Bharata followed by all the citizens of Ayodhya extended a hearty welcome to all those who had arrived with folded hands. Their joy knew no boundaries seeing Rama.
Since Rama's brothers and mothers desired to see him enthroned on the spot the greatest of all the R'sis Vasishta made him seated on the diamond decorated throne along with Sita.
The leading brahmins namely Jabala, Vijaya, Gautama and Vamadeva who played the priests on the occassion showered him with divine waters in such a blissful mood as the Vasus (asect of deities) had enjoyed when they installed Indra on the throne of heaven.
Satrugna himself bore the white umbrella over Rama and Sita with a sense of devotion and humility, that umbrella which was a symbol that Rama was an emperor ruling over the entire human race. Sugriva took a fan called Vyajana made of the hairs of an animal named Camara and offered service on one side of Rama, and Vibhisana offered service on the other side with another vyajana which resembled the full moon.
Gandharva ladies gave a music concert and the heavenly damsels danced to the tunes. All the citizens were immersed in such a bliss that was never experienced by any human before. Having been goaded by Indra, Vayu the god of wind gave Rama a necklace of pearls, interspersed with gems of various kinds woven on a golden thread.
{The word Ananda stands for bliss. the Upanishad known as Anandavalli gives a measure of what is called Brahmananda i.e. the bliss enjoyed by the creator. The bliss enjoyed by an emperor of the whole world of men, if such an emperor be, and if that emperor is blessed with the fullness of health and longevity, such a bliss constitutes a unit with which to measure the bliss of angels gods of the heaven, and the higher ups in the hierarchy of gods going upto the creator known as Brahma. The Ananda enjoyed by Brahma is ten to the power of ten times the Ananda enjoyed by the aforesaid Emperor of the world of men.}
In the context of Rama's coronation, the Earth yielded her maximum of crops, the trees gave their maximum of fruits and the creepers blossomed incessantly. Rama gave ten thousand cows in charity to deserving brahmins and thirty crores of sovereign besides neclaces of gems to them.
Then Angada was presented by Rama with a pair of golden bracelets that were engraved with the gems known as Vaiduryas and the like. Sugriva was presented with a similar necklace. Sita was presented with two sarees which were decorated with jewels and which shone with effulgence.
Sita gave away her own necklace to Hanuman expressing her own gratitude to him and he shone with it as a mountain would shine with a white cloud on its peak. Rama then presented every one of the monkey heroes with either shining costumes or jewels and pleased them.
The monkey heroes thereafter took leave of Rama, his brothers and all of their kith and kin and went back to Kiskindha with blissful minds. Everything ended in happiness and auspiciousness to all.
thereafter Rama and Sita performed a number of sacrifices to gods, sacrifices like Vajapeya, Paundarika and Asvamedha.
Rama then made Bharata the prince of Ayodhya to succeed him to the throne. he ruled the kingdom in such a way as a cloud would please the people with showers intended for their welfare. When Rama was ruling the kingdom it was on everybody'slis that rama was the very Dharma incarnate on the earth.
Rama thus ruled the kingdom for eleven thousand years pleasing the people to the maximum and he attained a fame which would last as long as the Sun and Moon shine on the firmament.

Since Rama's brothers and mothers desired to see him enthroned on the spot the greatest of all the R'sis Vasishta made him seated on the diamond decorated throne along with Sita.
The leading brahmins namely Jabala, Vijaya, Gautama and Vamadeva who played the priests on the occassion showered him with divine waters in such a blissful mood as the Vasus (asect of deities) had enjoyed when they installed Indra on the throne of heaven.
Satrugna himself bore the white umbrella over Rama and Sita with a sense of devotion and humility, that umbrella which was a symbol that Rama was an emperor ruling over the entire human race. Sugriva took a fan called Vyajana made of the hairs of an animal named Camara and offered service on one side of Rama, and Vibhisana offered service on the other side with another vyajana which resembled the full moon.
Gandharva ladies gave a music concert and the heavenly damsels danced to the tunes. All the citizens were immersed in such a bliss that was never experienced by any human before. Having been goaded by Indra, Vayu the god of wind gave Rama a necklace of pearls, interspersed with gems of various kinds woven on a golden thread.
{The word Ananda stands for bliss. the Upanishad known as Anandavalli gives a measure of what is called Brahmananda i.e. the bliss enjoyed by the creator. The bliss enjoyed by an emperor of the whole world of men, if such an emperor be, and if that emperor is blessed with the fullness of health and longevity, such a bliss constitutes a unit with which to measure the bliss of angels gods of the heaven, and the higher ups in the hierarchy of gods going upto the creator known as Brahma. The Ananda enjoyed by Brahma is ten to the power of ten times the Ananda enjoyed by the aforesaid Emperor of the world of men.}
In the context of Rama's coronation, the Earth yielded her maximum of crops, the trees gave their maximum of fruits and the creepers blossomed incessantly. Rama gave ten thousand cows in charity to deserving brahmins and thirty crores of sovereign besides neclaces of gems to them.
Then Angada was presented by Rama with a pair of golden bracelets that were engraved with the gems known as Vaiduryas and the like. Sugriva was presented with a similar necklace. Sita was presented with two sarees which were decorated with jewels and which shone with effulgence.
Sita gave away her own necklace to Hanuman expressing her own gratitude to him and he shone with it as a mountain would shine with a white cloud on its peak. Rama then presented every one of the monkey heroes with either shining costumes or jewels and pleased them.
The monkey heroes thereafter took leave of Rama, his brothers and all of their kith and kin and went back to Kiskindha with blissful minds. Everything ended in happiness and auspiciousness to all.
thereafter Rama and Sita performed a number of sacrifices to gods, sacrifices like Vajapeya, Paundarika and Asvamedha.
Rama then made Bharata the prince of Ayodhya to succeed him to the throne. he ruled the kingdom in such a way as a cloud would please the people with showers intended for their welfare. When Rama was ruling the kingdom it was on everybody'slis that rama was the very Dharma incarnate on the earth.
Rama thus ruled the kingdom for eleven thousand years pleasing the people to the maximum and he attained a fame which would last as long as the Sun and Moon shine on the firmament.