srnvantu rsayah sarve hayasyastottaram satam
hayagrivo mahavishnuh kesavo madhusudanah.1
govindah pundarikakso visnurvisvambharo harih
adityah sarvavagisah sarvadharah sanatanah. 2
niradharo nirakaro niriso nirupadravah
niranjano niskalanko nityatroto niramayah. 3
cidanandamayah saksi saranyah sarvadayakah
sriman lokatrayadhisah sivah sarasvatapradah. 4
vedoddharta vedanidhirvedavedyah prabhuttamah
purnah purayita punyah punyakirtih paratparah. 5
paramatma paranjyotih paresah paragah parah
sarvavedatmako vidvan vedavedantaparagah. 6
sakalopanisadvedyo niskalah sarvasastrakrt
aksamalajnanamudrayuktahasto varapradah. 7
puranah purusasresthah saranyah paramesvarah
santo danto jitakrodho jitamitro jaganmayah. 8
janmamrtyuharo jivo jayado jadyanasanah
japapriyo japastutyo japakapriyakrt prabhuh. 9
vimalo visvarupasca visvisvagopta vidhistutah
vidhindrasivasamstutyah santidah ksantiparagah. 10
sreyapradah srutimayah sreyasampatirisvarah
acyuto nantarupasca pranadah prthivipatih. 11
avyakto vyaktarupasca sarvasaksi tamoharah
ajnananasako jnani puranacandrasamaprabhah. 12
jnanado vakpatiryogi yogisah sarvakamadah
mahayogi mahamauni maunisah sreyasampatih. 13
hamsah paramahamsasca visvagopta virat svarat
suddhasphatikasankaso jatamandalasamyutah. 14
adimadhyantarahitah sarvavagisvaresvarah
namnamastottarasatam hayagrivasya yah pathet. 15
vedavedangavedantasastranam paragah kavih
vacaspatisamo buddhya sarvavidyavisaradah. 16
mahadaisvaryamasadya kalatrani ca putrakan
avapya sakalan bhogan ante haripadam vrajet. 17
iti srihayagriva astottarasatanamastotram samaptam.
atha dhyanam –
vande puritacandramandalagatam svetaravindasanam
mandakinyamrtabdhikundakumudaksirenduhasam harim ।
nityam nirmalabharatiparimalam visvesamasvananam ॥
atha mantrah –
Om rgyajuhsamarupaya vedaharanakarmane ।
pranavodgithavacase mahasvasirase namah ॥
srihayagrivaya namah ।
atha stotram –
jnananandamayam devam nirmalam sphatikakrtim ।
adharam sarvavidyanam hayagrivamupasmahe ॥ 1 ॥
hayagrivo mahavisnuh kesavo madhusudanah ।
govindah pundarikakso visnurvisvambharo harih ॥ 2 ॥
adisah sarvavagisah sarvadharah sanatanah ।
niradharo nirakaro niriso nirupadravah ॥ 3 ॥
niranjano niskalanko nityatrpto niramayah ।
cidanandamayah saksi saranyah sarvadayakah ॥ 4 ॥ subhadayakah
sriman lokatrayadhisah sivah sarasvatapradah ।
vedoddharttavedanidhirvedavedyah puratanah ॥ 5 ॥
purnah purayita punyah punyakirtih paratparah ।
paramatma paranjyotih paresah paragah parah ॥ 6 ॥
sakalopanisadvedyo niskalah sarvasastrakrt ।
aksamalajnanamudrayuktahasto varapradah ॥ 7 ॥
puranapurusah sresthah saranyah paramesvarah ।
santo danto jitakrodho jitamitro jaganmayah ॥ 8 ॥
jaramrtyuharo jivo jayado jadyanasanah । garudasanah
japapriyo japastutyo japakrtpriyakrdvibhuh ॥ 9 ॥
var jayasriyorjitastulyo japakapriyakrdvibhuh
vimalo visvarupasca visvagopta vidhistutah । virat svarat
vidhivisnusivastutyah santidah ksantikarakah ॥ 10 ॥
sreyahpradah srutimayah sreyasam patirisvarah ।
acyuto’nantarupasca pranadah prthivipatih ॥ 11 ॥
avyakto vyaktarupasca sarvasaksi tamoharah ।
ajnananasako jnani purnacandrasamaprabhah ॥ 12 ॥
jnanado vakpatiryogi yogisah sarvakamadah ।
yogarudho mahapunyah punyakirtiramitraha ॥ 13 ॥
visvasaksi cidakarah paramanandakarakah ।
mahayogi mahamauni munisah sreyasam nidhih ॥ 14 ॥
hamsah paramahamsasca visvagopta virat svarat ।
suddhasphatikasankasah jatamandalasamyutah ॥ 15 ॥
adimadhyantarahitah sarvavagisvaresvarah ।
pranavodgitharupasca vedaharanakarmakrt ॥ 16 ॥
namnamastottarasatam hayagrivasya yah pathet ।
sa sarvavedavedangasastranam paragah kavih ॥ 17 ॥
idamastottarasatam nityam mudho’pi yah pathet ।
vacaspatisamo buddhya sarvavidyavisaradah ॥ 18 ॥
mahadaisvaryamapnoti kalatrani ca putrakan ।
nasyanti sakalan rogan ante haripuram vrajet ॥ 19 ॥
॥ iti sribrahmandapurane srihayagrivastottarasatanamastotram sampurnam ॥
Lord Hayagriva is an avatar of Lord Vishnu. Lord Hayagriva is depicted with human body, horse face wearing white garments and seated on white lotus. Hayagriva is praised as the lord of wisdom and deep knowledge. Haya implies “Horse” and Greeva means neck. He is believed to be the one who won ignorance and foolishness with his pure knowledge. People worship this Lord to be blessed with pure wisdom, intelligence and knowledge. His consort is Lakshmi.
Brahma is said to be the master of vedic knowledge and he had the Vedas with him. Once, when he was feeling sleepy, a demon called Ajnana stole the Vedas from Brahma. Then, Lord Vishnu took the form of Hayagriva and demolished the demon. He then returned the Vedas to Brahma, when he begged for them. Brahma is a trustworthy Lord and hence he offered the vedic knowledge to Hayagriva , when he asked them. Thus, Hayagriva remained as a protector of the Vedic knowledge.
There is also another legend that the demons Madhu and Kaitabha stole the Vedas from Brahma. Then, Vishnu took up the Hayagriva form, fought with them and won. During the fight, the disintegration of the two bodies of Madhu and Kaitabha into twelve pieces took place which are believed to represent the twelve seismic plates of Earth in course of time.
Also,Some believed that during the creation of the world, Vishnu compiled the Vedas in the form of Hayagriva.
Hayagriva is depicted with 4 armed, carrying a Conch & Wheel known as Shanka and chakra in His two hands, a rosary (aksha-mala) in the third and his fourth is in the vyakhya mudra. He is also found holding the vedas in some occasions. Hayagreeva is associated with the purity of knowledge and is represented in the same way as Saraswati. White is a symbolism of purity that is depicted in the "white horse" face he adorns.
Jnananandamayam devam nirmala sphatikakrutim
Adharam sarva vidyanam hayagrivam upasmahe.
ज्ञानानन्द मयं देवं निर्मल स्फटिकाकृतिं
आधारं सर्वविद्यानं हयग्रीवं उपास्महे
Lord hayagriva, you are the supreme form of nature, pure and clear as a crystal and the support and base of eternal knowledge. I worship you , the form of wisdom.
Hayagriva Gayatri Mantra
Benefit (s) : The gayatri mantra of Lord Hayagriva is a highly beneficial mantra for students to improve their studies. Best to be chanted before sitting for exams. Chanting of the Hayagriva Gayatri mantra leads one to the divine path of life. It also sharpens one’s intellect and makes the person extremely alert.Those who are suffering from emotional distress, stress, tensions, depression, etc can benefit from praying to Lord Hayagriva by chanting the Hayagriva Gayatri Mantra.Pregnant ladies can also benefit from chanting this mantra as it is believed that Lord Hayagriva will bless the child with good intellect, strong body, valour, and beauty. It is also said that the baby will be born free from defects and diseases if there are blessings of Lord Hayagriva.Those who wants to excel in sports and athletes can also chant the gayatri mantra of Lord Hayagriva and gain benefits from it. As Lord Hayagriva will bless the devotees with speed, strength, and intelligence.
- Best Time to Chant : Brahma muhurta, Ekadasi thithi, Navami thithi Wednesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays
- Direction :Chant This Mantra Facing East
- Japa Mala : One can use clear quartz crystal rosary beads (also known as sphatik mala) or rosary beads made from basil’s bark (also known as tulasi mala / tulsi mala)
- Number of Times to Chant : 9, 11, 108, or 1008 times
The following are the Hayagriva Gayatri Mantras :
Aum Vaakeeshvaraaya Vidmahe
Hayagrivaaya Dhimahee
Thanno Hamsa Prachodayath
Aum Vanishwaraaya Vidmahe
Haya Grivaaya Dhimahee
Thanno Hayagriva Prachodayath
Aum Akshareshwaraaya Vidmahe
Mantra Rajaaya Dhimahi
Thanno Hayagriva Prachodayath
Festivals associated with Lord Hayagriva
- Swarna Pournami on the full moon day of August.
- Mahanavami on the ninth day of Navarathri.
Famous Temples of Lord Hayagriva
- Tiruvahindapuram Hayagriva Temple, near Cuddalore, Tamil nadu
- Chettypunyam Hayagriva temple, near Chengalpattu,Tamil Nadu
- Sri Lakshmi Hayagriva temple, Nanganallur, Chennai
- Sri Lakshmi Hayagriva temple, Mohnur, Karnataka
- Sri Hayagriva Madhava Temple, Hajo, Assam
- Sri Lakshmi Hayagriva temple, Muthialpet, Pondicherry
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