The Vedas prescribe a variety of yagnas or sacrifices for the attainment of many goals in life, ranging from the materialistic to the spiritual. Many purifying ceremonies and disciplined and austere practices are to be observed during the performance of a yagna. But the truth that the entire yagna and the offering is for the Lord who accepts it and grants the wishes should not be ignored and Krishna teaches this subtle wisdom during one of His treks along with the cowherd boys in Brindavan, said Srimati Prema Pandurang in a discourse.
The trek led them to a place where learned rishis were engaged in a yagna. The boys were hungry and Krishna asked them to go the place of sacrifice and ask for food in the name of Krishna and Balarama. The rishis did not hear the appeal as they were engaged in the elaborate rituals. It was a pity that they failed to recognise that this was a direct request from the very Lord whom they were propitiating. They missed the chance to make the offering to the Lord who had come in person since they mistook Him for a mere mortal. When Krishna was told about their reaction, He asked the boys to make the same request to their wives who were preparing the offerings. The women folk were devout and steeped in love of Krishna and willingly brought the food prepared as offering for the yagna. The all-knowing Krishna was impressed by their pure love for Him and accepted the food. He also knew that the women feared the consequences of going against the command of their husbands, kith and kin and hesitated to return to the place of sacrifice. Krishna blessed them and also removed the ignorance of the rishis who now regretted their foolish behaviour.