Wednesday, November 30, 2016

The Jambu tree connection.

There is a Jambu tree on mount meru. The fruit of that tree pours out a silvery juice. When the juice is drunk the person is believed to relieved of decrepitude. the sun and the tree of life are usually connected in all books dealing with the origin of life and prosperity.
The name of the tree also coincides with the name of the discus. people therefore believe that it is not a coincidence that the disc is known as Sudarshana which means also the jambu tree.
Another story of the origin of Sudarshana:
The Sun God marriedSamjana the daughter of Visvakarma. Samjana complained to her father that she could not bear the radiance of the Sun. Visvakarma then put Sun in a machine and decreased his radiance. Out of the dust of the Sun produced by rotating him in the machine, Visvakarma s said to have made the discus weapon, the aerial chariot pushpaka, the trident of Siva and the Shakti, and the lance of Subramanya. The discus was given to Maha Vishnu.
Another story says that once a forest khaandava was burning. Indra showered rain on that fire. At that time the God Agni gave Sudarshana discus to Sri Krishna and the Ghandeeva bow to Arjuna to fight against Indra. Sudarshana is known as a fiery weapon agneyam. by using that the owner would be superior in battle to all, and it would return to the owner after completing its task.
it is also said that it was given by Siva to Krishna when he killed Daitya who lived in the water. Siva called it Sudarshana as no one could look at it except himself.
Sudarshana is known as Chakra Raja, Thiruvazhi Alwan, Hetiraja etc.
Once up on a time,  Parvati and Parmeswara when sitting on the Ratna simhasana in Kailasa seem to have been discussing and Parvati asked Siva Which was the mantra which when repeated with sincerity would give karya siddhi i.e. success in efforts. Siva is said to have replied Sudarshana mahamantra was such a one.
Sudarshana Satakam was composed by Kura Narayana Jeer when he saw Oduvar who used to sing the Tiruvoimolzi in Srirangam was afflicted by a painful disease kanthamalai. the Jeer prayed to Sudarshana and he was cured.
Once when a village Thirupputkuzhi in Chengelpet district its people were suffering from a rare disease with high fever and many of them were dying Nigamanta Maha desikan prayed to Sudarshana with his Sudarshan Astaka stotra and the people on repeating the stotra were cured of the deadly disease. Faith is very important to follow this.



appulEni saMsAra mainapATE cAlu |
tappulEni jItamokka tAramaina jAlu ||
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kaMtalEni guDisokka gaMpaMtaina jAlu |
ciMtalEni yaMbalokka cEreDE cAlu |
jaMtagAni taruNi yEjAtaina nAde cAlu |
viMtalEni saMpadokka vIsamE cAlu ||

tiTTulEni bradukokka dinamaina nadE cAlu |
muTTulEni kUDokka muddaDE cAlu |
guTTuceDi manukaMTE koMcepu mElaina cAlu |
vaTTijaali baDukaMTE vaccinaMtE cAlu ||

laMpaTapaDani mElu lavalEsamE cAlu |
roMpikaMbamaukaMTe rOyuTE cAlu |
raMpapu gOrikakaMTE rati vEMkaTapati |
paMpuna nAtani jErE bhAvamE cAlu ||

Monday, November 28, 2016

little women inspirational life.

Little women

This is a story from the U S A it was made into a book i the year 1868 soon after the American civil war which was between the Northern and southern parts of USA a most terrible war ever. the Notherners won ofcourse.
Tbe story is about the March family, who lived in a small town in the north. Mr March liked to call his little four girls Little Women. He was a priest and had gone away to be in the army. this is the situation of his family while he was away. One of the books the girls loved best was Pilgrims Progress by John Bunyan. they wanted to live just like Christian had done in the book.They worked very hard to help their mother help a poor neighbours. They decided to make their work less difficult by using the names of things that Christian had done in the book and so made their work into a sort of play. In Pilgrims Progress Christian had gone from the City of destruction to the Celestial city and on his  way from the wicked to the good and faced difficulties on the way. Apollyon and Vanity fair were the two dangers he had to cross. Apollyon was a wicked giant who killed the pilgrims. Vanity fair was a city full of plesant things. it goes on the March family sacrifices their Christmas breakfast in order to feed their poor neighbours and the rewards they receive is how the book begins.  etc....  

― Louisa 
“I like good strong words that mean something…” 
“I am not afraid of storms, for I am learning how to sail my ship.” 
“Your father, Jo. He never loses patience, never doubts or complains, but always hopes, and works and waits so cheerfully that one is ashamed to do otherwise before him.” 
“I've got the key to my castle in the air, but whether I can unlock the door remains to be seen.” 
“I'd rather take coffee than compliments just now.” 
“Love Jo all your days, if you choose, but don't let it spoil you, for it's wicked to throw away so many good gifts because you can't have the one you want.” 
“Don't laugh at the spinsters, dear girls, for often very tender, tragic romances are hidden away in the hearts that beat so quietly under the sober gowns, and many silent sacrifices of youth, health, ambition, love itself, make the faded faces beautiful in God's sight. Even the sad, sour sisters should be kindly dealt with, because they have missed the sweetest part of life, if for no other reason.” 
"There are many Beths in the world, shy and quiet, sitting in corners till needed, and living for others so cheerfully that no one sees the sacrifices till the little cricket on the hearth stops chirping, and the sweet, sunshiny presence vanishes, leaving silence and shadow behind.” 
“My child, the troubles and temptations of your life are beginning, and may be many; but you can overcome and outlive them all if you learn to feel the strength and tenderness of your Heavenly Father as you do that of your earthly one. The more you love and trust Him, the nearer you will feel to Him, and the less you will depend on human power and wisdom. His love and care never tire or change, can never be taken from you, but may become the source of lifelong peace, happiness, and strength. Believe this heartily, and go to God with all your little cares, and hopes, and sins, and sorrows, as freely and confidingly as you come to your mother.” 
“Love is a great beautifier.” 
"Because they are mean is no reason why I should be. I hate such things, and though I think I've a right to be hurt, I don't intend to show it. (Amy March)” 
“Watch and pray, dear, never get tired of trying, and never think it is impossible to conquer your fault.” 
“...for love casts out fear, and gratitude can conquer pride.” 
“Let us be elegant or die!” 
“Have regular hours for work and play; make each day both useful and pleasant, and prove that you understand the worth of time by employing it well. Then youth will bring few regrets, and life will become a beautiful success.” 
“Don't try to make me grow up before my time…” 
“I want to do something splendid...something heroic or wonderful that won't be forgotten after I'm dead. I don't know what, but I'm on the watch for it and mean to astonish you all someday.” 
“You don’t need scores of suitors. You need only one… if he’s the right one.” 
“Be worthy love, and love will come.” 
“I keep turning over new leaves, and spoiling them, as I used to spoil my copybooks; and I make so many beginnings there never will be an end. (Jo March)” 
“You are the gull, Jo, strong and wild, fond of the storm and the wind, flying far out to sea, and happy all alone.” 
"...the love, respect, and confidence of my children was the sweetest reward I could receive for my efforts to be the woman I would have them copy.” 
“Some people seemed to get all sunshine, and some all shadow…” 
“Conceit spoils the finest genius.” 
“Every few weeks she would shut herself up in her room, put on her scribbling suit, and fall into a vortex, as she expressed it, writing away at her novel with all her heart and soul, for till that was finished she could find no peace.” 
“Be comforted, dear soul! There is always light behind the clouds.” 

good reads indeed.Image result for little girls with dreams become women with vision

Sunday, November 27, 2016

You are the only one. {A}

Neevanaga nokachota nilichiyunduta ledu
Neevanuchu ganugonna nijamella neeve

Tanayaatmavalene bhootamula yaatumalella
Nanayambu ganugonna yatade neevu
Tanuganna thalligaa taganitara kaantalanu
Anaghudai madi joochu natade neevu

Satata-satyavrataachaara sampannudai
Athisayambuga melagunatade neevu
Dhruthidooli dravyambu trunimugaa bhavinchu
Hata kaamakudaina yathade neevu

Modamuna sukha duhkamulu nokkareethigaa
Naadaripuchununna yatade neevu
Vedoktamatiyaina Venkataachalanaatha!
Aadiyunu antyambu nantayunu neeve

Free transalation:
You are not confined to a specific place
But, if we realise You, then we know You are everywhere
and You are the ultimate Truth.
You are the only One who always considers all the Atmas of other living beings as Your own Atma.
You are the only One who is able to see in your mind's eye
Your own mother in all the women;
You are the only One who has an exemplary and eternal vov of speaking the Truth as Your entire wealth;You are the only One who considers riches as no more valuable
than a blade of grass, and are free of all desires.
You are the only One treating both pleasure and pain with equal nonchalance
O Lord of Venkatachala, glorified in the Vedas!
You are the beginning, You are the end, You are everything.

In this song Annamayya enumerates all the virtues of an ideal person and contends that only Lord Venkatesvara is that ideal person, who is the repository of "Samastha Kalyana Gunas" and therefore is a "Paripoorna"
An Upanishad truth is expatiated in this song. the Upanishad passage says "Asthi brahmeti ched veda; Santham evam tato viduh"
(If one thinks that God exists, then the man thinking thus becomes an existing entity)
"Asthi ityeva upalabdhasa tatvabhaavah Praseeda ti"
(Only to a man who has started with the conviction that God is existing, only then the Truth will dawn upon him)

Nammalvar also says:
"Ulan enil ulan avan uruvam ivvruvugal
Ulan alan enil avan aruvam ivvaruvugal"
If you say He is, then He exists; and all this is He only. If you say He is not, then too He exists; as the formless spirit in all"

When the poet says that God is the only One who sees the Atmas of other beings as his own Atma, it is also another Truth. 
The Mahabharata says:
"Atmavath sarva bhootaani yah pasyati, sa pasyati"
i.e. one who sees other living beings as his own self is one who really sees. i.e. knowing everything.
Do unto others what you would like others to do to you. and Love thy neighbours as your self:
The chaandogya Upanishad also says "Tat Tvam Asi", That thou art
i.e. Atma is the same for all. similarly the poet stresses that one must have the same high regard for all women as one has towards one's mother.
Annamayya also lists out one of the characteristics of the Supreme Truth (Satya) being His wealth(sampada) the quality of speaking only Truth is His unequalled wealth as exemplified in Rama avatara.
He then goes on to say God being the only one who regards pleasure and pain alike like in the Bhagvad gita chapter 12 verse 13 to 19.  eg. "Samah satrau cha mitre cha Tathaa maana ---avamaanayoh!
Seetoshna sukha dukheshu Samah sanga vivarjitah"
He who is the same towards foe and friend, and also in honour and dishonour, who is same in cold and heat, pleasure and pain, one who is free from attachment.... that man is dear to me;
annamayya says God is the only one who treats pleasure and pain with equal non-chalance. 

Friday, November 25, 2016


Jai Lakshmiramana, Shri Jay Lakshmiramana,
Satyanarayan Svaami, Janapaatak Harana. Om Jai…
Ratn Jadit Sinhasan, Adbhut Chavi Raaje,
Naarad Karat Niraajan, Ghanta Dhvani Baaje. Om Jai…
Pragat Bhaye Kali Kaaran, Dvij Ko Darash Diyo,
Budho Braahman Bankar, Kanchan Mahal Kiyo. Om Jai…
Durbal Bhil Kathaaro, In Par Kripa Kari,
Chandrachud Ek Raja, Jinaki Vipati Hari. Om Jai…
Vaishy Manorath Paayo, Shraddha Taj Dini,
So Phal Bhogyo Prabhuji, Phir Stuti Kini. Om Jai…
Bhaav Bhakti Ke Kaaran, Chhin-Chhin Rup Dharyo,
Shraddha Dhaaran Kini, Tinako Kaaj Saryo. Om Jai…
Gvaal Baal Sang Raja, Van Mein Bhakti Kari,
Manavaanchhit Phal Dinho, Dindayaal Hari. Om Jai…
Chadhat Prasaad Savaaya, Kadali Phal Meva,
Dhup Dip Tulasi Se, Raaji Satyadeva. Om Jai…
Satyanarayan Ki Aarati, Jo Koi Nar Gave,
Kahat Shivanand Svami, Vanchhit Phal Pave.


Aisi lagi lagan, meera ho gai magan
Woh to gali gali gun gane lagi
Mehlon mein pali ban ke jogan chali
Meera rani deewani kahane lagi  ||1||
Koi roke nahin, koi toke nahin
Meera govind gopal gane lagi
Baithi santon ke sang, rangi mohan ke rang
Meera premi preetam ko manane chali  ||2||
Woh to gali gali gun gane lagi
Rana ne vish diya, maano amrit piya
Meera sagar mein, sarita samane lagi
Dukh lakhon sahe, mukh se govind kahe
Meera govind gopal gane lagi  ||3||
Woh to gali gali gun gane lagi
Aisi lagi lagan, meera ho gai magan
Woh to gali gali gun gane lagi

Ita naa to karnaa swaami, jab praan tana se nikale
Govind naam lekar, tab praan tana se nikale              ||1||
 Shri gangaa ji kaa tat ho, yamunaa kaa vanshii vat ho
Meraa saanwaraa nikat ho, jab praan tana se nikale
Pitaambari kasi ho, chabi man men bhi basin ho
Hothoon pe kuch ha.nsi ho, jab praan tana se nikale    ||2||
Us waqt jaldi aana, nahin shyaam bhool na jaanaa
Radhe ko saath laanaa, jab praan tana se nikale
Ek bhakti ki hai arji, khudgarj ki hai garji
Aage tumhaari marji, jab praan tana se nikale          ||

Jana tha Ganga par prabhu Kevat ki naav chade, (2)Avadh chod prabhu van ko ayee, Siya Ram Lakhan Ganga Tat ayee,
Kevat man hi man harshaye, ghar baithe parbhu darshan payee,
Haath jod kar prabhu ke aage kevat magan khade
Prabhu bole tum naav chalao, par hame kevat pahuchao,
Kevat kehata suno hamari Charan dhul ki maya bhari,
Main garib naya meri mahi na hoi pade
Kevat daud ke jal bhar laya, Charan dhoye charanamrit paya,
ved granth jis ke yaash gaye kevat unko naav chadaye,
barse phool gagan se aise bhakt ke bhaag bade
Chali naav Ganga ki Dharaa, Siya Ram Lakhan ko paar utara,
prabhu dene lage naav utrai kevat kahe nahi Raghurai,
paar kiya maine Tumko, Ab Tu mohe paar kare

Mati Kahe Kumhar Se Tu Kyo Rondhe Moy
Ek Din Aesa Aayega Mai Rondhu Ki Toy
Ek Din Aesa Aayega Mai Rondhu Ki Toy
Ram Bulva Bhejaya Diya Kabira Roy
Ram Bulva Bhejaya Diya Kabira Roy
Jo Sukh Sadhu Sang Me So Baikuth Na Hoye
Jo Sukh Sadhu Sang Me So Baikuth Na Hoye
Jo Ghar Guru Bhakti Nahi Sant Nahi Mehman
Ta Ghar Yam Dera Diyaya Jeevat Bhaya Masan
Kabira Soyi Peer Hai Jo Jane Per Peer
Kabira Soyi Peer Hai Jo Jane Per Peer
Jo Per Peer Jane Nahi So Kafir Be Peer
Guru Bin Mala Ferta Guru Bin Karta Taan
Guru Bin Sab Nishfal Gaya Boojhoo Ved Puran
8 pahar 64 ghadi Mere Aur Na Koe
Naina Mahi Tu Base Need Ka Thaur Na Hoye
KabiraNeed Ka Thaur Na Hoye
Chidi Chooch Bhar Le Gayi Nadi Na Ghatiyo Neer
Dan Diye Dhan Na Ghate

Rang de chunaria(2)
Shyam Piya more Rang de Chunaria (2)                           ||1||
Aisi rang de ke rang nahi choote
Aisi rang de rang de rang de ke rang nahi choote
Dhobiya dooye chahe ye sari umariya (2)
Oh shyam piya more rang de chunaria
Shyam piya more rang de chunaria                           ||2||
Rang de (5)
Rang de chunaria
Lal na rangavu mei
Hari na rangavu
Apne hi rang me rang de chunaria (2)                         ||3||
Oh shyam piya more rang de chunaria
Shyam piya more rang de (chunaria) (6)
Rang de (9)
Rang de chunaria
Bina rangaye mai to ghar nahi javongi
Bina… rangaye mai to ghar nahi… javongi
Pa pa da nida dapa
Pa da ma pa gama pa
Pa da ma pa ga ma ri
Ga ma riga sa ni sa
Shyam piya more rang de chunaria
Mira ke prabhu giridhar nagar
Jal se patla koun hai
Koun bhumi se bhari
Koun agn se tej hai
Koun kajal se kali
Jal se patla… patla (3)
Jal se patla jnan hai
Aur paap bhumi se bhari
Krodh agn se tej hai
Aur kalank kajal se kali
Mira k prabhu giridhar nagar
Prabhu charanan me hari charanan me
Shyam charanan me lagi nazariya
Oh Sham piya more

Shyam Piya More Rang de Chunaria (2)
Aisi rang de ke rang nahi choote
Dhobiya dooye chahe ye sari umariya (2)
lal na rangavu mei,hari na rangavu
Apne hi rang me rang de chunaria (2)
Bina rangaye mai to ghar nahi javongi
Bina…. rangaye mai to ghar nahi.. javongi
Beet hi jaye jahe, ee sari umariya
Mira ke prabhu giridhar nagar
Prabhu charanan me hari charanan me
Shyam charanan me lagi nazariya
Oh Sham piya more


Om Jay Laxmii Maataa,  Maiyaa Jay Laxmii Maataa
Tum Ko Nis Din Sevat,  Maiyaajii Ko Nis Din Sevat
Har Vishnu Vidhaataa .
Om Jay Laxmii Maataa ..
Umaa Ramaa Brahmaanii,  Tum Hii Jag Maataa
O Maiyaa Tum Hii Jag Maataa .
Suurya Chandra Maa.n Dhyaavat,  Naarad Rishi Gaataa
Om Jay Laxmii Maataa ..
Durgaa Ruup Niranjani,  Sukh Sampati Daataa
O Maiyaa Sukh Sampati Daataa .
Jo Koii Tum Ko Dhyaavat,  R^iddhi Siddhi Dhan Paataa
Om Jay Laxmii Maataa ..
Tum Paataal Nivaasini,  Tum Hii Shubh Daataa
O Maiyaa Tum Hii Shubh Daataa .
Karma Prabhaav Prakaashini,  Bhav Nidhi Kii Daataa
Om Jay Laxmii Maataa ..
Jis Ghar Tum Rahatii Taha.n Sab Sadgun Aataa
O Maiyaa Sab Sadgun Aataa .
Sab Sambhav Ho Jaataa,  Man Nahii.n Ghabaraataa
Om Jay Laxmii Maataa ..
Tum Bin Yagya Na Hote,  Vastra Na Koii Paataa
O Maiyaa Vastra Na Koii Paataa .
Khaan Paan Kaa Vaibhav,  Sab Tum Se Aataa
Om Jay Laxmii Maataa ..
Shubh Gun Ma.ndir Su.ndar,  Xiirodadhi Jaataa
O Maiyaa Xiirodadhi Jaataa .
Ratna Chaturdasha Tum Bin,  Koii Nahii.n Paataa
Om Jay Laxmii Maataa ..
Mahaa Laxmiijii Kii Aaratii,  Jo Koii Jan Gaataa
O Maiyaa Jo Koii Jan Gaataa .
Ura Aana.nd Samaataa,  Paap Utar Jaataa
Om Jay Laxmii Maataa ..


Aaratii Ku.nj Bihaarii Kii
Shrii Giridhar Kr^ishna Muraarii Kii ..
Gale Me.n Vaijantii Maalaa,  Maalaa
Bajaave Muralii Madhura Baalaa,  Baalaa
Shravan Me.n Kundal Jhalakaalaa,  Jhalakaalaa
Nand Ke Nand,
Shrii Aanand Kand,
Mohan Br^ij Chand
Raadhikaa Raman Bihaarii Kii
Shrii Giridhar Kr^ishna Muraarii Kii ..
Gagan Sam A.nga Kaanti Kaalii,  Kaalii
Raadhikaa Chamak Rahii Aalii,  Aalii
Lasan Me.n Vanamaalii,  Vanamaalii
Bhramar Sii Alak,
Kastuurii Tilak,
Chandra Sii Jhalak
Lalit Chhavi Shyaamaa Pyaarii Kii
Shrii Giridhar Kr^ishna Muraarii Kii ..
Jahaa.n Se Pragat Bhayii Ga.ngaa,  Ga.ngaa
Kalusha Kali Haarini Shrii Ga.ngaa,  Ga.ngaa
Smaran Se Hot Moha Bha.ngaa,  Bha.ngaa
Basii Shiv Shiish,
Jataa Ke Biich,
Hare Agha Kiich
Charan Chhavi Shrii Banavaarii Kii
Shrii Giridhar Kr^ishna Muraarii Kii ..
Kanakamay Mor Mukut Bilasai,  Bilasai
Devataa Darasan Ko Tarasai,  Tarasai
Gagan So.n Suman Raashi Barasai,  Barasai
Madhur Mr^ida.nga
Atul Rati Gop Kumaarii Kii
Shrii Giridhar Kr^ishna Muraarii Kii ..
Chamakatii Ujjval Tat Renu,  Renu
Baj Rahii Br^indaavan Venu,  Venu
Chahu.n Disi Gopi Kaal Dhenu,  Dhenu
Kasak Mr^ida Ma.nga,
Chaa.ndani Chand,
Khatak Bhava Bhanj
Ter Sun Diin Bhikhaarii Kii
Shrii Giridhar Kr^ishna Muraarii Kii ..

Mahalakshmi Manvantara.

The first Manvanthara is known as Swayambhuva Manvanthara. Mahalakshmi was born as the daughter of Brighu maharishi and was known as Bhargavi.
the second manvanthara is known as Swarochisa manvanthara when Mahalakshmi was born in Agni.
the third manvanthara is know as Owthama manvanthara when Mahalakshmi was born in waters jalam.
the fourth manavanthara is known as Tamasa when Mahalakshmi was born in Bhoomi earth.
the fifth manavanthara is known as Raivatha  manavanthara where Mahalakshmi was born in a Bilva tree.
the sixth manavantara is known as Chakshusha manavantara when Mahalakshmi was born in Lotus senthamarai.
the seventh manvanthara is known as Vaivasvatha manvanthara which is the present stage where Mahalakshmi emerged from Ksheerabdhi. 

sadasiva brahmendra kriti

Sadasiva Brahmendra
Sadasiva Brahmendra, a great ascetic, a Brahma jnani lived in 17th century in Tamilnadu. He was a profound Advaita Scholar who renounced the materialistic life at an early age. His compositions are out-pourings of devotion and philosophy. They elevate us to the realms of spiritual heights. Inspite of his excellence in the knowledge of the Vedas and other scriptures he used to wander freely in his own spiritual world. Songs like Pibare Rama rasam, Manasa sancharare, Gayati vanamali etc. haunt our minds drenching us in Bhakti Rasa.
Mudra:- Parama hamsa.

Sadasiva Brahmendra Krutis

  • bhajare yadu nAdham
  • bruhi mukundEti
  • chintAnAsti
  • bhajarE gOpAlam
  • chEtah SrirAmam
  • gAyati vana mAli
  • pibarE rAma rasam
  • mAnasa sanchara rE
  • tadvat jeevatvam
  • khElati mama

  • bhajarE yadu nAdham - piloo - Adi

    PbhajarE yadu nAdham mAnasa
    bhajarE yadu nAtham ||
    Oh mind, chant the name of Krishna the lord of Yadavas.
    C 1gOpa vadhu pari rambhana lOlam
    gOpa kiSOrakam adbhuta leelam ||
    He is delightful in the company of Gopikas. He exhibited many leelas(divine sports) astoundingly to the cowherd boys.
    C 2kapaTAngeekruta mAnusha vEsham
    kapaTa nATya kruta krutsna suvEsham ||
    He appeared in the disguise of an ordinary human. His inumerable acts in various forms are dramatic.
    C 3parama hamsa hrudtatva swarupam
    praNava payOdhara praNava swarupam ||
    He is the embodiment of the true nature of the hearts of supreme Yogis. He is the embodiment of Omkara. He is Pranava himself like water-bearing cloud.

    bruhi mukundEti - kuranji - Adi

    Pbruhi mukundEti rasanE bruhi mukundEti ||Oh my tongue,chant the name of Mukunda.
    C 1kESava mAdhava gOvindEti
    krishnAnanta sadAnandEti ||
    Chant the names of Kesava, Madhava, Govinda and Krishna the names that bestow eternal happiness.
    C 2rAdhA ramaNa harE ramEti
    rAjivAksha ghana syAmEti ||
    He is the lord of Radha. He is Hari who delights all. He is lotus-eyed with the complexion of dark cloud.
    C 3garuDa gamana nandaka hastEti
    khanDita daSa khandara mastEti||
    He moves on Garuda bird. He wields a weapon called "Nandaka" in his hand. As Rama he destroyed the ten-headed Ravana.
    C 4akrura priya chakra dharEti
    hamsa niranjana kamsa harEti ||
    He is dear to Akrura. He holds the discus. He is serene yogi. He annihilated the demon Kamsa.

    chintA nAsti kilA - SankarAbharaNam - Adi

    PchintA nAsti kilA tEshAm
    chintA nAsti kilA ||
    Those who have the following qualities have no worries.
    C 1Sama dama karuNA sampurNAnAm
    sAdhu samAgama samkeerNAnAm ||
    They are perfect with tranquility, fortitude and compassion. They are in the company of saints.
    C 2kAla traya jita kandarpAnAm
    khanDita sarvEndriya darpaNam ||
    They conquer the influence of the cupid at all times. They annihilate the pride of all sensory organs.
    C 3parama hamsa guru pada chittAnAm
    brahmAnandAmruta mattAnAm ||
    They are supreme ascetics who keep their Guru's feet in their conscience. They are intoxicated with supreme nectarine bliss.

    bhajarE gOpAlam - hindOLam - Adi

    PbhajarE gOpAlam mAnasa bhajarE gOpAlam ||Sing the praise of Gopala heartily.
    C 1bhaja gOpAlam bhajita kuchElam trijaganmulam
    diti suta kAlam ||
    Worship Gopala who is worshipped by Kuchela. He is the primordial of the universe. He destroyed the demon progeny of Diti.
    C 2Agama sAram yOga vichAram
    bhOga Sariram bhuvanAdhAram ||
    He is the essence of the Vedas. Yogis engross in his name. He lived in all splendor. He is the fulcrum of the universe.
    C 3kadana kaThOram kalusha viduram
    madana kumAram madhu samhAram ||
    He took severe steps to dispel evil. He is young and beautiful. He destroyed demon Madhu.
    C 4nata mandAram nanda kiSOram
    hata chANuram hamsa vihAram ||
    He is like the divine Mandara flower for devotees. He is the darling child of Nanda. He destroyed demon Chanura. He dwells in the hearts of pious Yogis.

    chEtaha SrirAmam - sindhu bhairavi - Adi

    PchEtah SrirAmam chintaya jeemoota SyAmam ||Oh intelligent man, contemplate on Sri Rama whose complexion is like a blue cloud.
    C 1angikruta tumburu sangitam
    hanumad gavaya gavAksha samEtam
    navaratna sthApita kOTeeram
    nava tulasidaLa kalpita hAram
    parama hamsa hrudgOpura deepam
    charaNa daLita muni taruNi SApam ||
    He enjoyed the divine music of Tumburu, Hanuman and other celestial singers. His crown is studded with nine gems. He is adorned with fresh Tulasi garlands.He is the light in the sacred hearts of the supreme Gurus. Pious woman Ahalya who was cursed by the sage Gautama was redeemed by the touch of his sacred feet.

    gAyati vana mAli - hamsadhwani - Adi

    PgAyati vana mAli - madhuram - gAyati vana mAli||Sri Krishna the lord of the Brundavana sings sweetly.
    C 1pushpa sugandha sumalaya sameerE
    muni jana sEvita yamunA teerE ||
    Fragrant breeze from flowers is enchanting. Many sages on the bank of Yamuna are at his service.
    C 2koojita Suka pika mukha khaga kunjE
    kuTilAlaka bahu neerada punjE ||
    Many birds and coels are cooing melodiously in bowers. His curly locks are like a cluster of water bearing clouds.
    C 3tulasi dAma vibhushita hAree
    jalaja bhava stuta sadguNa Sauree ||
    He is adorned with Tulasi garlands. The lotus borne Brahma worships Sri Krishna, the repository of virtues.
    C 4parama hamsa hrudayOtsava kAree
    paripoorita murali rava dhAree||
    He delights the hearts of supreme Yogis. He enthrals the world singing on flute.

    pibarE rAma rasam - chakravAkam - Adi

    PpibarE rAma rasam rasanE ||Oh tongue, drink the essence of Rama.
    C 1janana maraNa bhaya SOka vidooram
    sakala SAstra nigamAgama sAram
    Suddha parama hamsa ASrama gitam
    Suka Saunaka kauSika mukha peetam ||
    It dispels fear and grief from the cycle of birth and death. It is the quintessence of all the Vedas and other scriptures. It is the sacred song sung in the hermitages of the holy and enlightened Yogis. Great sages Suka, Saunaka and Kousika enjoyed that essence.

    mAnasa sanchara rE - sAma - Adi

    PmAnasa sanchara rE brahmaNi
    mAnasa sanchara rE ||
    Oh Brahman( Supreme cosmic spirit ), ramble in my mind freely.
    C 1Sri ramaNi kucha durga vihArE
    sEvaka jana mandira mandArE ||
    Oh Krishna, your looks roam about the fort like bosom of beautiful Gopikas. You are the celestial 'Mandara' tree for the devotees serving you.
    C 2mada Sikhi pinchAlankruta chikurE
    mahaneeya kapOla vijita mukurE ||
    Your wavy hair is beautifully decorated with wild peacock feathers. Your excellent cheeks reflect like mirror.
    C 3parama hamsa mukha chandra chakOrE
    paripoorita muralirava dhArE ||
    Supreme yogis crave to see your moon like face like 'chakora' birds crave to enjoy moon's rays. You are the Supreme Yogi. You play the most enchanting music on your flute.