Hanuman is considered as siranjaeevi (to live eternally). He is the monkey God, strong, full of valour, with various skills and powers. At the same time, he is wise, a great gnani, yogi and a brahmachari. He had only one thought that of serving his Lord Rama with utmost humility and devotion. He is known as Siriya Thiruvadi. He is considered to be an amsam of Lord Siva. He is known by various names - Hanuman - (His jaw & cheek had gone in when struck by the Vajrayudha of Indra), Anumandhayya - (in Karnataka), Aanjaneyalu - (in Andhra Pradesh), Aanjaneyan - (son of Anjana), Maruthi - (son of Vaayu - in Maharashtra), Anumandhan, Vaayunandhan, Kesarinandhanan (son of Kesari), Aadhitasishyan and Siriya Thiruvadi (vahanam for Rama). He is worshipped in the temples as Bhaktha Hanuman & Veera Hanuman. He is seen seated humbly in front of Rama vigrahmas in the Rama sannadhis. There are also separate temples for Hanuman. As Bhaktha Hanuman he is seen holding both hands together in prayer. He is seen as Veera Hanuman, holding the mace in one hand & the sanjeevi parvatham in the other. Devotees are blessed with courage, valour, wisdom, gnanam when they pray to him. He is very happy when he hears the Rama namam. Hence, repeating the Rama namam is one of the best ways to get his blessings. Worship & offerings Anjaneyar is worshipped with offerings of butter & Vadaimalai (a garland of vadais). Butter is applied to the mouth & tail of the Hanuman vigrahams in temples. Devotees pray to the Lord & apply dots of kumkumam to his tail (from the starting point to the tip) in the images kept at home. A simple prayer to Anjaneya Asaathya Saadhaka Swaamin Asaathyam Thavakim vadha Raama Dhootha Kribhaa Sindho Math Kaaryam Sadhakka Prabho adhulitha baladhamam swarna sailaaba dheham dhanu jvana krusaanum jgnaninaa makrakanyamõ | sakala gunanithaanam vaanaraannamatheesam raghupathy priyabakthim vaadha jaadham namaami || koshpatheekrutha varasim masakeekrutha rakshasam | ramayana mahamalarathnam vandheh anilaathmajam || yathra yathra raghunatha keerthanam thathra thathra kruthamathookanjjalim | bashbaqwari paripoorna lochanam maruthim namatha raksha-shanthakam || The Birth of Hanuman In heaven there was a very famous apsara (courtesan, dancing girl) named Punjikasthala. On a certain occasion she insulted one of the rishis. As a result she got a curse that she would be born as a female monkey. After her birth she was named Anjana. Her husband's name was Kesari. Because Anjana had no son, she began to do penance. She gave up eating and drinking. She prayed to god Vayu not only to get her a son, but that he should be powerful and swift, just like god Vayu himself. Vayu answered: "Tathastu", "Amen", "Let it be as you desire." In the morning of the first 14th day of Chaitra in a cave on the Rushyamuk mountain, Anjana gave birth to her son Hanuman. Soon after his birth Hanuman came out of the cave and, as the sun was rising, he flew towards the sun to eat its reddish rays. As he flew towards the sun, Rahu stood in his way. But with a stroke of his tail he pushed Rahu aside. Then came Ketu, but he also was removed, and Hanuman flew ahead towards the sun. Then heaven became worried. Indra mounted his elephant "Airavat", and wondered in his mind, "Who is this extraordinary child going out to eat the sun?" Indra became angry and flung his weapon "vajra" (thunderbolt) on Hanuman, who was caught unawares. He was hit on his left knee, and fell on the top of a high mountain. Shri Hanuman Chalisa If any desire is also is there by reading it will be fulfilled. If u want ram bahakti u can read this with which we can get ram bhakti . There is treasure hidden in this hanuman chalisa. If we want to read his glories we should know who is hanuman etc. while giving introduction of humanu we should know his rupa (Vanar - Pasu jathi) Swaroopa = Brahma swaroopa, where lila of lord rama was there his relation with him was sevak. While lord ram is brahma swroop. But was born as son to kausaliya and dasrath. Karma of hanuman = only one karma it was ram seva. Adarsh = Ram bhakti that too dasya bhakti. This is special qualities. The tail is not ordinary one it is brahma pucha. , What is guna = Nirahamkar that is the glory of shri hanumanji. In many case u can see many qualities but they do have ahamkar, but hanumanji is nirahamkar. Upasana means bringing the qualities of the lord whom we adore. Upasana means to stay near . So when we want to do upasana of hanuman we should get the qualities of hanuman at least some . Doha Shri Guru Charan Saroj Raja, Nij Mana Mukura Sudhar, Varano Raghuvar Vimal Jasu, Jo Dayak Phal Chaar. With the help of sat Guru charan dhuli , we can cleanse our Mirror mind and the we can sing the vimal jas of Raguvar (Lord hanuman) here Tulsi das mentions hanuman as Raguvar. This Doha comes in Ram Charit Manas in Ayodhya Kanda where it is has two parts one is oorvag & uttarag. Where the hero for oorvag is Lord Rama and for Uttarag is Devotee Bharth so they are called Raguvar. Those who r born in Raghuvamash. Here Hanuman's glory are being sung they how this Raghuvamsh. Here tulsidas show the relationship of hanuman in the family of Lord Ramchandraji. We can also see sometimes in our house we do have servants with whom we treat them as our own people and also brothers of same family do fight here it is to mention that Lord rama and sita have accepted hanuman as his son . In sundarkan mother sita says this words. Hai suta kapi saba tumhahi samana, jatudhana ati bhata balavana Mother sita gets a doubt about hanuman saying that all the monkeys are of this same size where hanuman went in small size just like mosquito, then he shows is virat roop. By singing the glories of ministers or big people we can get only job or some small petty things. But when we sing the glory of hanuman we can get all the four fruits ie., Darma, artha , kama, moksha. We cannot come out of delusion which is head of the family (Moha mool) out of which everything comes unless until we wash the feets of Satguru and divine people. Budhi Heen Tanu Janike, Sumiro Pawan Kumar, Bala Budhi Vidya Dehu Mohi, Harahu Kalesh Vikar I now sing the gloryof Pawan Kumar (Hanumanji)for what " Bal, Budhi vidya Dehu Mohi for what removing sare Kalesh Vikar what are all these, Kam Krod Irsha Loob etc., Kalesh what is 7 types Avidya, Asmita, Raag, Dweesh, Aviveka how can we remove this we require Bal, what is bal when we r facing rag and dweesh we become nirbal. Even the Bodybuilder also get weak when he faces rag and dweesh. We require Bal for Dharma Palan. Budi and vidhya what is it? Budhi is the means through which we can acquire vidhya. Supreme vidya is atma vidya. So only with budhi we can acquire this vidhya.
Monday, January 21, 2019
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