Sunday, March 31, 2019
Friday, March 29, 2019
Kapilacharya - Great Teacher
He introduced patterns (five-pattern) to explain the Cosmic secrets to the highest intellectuals to the simple layman and a child. He is the founder of the first School for learning in Kashi, Vaaranasi, India.
Kapilacharya like ancient Rishis used a different approach of not relying on the senses collected data. This is the greatest contribution of mankind because, the sensorial data is very biased in its measurements and heance we see scientific theories disproved when sophisticated and subtler means of collecting data are discovered.
Kapilacharya like ancient Rishis used a different approach of not relying on the senses collected data. This is the greatest contribution of mankind because, the sensorial data is very biased in its measurements and heance we see scientific theories disproved when sophisticated and subtler means of collecting data are discovered.
His Samkya method of viewing (Darshana) and understanding Vedic supreme knowledge, was used by Sree-Krishna in Bhagavad Gita and other highest Conscious people. Overtime, this five-pattern method was expanded into Ashtanga-Yoga by Sage Patanjali. Again after many years, this great knowledge was simplified into other views like Nyaya, Vaiseshika, Mimamsa and Vedanta.
Unfortunately, we now have the Vedic knowledge completely diluted and mis interpreted from the Samkhya method. Uni5 is a renewal of understanding this knolwedge for living a peaceful and meaningful and happy life.
Kapila- Acharya- is one of the greatest teachers of Bhaarath. He gave to Bhaarath, the pattern of energy evolution, the Pancha Bhootas.
He gave this pattern based teaching to efficiently teach complexity of the life. His mother Devahuti was his first student. He taught the Unifying pattern first to his mother, which latter called as Samkhya (to unify or integrate) Philosophy. The teaching was given when his mother expressed inspite of all material comforts, she still feels incomplete in life.
The Samkhya school is wrongly considered as dualistic and atheistic. It is called as dualistic because it differentiates Consciousness from Energy. It is atheistic because he denies the existance of a personal God.
After that he established the first Gurukula school system of teaching the patterns in five years from age of 8 to 13. This continued as a the teacher-student-heritage (Guru-Shishya parampara).
Buddhist sources present Kapila as a well-known philosopher whose students built the city of Kapilavastu, according to one tradition the birthplace of the Buddha. Birth place of Kapilacharya is Pat Jhelda.Rarh.
Maharshih KapilAcharyah Kritajno Medineepatih |
Tripadas Tredas-adhyaksho Maha-Shringah Kritaantakrit
||Vishnu Sahasranamam-SLOKA-57||
Maharshi Kapilaachaaryah, with gratitude (Kritajno), the one who has mastered the entire knowledge (Medineepatih), the one who is the knower of all the created objects, guide us to cross the three realms (Body Mind and Intelligence) (Tripadas)to blissfully (Treedas) preside (witness/experience) (Adhyaksho) the highest state (Maha-Shringah) where one annihilates all actions (Sakthi-Awareness-Energy) to the Eternal actionless state (Consciousness-Para Brahmam) Kritaantakrit.
sanātsanātanatamaḥ kapilaḥ kapiravyayaḥ |
svastidaḥ svastikṛt svasti svastibhuk svastidakṣiṇaḥ || 96 ||
svastidaḥ svastikṛt svasti svastibhuk svastidakṣiṇaḥ || 96 ||
The Samkhya system is an exponent of an evolutionary theory of matter beginning with primordial Energy. In evolution, (Functional) Prakriti is transformed and differentiated into multiplicity of forms or objects.
Evolution culminates in dissolution. In dissolution the physical existence of all the worldly objects returns to Prakriti, the undifferentiated, primordial Energy. This is the cycle of evolution and dissolution, which is very similar to the modern Science.
The twenty-four constituents
Samkhya theorizes that Prakriti is the source of the perceived world of creation. It is pluoripotent that evolves itself successively into twenty four tattvas or principles. The evolution itself is possible because Prakriti is self-driven by ints own inherent pressure or nature (Gunas) :–
- Sattva – a quality of primordial un-differentiated potential to dynamically flow into vairety. This is symbolized as white.
- Rajas – a quality of dynamic activity, symbolized as red;
- Tamas – a quality of rest (lethargy) which is totally densed Energy and so symbolized as black.
Tuesday, March 26, 2019
phala stuthi.
Who ever hears this daily(i.e. Vishnus hundred names) utters this daily does not experience anything inauspicious both here and hearafter i.e. other lives.
By reciting this Vishnu Sahasranam Stotra a Brahmana will attain the end of Vedanta, a Ksatriya will be victorous a Vaisya will come by much wealth. Karma cannot directly cause liberation, Karma is the cause of Moksa through purification of internal organs. The good actions remove the impurities from the mind and then Janana leads to the supreme goal. When the mind is tranquil rid of all impure thughts Janana arises. A man is bond by Karma and freed by Knowledge. some even give up the prescribed karmas and make an effort for atma janana dana and japa.
The know er of the bliss of Brahman is not afraid of any thing. for he knows {Not by action; not by progeny; not by wealth too but by renunciation does one immortality.
itiidaM kiirtaniiyasya keshavasya mahaatmanaH |
By reciting this Vishnu Sahasranam Stotra a Brahmana will attain the end of Vedanta, a Ksatriya will be victorous a Vaisya will come by much wealth. Karma cannot directly cause liberation, Karma is the cause of Moksa through purification of internal organs. The good actions remove the impurities from the mind and then Janana leads to the supreme goal. When the mind is tranquil rid of all impure thughts Janana arises. A man is bond by Karma and freed by Knowledge. some even give up the prescribed karmas and make an effort for atma janana dana and japa.
The know er of the bliss of Brahman is not afraid of any thing. for he knows {Not by action; not by progeny; not by wealth too but by renunciation does one immortality.
itiidaM kiirtaniiyasya keshavasya mahaatmanaH |
naamnaaM sahasraM divyaanaam asheshheNa prakiirtitam || (1)
Thus, the thousand divine names of Bhagavan Keshava, the Supreme
who is pre-eminently worthy of
being paraised, have been sung in their entirety (in all their
bearings). These divya namas are
meant to be recited both here and in all the upper worlds
including the transcendent abode
(heaven), inasmuch as they pertain to the MahAtma, the supreme
being, Kesava.
ya edaM shrunyaa-Nityam yashchapi parikirtayaet |
Naa-aShubham praptyunaat kinCHIT-somutreH cha manavaH || (2)
Nothing inauspicious (or obnoxious) will befall the one who
devoutly listens to the recital of
this sahasranama stotra daily and (the more so) the one who
recites it wherever it may be,
whether in this world or the worlds beyond.
veedantago brahmana-asyat Kshatriyo vijayee bhavaet |
vaishyo dhana-SamRidhasya-chhuudra-sukhamvaapnuyaat || (3)
If the person who chants these names is a brahmin he will attain
the knowledge of the vedanta;
if a kshatriya, he will become a victorious warrior; if a vaisya,
he will acquire immense
wealth, and if a sudra, he will remain happy.
dharmaarthii praapnuyaad-dharmam.arthaarthii cha.arthamaapnuyaat |
kaamaanava.apnuyaatkaamii prajaarthii cha-apnuyaat prajaaH || (4)
If a person recites the holy names with a desire abiding in
dharma, he will achieve it;
if he is desirous of wealth he will get wealth; if he is after the
pleasures of life
he will get them all; if he wants to have progeny, he will have
it. In short, those who
recite these holy names of the Lord will reap the desired fruits
without fail.
bhaktimaan yaH sadotthaaya shuchistadgatamaanasaH |
sahasraM vaasudevasya naamnaametatprakiirtayet || (5)
Well, take the case of a staunch devotee who gets up in the
morning and purifies himself
through bath followed by daily observance of the prescribed rites
and rituals and then
recites the thousand names of Lord Vasudeva, with a mind firmly
fixed on him. [The following
3 sloks 6-8 spell out the benefits (fruits) enjoyed by such a
yashaH praapnoti vipulaM GYaatipraadhaanyameva cha |
achalaaM shriyamaapnoti shreyaH praapnotyan.uttamam || (6)
He gains great reputation and is reckoned as the foremost among
his kith and kin. He
acquires abundant wealth (in this world) and keeps it in tact
while, in the other world
he enjoys everlasting bliss, (anuttamam sreyah - salvation)
na bhayaM kvachidaapnoti viiryaM tejashcha vindati |
bhavatyarogo dyutimaan-bala-ruupa-guNaanvitaH || (7)
Free from fear (through any source) and sickness (at any time),
the chanter acquires valor,
power and strength and is endowed with a healthy body, noble
traits and dazzling brilliance.
rogaarto muchyate rogaa-dbaddho muchyeta bandhanaat |
bhayaan.muchyeta bhiitastu muchyetaapanna aapadaH || (8)
The one afflicted by sickness will get rid of it, the one, in
shackles of sorts will get
disentangled while the one stricken by fear, will become free from
it and the one beset with
difficulties, will get absolved of them (whatever be their
durgaaNyatit aratyaashu purushhaH purushhottamam |
stuvan naama sahasreNa nityaM bhakti samanvitaH || (9)
That person who praises with devotion the supreme being
Purusottama through the daily recital
of these thousand names, surmounts, in no time, the seemingly
insuperable difficulties one and
all. [The emphasis here is on the unflinching devotion of the
chanter towards the Supreme being
with the sole object of attaining him, which results in the
automatic disappearance of all his
erstwhile difficulties though not solicited as such, by the
chanter (even as darkness vanishes
as a matter of course, with the induction of light)].
vaasudevaashrayo martyo vaasudevaparaayaNaH |
sarvapaapa-vishuddhaatmaa yaati brahma sanaatanam || (10)
The one, who seeks out Lord Vasudeva, looking upon Him as the
highest goal to be attained,
gets cleansed (purged) of all sins. With a mind thus purified, the
chanter attains the
eternal Brahman
na vaasudeva bhaktaanaam ashubhaM vidyate kvachit |
janma mRityu jaraavyaadhi bhayaM naiva api jaayate || (11)
Nothing inauspicious ever befalls the devotees of Vasudeva nor do
they have any fear from the
cyclic operation of birth, disease, old age and death any longer.
(with the certain prospect of
attaining Him in heaven at the end of the current span of life).
imaM stavama-dhiiyaanaH shraddhaabhaktisamanvitaH |
yujyetaatmaa sukhakshaanti shriidhRiti smRiti kiirtibhiH || (12)
The chanter of this hymn, with zeal and devotion, is blest with
the happy realization of the
essential nature of the self (svasvarUpa), besides the qualities
of serenity, mental stability,
unfailing memory and great fame and wealth (put to beneficial
na krodho na cha maatsaryaM na lobho na ashubhaa matiH |
bhavanti kRita puNyaanaaM bhaktaanaaM purushhottame || (13)
Neither anger nor jealousy, neither avarice nor unholy thooughts
taint the minds of the true
devotees of Purusottama, who have to their credit many a virtuous
dyauH sa-chandraarka nakshatraa khaM disho bhuur mahodadhiH |
vaasudevasya viiryeNa vidhRitaani mahaatmanaH || (14)
The firmament, the Moon, the Sun and the Stars, the Sky, the
directions, earth and the vast ocean
are one and all, propped up by the supreme valor of vasudeva.
sa sura asura gandharvaM sayaksho.raga raakshasam |
jagad vashe vartatedaM kRishhNasya sacharaacharam || {15}
This world with all its contents, the sentient beings and
non-sentient things, the gods, the asuras,
and gandharvas, the yaksas, nagas and raksasas, is under the
supreme control of Sri Krishna.
indriyaaNi mano buddhiH sattvaM tejo balaM dhritiH |
vaasudeva.atmakaany aahuH kshetraM kshetraGYa eva cha || (16)
The several sense organs, the mind, the intellect, (the quality
of) sattva, power, strenght, firmness
as well as the body as a whole and the individual souls - all of
them have Vasudeva as their AtmA (inner
soul) [Vasudevatmakani means that all of them (prakriti and the
jivas) constitute his body]. sastra should
be supplied as subject of the predicat ahuh to read the shastras
sarvaagamaanaa.m aachaaraH prathamaM parikalpate |
aacharaprabhavo dharmo dharmasya prabhur achyutaH || (17)
Right conduct has been laid down as the most important, the
foremost of all the dharma revealed by the
shastras. Right conduct gives rise to dharmas. Bhagavan Acyuta is
the deity propitiated by dharma,
who not only helps in one's adherence of dharma, but also awards
the fruits thereof.
RishhayaH pitaro devaa mahaabhuutaani dhaatavaH |
jaNgamaa jaNgamaM chedaM jagat naaraayaN.odbhavam || (18)
The sages, manes (pitrs - departed ancestors), gods, the great
elements and their effects, the mobile
beings and the immobile things comprising the entire universe,
have all emnated from nArAyanA.
yogo GYaanaM tathaa saa.nkhyaM vidyaaH shilpaadi karma cha |
vedaaH shaastraaNi viGYaanam etat sarvaM janaardanaat || (19)
The knowledge of Yoga, sankhya, the several branches of learning,
arts, works, vedas, sastras - all
these spring from Bhagavan Janardana.
eko vishhNur mahadbhuutaM pRithag bhuutaany anekashaH |
trii.n lokaan vyaapya bhuutaatmaa bhu.nkte vishvabhug avyayaH ||
Lord Visnu is the unique deity of incomparable excellence, in that
He pervades the great elements
of multifarious kinds and the three worlds (of souls). He is their
AtmA and their protector. And
yet he stands head and shoulders above them all and is not the
least tainted by their defects.
imaM stavaM bhagavato vishhNorvyaasena kiirtitam |
paThedya ichchhet purushhaH shreyaH praaptuM sukhaani cha || (21)
That person who desires to obtain supreme bliss in the yonder
heaven as well as the pleasures
of this world should read the stotra of Bhagavan Visnu, sung by
the great sage Vyasa.
vishveshvaram ajaM devaM jagataH prabhavaapyayam |
bhajanti ye pushkaraakshaM na te yaanti paraabhavam || (22)
The lotus eyed is the birthless, Supreme deity, the sovereign lord
of the universe and the cause of
creation and dissolution of the universe. Those who sing his
praise will never meet with disrespect
or discomfiture of any kind.
|| na te yaanti paraabhavam oM nama iti ||
Salutation to the lord of all auspiciousness, never will they meet
with any disrespect from any source.
Arjuna uvaacha -
padmapatra vishaalaaksha padmanaabha surottama |
bhaktaanaam anuraktaanaaM traataa bhava janaardana || (23)
Arjuna said "O Janardana, the greatest of gods, with broad
eyes like lotus petals and lotus on your
navel ! May you be the protector of your loving devotees.
shrii bhagavaanuvaacha -
yo maaM naama sahasreNa stotum-ichchhati paaNDava | ekena shlokena stuta eva na saMshayaH || (24)
|| stuta eva na saM shaya oM nama iti ||
Bhagavan said: Arjuna, a person may, of course, be desirous of
lauding me by reciting all the thousand
names. But on my part, I feel satisfied with the chanting of just
one sloka (out of the hundred and odd
slokas). There is no doubt about it. There is no doubt about it.
Salutations to the auspicious lord (Om)
vyaasa uvaacha -
vaasanaad vaasudevasya vaasitaM te jagatrayam |
sarvabhuuta nivaaso asi vaasudeva namostu te || (25)
|| shrii vaasudeva namo.astuta oM nama iti ||
Vyasa said: Vasudeva, all the three worlds become viable only
because they are pervaded by you the all-
pervading. You are indeed the abode of all beings. Salutations to
you O Vasudeva.
paarvaty uvaacha -
kenopaayena laghunaa vishhNor naama sahasrakam |
paThyate panDitair nityam shrotum-ichchhaam-yaham prabho || (26)
Parvati said: Pray spell out the easy method by which the thousand
names of Lord Vishnu could be deemed
to have been recited by learned persons daily. I wish to be
enlightened by you My Lord.
iishvara uvaacha -
shriiraama raama raameti rame raame manorame |
sahasra naama tattulyam raamanaama varaanane || (27) ...(3x)
Isvara said: Here you are, Sri Rama's name, being the delightful
source of mental exhilaration, I take
great delight in reciting it repeatedly, any length of time.
Rama's name is indeed on par with the
thousand names of Lord Vishnu spelt out in this Hymnal, O my
blessed lady.
|| shrii raamanaama varaanana oM nama iti ||
Salutations to Rama's name denoted by Om.
brahmovaacha -
namo astu anantaaya sahasra muurttaye sahasra paadaakshi shiroru
baahave |
sahasranaamne purushhaaya shaashvate sahasrakoTii yugadhaariNe namaH
|| (28)
Brahma said: Salutations to Bhagvan who is eternal, who has a
thousand forms, a thousand feet, (a
thousand) eyes, (a thousand) heads, (a thousand) thighs and (a
thousand) arms and who is the eternal
Purusa, having a thousand names. Salutations to him who is
sustainer of a thousand crores of aeons.
|| sahasrakoTii yugadhaariNa oM nama iti ||
Salutations to the auspicious lord denoted by OM, the (mighty)
sustainer of a thousand crores of aeons.
saJNjaya uvaacha -
yatra yogeshvaraH kRishhNo yatra paartho dhanurdharaH |
tatra shriirvijayo bhuutirdhruvaa niitir matir mama || (29)
Sanjaya said: Where Sri Krishna, the lord of yoga is and where
stands pArtha (Arjuna) holding the
(dexterous) bow there and there alone shall abide permanently
prosperity, victory, glory and
righteousness (moral ethics). This is my conclusion (considered
shrii bhagavaan uvaacha - chintayanto maaM ye janaaH paryupaasate |
teshhaam nityaabhi.yuktaanaaM yogakshemaM vahaamyaham || (30)
Shri Bagavan said: Unto those people who meditate solely on me (as
the repository of all auspicious
traits and the sovereign master of the universe), I bear the
burden of vouchsafing the yoga (of
attaining me) and ksema (retaining them in that position without
sliding back).
paritraaNaaya saadhoonaaM vinaashaaya cha dushha kRitaam |
dharma saMsthaapanaarthaaya saMbhavaami yuge yuge || (31)
For the protection of the devout, for the frustration of the
wicked and fixing dharma on a firm
foundation, I get born, age after age.
aartaa vishhaNNaaH shithilaashcha bhiitaaH ghoreshhu cha vyaadhishhu
varttamaanaaH |
sa.nkiirtya naaraayaNa shabda maatraM vimukta duHkhaaH sukhino
bhavanti || (32)
Bhagavan continued: Whether afflicted by dire distress or poignant
grief or shattered by confusion due
to fright or tormented by other maladies, if the victims, in each
case, do but spell the name
nArAyanA, they not only get rid of all these troubles but also
attain everlasting happiness.
kaayena vaacaa manasEndriyairvaa buddhya aatmanaavaa prakrteh
svabhaavaat |
karOmi yadyat sakalam parasmai naaraayanaayEti samarpayaamI ||
Whatever act I perform under the influence of matter (prakrti),
with my (elemental material) body or
word, mind or sense organs, intellect or (embodied) self (atma), I
offer all that, in humble dedication
at the feet of nArAyanA, the supreme lord.
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