagalpur district of Bihar) during the #Mahabharat Age. He was a great warrior and fought against the 𝗣𝗮𝗻𝗱𝗮𝘃𝗮𝘀 in the #Kurukshetra War.

🔴  🎉 #Pandavas and 𝗖𝗵𝗵𝗮𝘁𝗵 Puja 🎉

☀︎︎ In a poem, #Draupadi and the 𝗣𝗮𝗻𝗱𝗮𝘃𝗮𝘀, rulers of Indraprastha, are described as performing the 𝗖𝗵𝗵𝗮𝘁𝗵 ritual on the advice of noble sage #Dhaumya. Through her worship of the 𝗦𝘂𝗻 God, 𝗗𝗿𝗮𝘂𝗽𝗮𝗱𝗶 was not only able to solve her immediate problems, but also helped the 𝗣𝗮𝗻𝗱𝗮𝘃𝗮𝘀 to later regain their lost kingdom.

🔴 🎉  𝗖𝗵𝗵𝗮𝘁𝗵 and Goddess 𝗦𝗶𝘁𝗮 🎉

☀︎︎ 𝗖𝗵𝗵𝗮𝘁𝗵 was performed by #Sita after returning from Lanka in order to get rid of Brahma killing curse. She not only got rid of the curse but was blessed with #Luv and #Kush as their sons. 

🔴 🎉 Sixth day of the Kārtika month 🎉

🎉 The word 𝗖𝗵𝗵𝗮𝘁𝗵 is derived from number six in Nepali, Maithili, Bhojpuri, Hindi and local dialects and the festival is celebrated on the sixth day of the #Kārtika month of the Hindu lunar calendar. The word is a Prakrit derivation from the Sanskrit word #ṣaṣṭhi, meaning sixth.

🔴 🎉 The Rituals 🎉

☀︎︎ The rituals of 𝗖𝗵𝗵𝗮𝘁𝗵 festival are meticulous and observed over a period of four days. They include holy bathing, fasting and abstaining from drinking water (vratta), standing in water for long periods of time, and offering prashad (prayer offerings) and #arghya (commodity offering) to the rising and setting 𝗦𝘂𝗻.



Tuesday, November 9, 2021


Identifying a conch;hold the conch shell in your hand such that its top portion or head faces towards you. observe the opening on it if it opens on the left side it is vamavarti shanka, if it opens on right side it is dakshinavarti shanka. Generally vamavarti shanka are used for blowing purposes and dakshinavarti shanka are used for worship and abhishekam.Shanks are subjected to processes of cleaning trimming and grinding which bring in the shiny appearance some  times flower pattern are carved on the shells mechanically. Porcelain comes closest to the material of the shanka. some natural depressions mostly in vamavarti shanks there is presence of small cavity towards the tail of the shanks, this is not considered as defect but if the tip of the shank is broken or there is a hole in the conch shell then they are not acceptable as they are khandishankh.blowing shank requires skill and practice.

Sunday, November 7, 2021

garland names.

 Eight special garlands for Lord Venkateswara every day

Garlands of 100 feet long adorn deity
27 varities of flowers, 7 types of aromic leafs
50-100 kgs of fresh flowers every day.

Garlands and flowers play a significant role and each one have a specific identity in the legends and lores of the Temple of Lord Venkateswara of Tirumala. It is mentioned in the ‘Tiruvai Mulhi’, a local purana that the celestial ruler of the seven hills was known for his love of flowers and flowery decorations at his abode throughout the year. Temple chief priest Sri Ramana Dikshitulu says that on any single day the majestic idol of the deity in the Srivari Temple is decorated with nearly 100 feet length of flower garlands. The chief priest said the garlands were made from specially cut flowers of nearly 27 varieties, and six types of aromic leafs from the gardens of the Lord Venkateswara in Tirumala. The prominent garlands adorning the deity are – Shikhamani, Saligrama Mala, Kanthasari, Vruksha Sthala Lakshmi, Shanku Chakram, Kathari saram, Tavalamulu .


 Shikhamani : The flower garland that covered the crown and along the shoulders and is about 12 feet in length in bright flowers – rose, jamine and marigold etc.

Kantha sari : Flower garlands which fall from the shoulders in both right and left directions.
Saligrama Mala : These are garlands with heavily scented flowers like roses, jasmines all along the long Saligrama necklaces that are worn by the deity from neck upto waist level . Each of the garlands are above 12 feet in length .
Vurksha Sthala Lakshmi : Flower garlands aorning the Bhudevi and Sri Devi who reside in the navel of the Lord
Shanka chakran :The flower decoration on the celestial emblems of Lord Venkateswara – Shanka and Chakram
Kthariha Saram : The flower decked belt along the waist to fit in the sword
Tavalamulu are the three long garlands that hang down from the top to bottom on the sides in three stresses. along the hands .

 TTD maintained gardens over hundreds of acres at Tirumala to raise special rose,jasmine and marigold flowers spefcially for decoration of the main deity of Lord Venkateswara. Special aromic leafs like tulasi etc were also raised in the same gardens. An average of 525-50 kgs of gold are flowers and 5 kgs of scented leafs are used in the making of garlands and flower decorations of the the main deity and also the sanctum of Srivari temple in Tirumala from TTD gardens. Atleast 20 women make the garlands for the diety every day which is kept in air conditioned chambers in the temple complex for decoration of the deity and also the utsava idols during the festivals and rituals.