Saturday, August 8, 2015

Is Sharanagathy a mental attitude?

Na Dharma Nishthosmi Na Cha Atmaved
Na BhaktimansTvat Charanaravinde |
Akinchanonanyagati Sharanyam
Tvat Padamoolam Sharanam Prapadye ||

Sarva Dharmaan Parityajya Mamekam Sharanam Vraja|
Aham tva sarva papebhyo moksha ishyami ma shuchaha||

Dharmo Me Sadhan Bhava Taji Kainkarya Ki Kari Bhavana
Muzako Hi Sadhan Maani Raho Yadi Param Pad Hai Pavana
Mat Prapti Pratibandhak Agho Se Avashi Tohi Chhudavunga
Mati Shoch Nischaya Parampadmein bhi tumhe pachuchavunga

All the above verses discussed and explained in another entry. Sharanagathy cannot be only an attitude of the mind though the steadfastness of the mental thought plays one of the most important part in the process. Sharanagathy is a way of life its the passion for, the craze for the goal for the life of a prapanna. it is an evolving status where you learn from every experience you vouch again the desire for sharan a gathy. its one of the most difficult process its a conscious decision a selection above all else and the one that always comes trumps up no matter what the co ordinates. its the building block of life. its possible to one who has lived life to its full enjoyed it in every stream. satisfied of having experienced every desire and willingly decided to surrender.
A conscious effort that over rules all other desires rather a life of no desire but acceptance of the will of the Lord.
to be continued.

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