Reselling is important for culture to evolve. Each generation is different and for a myth, story or an life history to resonate with that generation it must be told in a way they can relate to it for it to remain as part of the culture.
Born in the 8th century A.D. a devotee par excellence was a child in love with God. He was a natural genius a great poet. He loved to visit shrines and temples. the Gods and goddesses in them were very dear to him. He was generous and kind this lofty attitude attracted friends to him who wanted to be with him always so they together planned trips to various temples and places. One day when they arrived at the temple of Ranganatha which was situated on an islet of the Kavery river. due to its being on the river there grew around it a thick forest. invested with fierce wolfs and hyenas and jackals. The priest of the temple used to visit the temple during the day offer some flowers and a little water and would quickly flee the place for fear of the wild animals which frequented the place. The temple some how left a deep impression on the group of Tirumangai the devotee and his little group of friends. They all decided to do some thing about the temple. They wanted to secure the Lord as it seems their passion soon grew. They decided to approach the rich and request for contributions to build a shrine for the Lord. Since they were just children no body took their word seriously. mean time the passion for the god grew to heights which could not contain them they then decided it was worth while to waylay rich people passing by to secure funds to achieve their unselfish desire to build a temple for their beloved lord. They saw all round them rich merchants who were growing richer by robbing the poor man of almost every thing he had often nothing left even to eat it was then that they decided to rob the rich feed the poor and involve them in building the temple for Sri Ranganatha. The gang as they were now called were ready to put in their best efforts to help. one became efficient to indulge the rich wayfarers in dialogue so that his friends could easily carry away his wealth. one became an expert in unlocking any type of lock. one became so unique to indulge the traveler in dialogue it seemed that he held on to his shadow and the traveler forgot his mission and lingered around to enable the boys to rob him off all he had. one became adept to walk as if on water the river in spate never restricted him to carry out his work thus soon Tirumangai was able to am mas wealth to build the temple. They were now able to get the best architects and masons to build the temple. it took nearly two years of collective working to achieve some impressive enclosure for the lord known as the first enclosure it took another six years to build the second ring of walls. And eight years again to build the third enclosure all this while thousand of people became engaged in this mammoth task. the forth enclosure took ten years and the fifth twelve years and eighteen years to build the sixth enclosure. In all sixty years the young boys were now reaching eighty years of age. slowly kings people started sending the money of their own accord to Tirumangai and his band for the construction of the temple. The seventh enclosure was also completed. Thirumangai was so far fetched in his bakthi it is said he used to make food offering for the God himself his love was so intense there was no knowing when tears would gush out from his eyes. He spontaneously sang a thousand songs now known as Tirumozhi. sacred utterances.