1. Varaha Avatar
It is the time when Lord Vishnu takes the shape of a boar and lifts the earth out of water in order to save it. That may be an amazing story but what is even more fantastic is the shape of the earth in it – it is round! Which means that more than 10,000 years ago, Indians knew that the Earth was round. On the other hand, Europe only confirmed that after seeing Apollo pictures from space. Also, Geography is called Bhugol in Hindi in which gol means round. They call the earth Jagat meaning that which moves. This signifies that Ancient Indians always knew about earth being round and its movement.2. Arundhati and Vasishtha
In the ursa major (Big Bear) constellations one of the stars is actually twin stars. According to one of the old traditions of South India, the married couple is supposed to go out and look at this particular star called Arundhati and Vashishta.
The rotation in most twin star systems is one
star stays in the middle and the other revolves around it. But that doesn’t sound ideal for a husband and wife. That’s why they look at Arundhati Vasishtha which has a unique method of rotation in which both stars revolve around each other.

But what is amazing is how the ancient Indians found out that a dot is a twin star that too the one rotating in a particular manner and all this without a telescope.
3. Antares
It is the 15th brightest object in the sky yet yet the ancient of India called it the Jeshtha meaning the biggest the oldest the eldest. Why would they call it the biggest when it is only 15th brightest. Turns out they were right. It is 40,000 times bigger than our Sun !
In fact it is the biggest known objects to men. Imagine a group of people managing to tell that a star in the sky is the biggest which appears only as a dot in the sky from the Earth. Think how would ancient Indians even know that? Strange, right?
4. Rust proof pillars.
There are pillars in India which are rust proof the most famous one is in front of Qutub Minar. It is a thousand years old pillar and it is still not rusting. The other one is near Bangalore in Kollur where there is 750 cms of rain for 6-8 months in a year. It has been there from 2,400 years. What is even more interesting is that it was not built by any experts but the tribals of that area to welcome Adi Shankaracharya when he came to their village. So, it can be said that the knowledge was not only limited to learned Brahmins of ancient India. It was known by all.
5. Mystery of Zinc
India held the sole knowledge of how to remove zinc from zinc ore for 4000 years. It is really difficult as zinc becomes liquid from the ore at 997° C but that same zinc becomes gas at 1000° C. So, you only have 3° C window to pull out zinc. What ancient Indians did was practice a unique form of distillation in order to collect zinc. All the zinc in the world was produced in India only for 4000 years. Nobody could make it until they stole the recipe. A Britisher named William Champion made the first zinc distillery in Great Britain in 1543. Before that if you wanted zinc, you had to come to India.
6. Encryption in Sanskrit verses
“Gopibhagya Madhuvrata Srngisodadhi Sandhiga |
Khalajivitakhatava Galahalarasandhar ||”
[The fortune of the Gopi, the destroyer of the demon Madhu, protector of cattle, the one who ventures into the ocean depths, destroyer of all evil doers, one with plough on the shoulder and the bearer of nectar, may you protect us.]
Do you find anything unusual about this Sanskrit shloka ?
7. Vasco da Gama
In Goa, there is a place called Vasco da Gama which is called so because the Portuguese explorer Vasco da Gama came there and discovered India. Let me tell you the true story which is there in Vasco da Gama’s own journal which is present in Lisbon today. Vasco da Gama had the biggest ship in all of Europe and went in search of India but was afraid of open sea. So he travelled keeping close to the coast. There was no way he would have crossed the Arabian sea on his own. Lucky for him, He met a person from Gujarat called Kanha who was a trader and had ships 12 times the size of Vasco da Gama’s ship.Three ships of Kanha accompanied the ship of Vasco Da Gama.(Kanha in Gujarati means Krishna Kanaya. This person escorted Vasco Da Gama to India. So, technically India was not discovered by Vasco da Gama. Ancient Indians brought this gem of a place in front of the world.
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