Monday, November 21, 2016

prasannanjaneyam hanumatsandesa.

A Sanskrit Kavya running into one thousand Mandakranta verses.
at first this work was only some seven hundred odd verses but an article in a leading news paper prompted the author to add a few more verses now describing the sea, sky, seasons, sunrise and the like to be classified into the Maha kavya group. the author also writes 
" Ye nama kecidiha nah prathayanty avajnam
Jananti te kim api tan prati naisa yatnah,
Utpatsyate hi mama ko,pi samanadharma 
Kalo hyyam niravadhih vipula ca prthvi."

Whosoever cannot or will not appreciate this work of mine, this is not intended for them. I have the fond hope that sometime somewhere, somebody will be there, who sheds a tear on my humble work"

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