– AzhwAr enjoyed his love and became mad. The [overwhelming] bliss he acquired was so much that it would nullify the svarUpam of both emperumAn and AzhwAr; to control that flow and pacify AzhwAr, ISvaran withdrew himself a little bit from the union with AzhwAr. Still, since AzhwAr got separated from emperumAn, that separation will not stop until having its impact [on AzhwAr]; being overwhelmed with grief, like a person who lost his wealth along with the bag will open and check everything which resembles his bag [AzhwAr too checks everything which resembles emperumAn]; as said in thiruvAimozhi 1.7.2 “vaippAm marundhAm” (wealth and medicine – goal and means), for AzhwAr, emperumAn is the wealth; thus, when AzhwAr sees objects which resemble emperumAn or objects which are related to emperumAn, he considers them to be emperumAn himself and checks closely only to find out that they are not emperumAn and unable to give up, becomes pained by that.
[Is there any one who suffered like this?] As said in SrI rAmAyaNam AraNya kANdam 60.35 “kvachith udh bhramathE vEgAth kvachith vibhramathE balAth | kvachith maththa ivAbAthi kAnthA anvEshaNa thathpara:” (SrI rAma who is searching for sIthA, is looking around and looking above; at one place he looks around in all directions with his ability, at other place he looks like a mad man), after getting separated from pirAtti, perumaL out of great grief, roams around looking above, stops after some time even unable to doing so, going from tree to tree, and asking “did you see maithili?”, searching in every river – AzhwAr is now going through the same grief as SrI rAma. The mother, seeing her [parAnkuSa nAyaki’s] suffering, speaks about her state and her words, and speaks about her own suffering on seeing her daughter’s suffering, and withdraws; finally emperumAn returns to AzhwAr and pacifies him to conclude this decad.
Each pAsuram is discussed subsequently.
- pAsuram 1
- pAsuram 2
- pAsuram 3
- pAsuram 4
- pAsuram 5
- pAsuram 6
- pAsuram 7
- pAsuram 8
- pAsuram 9
- pAsuram 10
- pAsuram 11
adiyen sarathy ramanuja dasan
maNNai irundhu thuzhAvi – She will search with her hands, for all the vastness of earth which was under his divine feet as said in thirunedunthANdagam 5 “maN muzhudhum agappaduththu ninRa endhai” (my father who stood having all earth under his divine feet). She likes the earth only due to its relationship with bhagavAn; but his relationship is not specific to single entity/object. [Was there anyone who was attached to places related to bhagavAn?] SrI rAmAyaNam bAla kANdam 29.22 “mayAthu bhakthyA thasyaiva vAmanasya upabhujyathE” (Due to my devotion to vAmana, I have an attachment to this land). SrI rAma asked sage viSvAmithra “What is this beautiful hermitage which is in front of us?” and sage viSvAmithra replied “Previously, this place known as sidhdhASrama, was inhabited by SrI vAmana; after he arrived here, out of devotion towards him, I would often just stay here with great attachment to this land”. Those who have attachment towards bhagavAn will not let go [of such objects that are related to him] as said in mahAbhAratham AraNya parvam “vishNur mAnusha rUpENa chachAra vasudhAthalE” (vishNu assumed the human form of chakravarthi thirumagan (son of dhaSaratha chakravarthi) and wandered on this earth).irundhu – It appears that, before this state [of being seated], she was going through agony and was standing, walking etc in a disorderly manner.thuzhAvi – It appears that she cannot let go of the earth; Like a person with piththa (a type of imbalance in bile fluid) cannot take his hands off sandalwood paste [which gives coolness to the body]; if takes his hands off, he will be affected with over-heating of his body.
- kaNNai uNNIr malga ninRu – Tears start flowing from her eyes when she thinks about not being able to enjoy him eternally in paramapadham unlike avathArams [which are time bound].
- kadal vaNNan ennum – He made her go mad by manifesting his [beautiful] form; she too highlights how he made her go crazy. His presence there resembles the embodiment of a dark sea properly – she talks about that.
- annE – She is crying out “Oh mother!” out of great agony. It can also be “mannE”.
- en peNNai – As said in “yuvathiSchakumAriNi” (one who is both a youth and child – the transition stage), she is not yet matured to be united with emperumAn.
- peru mayal seydhArkku – He gave more agony to her than the agony of those who are in separation from him. She only looked at objects similar to him and grieved [Here, the distinction between AzhwAr and other nAchchiyArs like sIthA, ANdAL is highlighted. They did not suffer as much as AzhwAr did in separation].
- en seygEn – Shall I bring him to her to relieve her from her agony? Shall I make her realize that she should wait until he arrives?
- pey vaLaiyIrE – Oh ones with bangles! Like those who remain without wetting their feet even in great flood, you are remaining firmly with your bangles! Can you tell me how you retain your bangles? I will also try to apply that to my daughter [In traditional literature, it is shown that when in sorrow of separation, one becomes weak and the bangles will slip from the hands].