Tuesday, January 6, 2015

thiru Pullamboothangudi

The Moolavar here is Valcil Raman. seen in Bhujanga sayanam pose facing east. the Thayar is Pottramaraiyal and also Hemambujavalli, Jatayu theertham also Kruthra theertham. The Vimanam is known as Sobana vimanam. God appeard to Kruthra Raja and Thirumangai alwar.
the statue of the Moolavar is very majestic in the garbagriha holding the shanku chakra and the mace. Sita is not seen but Bhoomidevi appeared and helped Rama perform the last rites for Jatayu. that is how Bhoomidevi is seen besides the Moolavar here. the Ahobila mutt manages this temple.the Jeer has his brindavanam here. 

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