How man is affected by the independent operation of the three gunas?
1. Control of the mind and the senses, forbearance, sound judgement, strict adherence to one's prescribed code of conduct, truthfulness, compassion, retentive power, contentment, self abnegation, absence of thirst for pleasure of senses, belief in God, life after death and so no, modesty, shrinking from unrighteous acts, liberality etc remaining delighted in the self forms the first group.
Hankering after the pleasure of sense, self centered activity, arrogance, insatiability, inflexibility, seeking after blessings from God, differentiation between ones own self and others, self gratification, bellicosity through arrogance, love of praise, jocularity, display of velour and exertion through might forming the second group.
Intolerance, stinginess, mendacity, malevolence, mendicancy, hypocrisy, languor, discord, grief, delusion, gloom and wretchedness, drowsiness, exploitative fear and indolence forming the third group.
The combined affects of the three gunas.
The notion which is expressed in the words "I am tranquil, passionate or angry" and these traits such as tranquility, lust and anger belong to me is actually the combined effect of the three gunas and whatever is done with the mind the object of the senses sound touch sight taste and smell and the vital air conjointly is also a combined effect of the three gunas. since all these instruments are themselves a product of the three gunas and all action is preceded by the feeling of I'ness and my'ness.
When a man is keenly devoted to religious merit, material possessions and sense qualifications this keen devotion is also a combined effect of the three gunas. Dharma too is the product of the three gunas and conduce to reverence wealth and self gratification respectively. when a man is devoted to holy rites performed with interested motives and when he sticks to the life of the householder and adheres to his obligatory and occasional duty such devotion too is the combined effect of the three gunas.
From virtues like self control one should conduce a man to be endowed predominantly with Sattva, from passion etc one should know him to principally full of Rajas and from anger and other such characterization he is inferred to be full of Tamas.
When a person worships me disinterestedly with devotion through the performance of his duties one should know that the man or woman too to be endowed with Sattvika disposition. When a man seeking the pleasure of sense worships me through his action one should know him to be of Rajasika disposition and when he does so expecting injury to others one should know him to be of tamsika nature.
The gunas modes of Prakriti Sattva Rajas and Tamas affect the Jiva (embodied soul) alone and not me. They appear only in the mind of the Jiva and because it is the Jiva alone that is bound to this mundane existence through them getting attached to the elements in the form of body senses mind and the objects of the senses. When Sattva which is illuminating transparent and tranquil prevails over the other two gunas a man is characterized by wisdom piety and happiness etc. respectively on the other hand Rajas guna gives rise to attachment and the notion of diversity and spurs ones activity gets to better of Tamas and Sattva. When one is sized with a craving for glory and fortune and is characterized by unhappiness and activity. When Tamas perverts ones judgement clouds ones vision and induces dullness dominates Rajas and Sattva a man is characterized by grief infatuation and violence as a result of perverted judgement excessive sleep through obscurity of the mind by expectation of help from others through indolence caused by dullness.
When the mind is lucid and the senses recoil from their objects when there is fearlessness in relation to the body and the mind is free of all attachments know that sattva, which is condusive to my realization is predominant at that time. when getting agitated through activity a man finds his intellect distracted on all sides his senses know no rest the organs of action are not quiet at ease and the mind is confused conclude from these symptoms that Rajas holds sway. When getting obscured and therefore incapable of being molded into the spiritual substance the faculty of reason ceases to function and the mind too has its activity suspended and when ignorance and gloom prevail then tamas is in the ascendant.
When Sattva guna is on the increase the strength of the Gods increases, that of the Asuras when Rajas is in the ascendant and that of the Rakshasas when tamas is predominating O Uddhava.
Every thing is constituted of the three gunas alone. All entities pervaded by the spirit and matter what ever is seen heard of or pondered by the intellect are constituted of the three gunas, all these states of existence of the embodied soul are bought about by the gunas holding sway over it and the actions performed by it.
The embodied soul by which the three gunas modes of Prakriti appearing in the mind have been thoroughly brought under control and which stands firmly established by me in treading the path of devotion gets qualified for becoming one with me. Therefore having obtained this human body in which knowledge and realization of truth can be had and completely shaking off all attachments to the three gunas let the wise worship and take refuge in me.
Free from attachment of the pleasure of sense and with his senses brought under control a wise man should carefully worship me through contemplation, he should thoroughly subdue Sattva too by the means of Sattva itself in the shape of desirelessness. Rid in this way of the three gunas the embodied soul disowns the subtle body constituting its jiva hood in the shape of its subtle body as well as from the three gunas appearing in the mind and full of me consisting of perfect bliss the jiva neither goes out to enjoy the external objects nor turns inward to enjoy them mentally.
He gets liberated during his very lifetime.
{which of course is very difficult to attain. clue controlling thought.}
1. Control of the mind and the senses, forbearance, sound judgement, strict adherence to one's prescribed code of conduct, truthfulness, compassion, retentive power, contentment, self abnegation, absence of thirst for pleasure of senses, belief in God, life after death and so no, modesty, shrinking from unrighteous acts, liberality etc remaining delighted in the self forms the first group.
Hankering after the pleasure of sense, self centered activity, arrogance, insatiability, inflexibility, seeking after blessings from God, differentiation between ones own self and others, self gratification, bellicosity through arrogance, love of praise, jocularity, display of velour and exertion through might forming the second group.
Intolerance, stinginess, mendacity, malevolence, mendicancy, hypocrisy, languor, discord, grief, delusion, gloom and wretchedness, drowsiness, exploitative fear and indolence forming the third group.
The combined affects of the three gunas.
The notion which is expressed in the words "I am tranquil, passionate or angry" and these traits such as tranquility, lust and anger belong to me is actually the combined effect of the three gunas and whatever is done with the mind the object of the senses sound touch sight taste and smell and the vital air conjointly is also a combined effect of the three gunas. since all these instruments are themselves a product of the three gunas and all action is preceded by the feeling of I'ness and my'ness.
When a man is keenly devoted to religious merit, material possessions and sense qualifications this keen devotion is also a combined effect of the three gunas. Dharma too is the product of the three gunas and conduce to reverence wealth and self gratification respectively. when a man is devoted to holy rites performed with interested motives and when he sticks to the life of the householder and adheres to his obligatory and occasional duty such devotion too is the combined effect of the three gunas.
From virtues like self control one should conduce a man to be endowed predominantly with Sattva, from passion etc one should know him to principally full of Rajas and from anger and other such characterization he is inferred to be full of Tamas.
When a person worships me disinterestedly with devotion through the performance of his duties one should know that the man or woman too to be endowed with Sattvika disposition. When a man seeking the pleasure of sense worships me through his action one should know him to be of Rajasika disposition and when he does so expecting injury to others one should know him to be of tamsika nature.
The gunas modes of Prakriti Sattva Rajas and Tamas affect the Jiva (embodied soul) alone and not me. They appear only in the mind of the Jiva and because it is the Jiva alone that is bound to this mundane existence through them getting attached to the elements in the form of body senses mind and the objects of the senses. When Sattva which is illuminating transparent and tranquil prevails over the other two gunas a man is characterized by wisdom piety and happiness etc. respectively on the other hand Rajas guna gives rise to attachment and the notion of diversity and spurs ones activity gets to better of Tamas and Sattva. When one is sized with a craving for glory and fortune and is characterized by unhappiness and activity. When Tamas perverts ones judgement clouds ones vision and induces dullness dominates Rajas and Sattva a man is characterized by grief infatuation and violence as a result of perverted judgement excessive sleep through obscurity of the mind by expectation of help from others through indolence caused by dullness.
When the mind is lucid and the senses recoil from their objects when there is fearlessness in relation to the body and the mind is free of all attachments know that sattva, which is condusive to my realization is predominant at that time. when getting agitated through activity a man finds his intellect distracted on all sides his senses know no rest the organs of action are not quiet at ease and the mind is confused conclude from these symptoms that Rajas holds sway. When getting obscured and therefore incapable of being molded into the spiritual substance the faculty of reason ceases to function and the mind too has its activity suspended and when ignorance and gloom prevail then tamas is in the ascendant.
When Sattva guna is on the increase the strength of the Gods increases, that of the Asuras when Rajas is in the ascendant and that of the Rakshasas when tamas is predominating O Uddhava.
Every thing is constituted of the three gunas alone. All entities pervaded by the spirit and matter what ever is seen heard of or pondered by the intellect are constituted of the three gunas, all these states of existence of the embodied soul are bought about by the gunas holding sway over it and the actions performed by it.
The embodied soul by which the three gunas modes of Prakriti appearing in the mind have been thoroughly brought under control and which stands firmly established by me in treading the path of devotion gets qualified for becoming one with me. Therefore having obtained this human body in which knowledge and realization of truth can be had and completely shaking off all attachments to the three gunas let the wise worship and take refuge in me.
Free from attachment of the pleasure of sense and with his senses brought under control a wise man should carefully worship me through contemplation, he should thoroughly subdue Sattva too by the means of Sattva itself in the shape of desirelessness. Rid in this way of the three gunas the embodied soul disowns the subtle body constituting its jiva hood in the shape of its subtle body as well as from the three gunas appearing in the mind and full of me consisting of perfect bliss the jiva neither goes out to enjoy the external objects nor turns inward to enjoy them mentally.
He gets liberated during his very lifetime.
{which of course is very difficult to attain. clue controlling thought.}