Friday, February 15, 2019

sure .....

The need for moral conduct for purity and sinlessness and for selflessness in life has been believed on the proclamation by all great religious teachers in India and every other part of the world. But they have differed in the question of how this sinless life is to be realized in practice. Is it to be made dependent upon spiritual and philosophical realization, or is it to be made dependent upon the culture of the tender and benevolent emotions. this has in fact been the practical problem at issue. There can be no doubt that both the processes are capable of  yielding the fine fruit of pure and noble conduct. However to most men and women the culture f emotions happen to be easier than the achievement of spiritual and philosophical realization. Bhakthi therefore has been chosen as the most suitable means of  achieving purity sinlessness and selflessness. The emotion of Bhakthi is said to be akin to love.It is in fact deep devotion and love. what doubt then that most preachers preferred that the God realization came easier to men of family life than to those who perused it individually. emotions run so high the lessons taught so deep that one can easily cling to. It in fact kills selfishness, the feeling is steadily and carefully cultivated in the human heart. If it is made to fill its object not mearly in family children etc but in the great being who is the very life and foundation of the universe from whom comes all that is good and true and beautiful in the universe. for each individual in the family which is closely knit realizes that there is a well wisher  who is responsible of what is faced as the famous saying goes the family that eats together and prays together is indeed a blessed one for them will arise anuraga dviragah an intense attachment to the divine being and absolute loving devotion to God. this is undoubtedly a great moral force in human history. The obligatoryness of Bhakti is therefore an unfailing authority in favour of pure ethical conduct and high nobility of purpose. It is an unfailing means to help us always to attain real success in living the righteous life. Bhaga Bhagavat and Bhakti are all of the same origin etymologically.

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