Anadhyayana kaalam is the period from “Kaarthigayil Kaarthigai (ThiruMangai Alwar ThiruNakshatram)” till a day before “Thai Hastam” (Swami KoorathAzhvan ThiruNakshathiram). During this period, as a practise, at an individual’s home, Azhwar’s 4000 Divya Prabhandam are not chanted.
This year the Anadhyayana kalam is from 19-11-2021 to 23-01-2022.
As per NamPerumal’s order, and during the times of Thirumangai Azhwar, the Sri Vaishnavaas of Srirangam, would start their travel from Srirangam to Azhwar Thirunagari, on the day of Kaarthigayil Kaarthigai; they would go to Azhwar Thirunagari to bring Swami Namazhwar from there to Srirangam, so during Vaikunta Ekadasi they can celebrate “Adhyayana Utsavam” in Srirangam.
Swami Nammazhwar from Azhwar Thirunagari will arrive in Srirangam. Namperumal will listen to the recitation of the 4000 Divya Prabhandan by the Sri Vaishnavas during Anaadhyayana utsavam in the august presence of all Azhwars.
Once the Adhayayana utsavam celebration finishes, they would travel back to Azhwar Thirunagari to leave Swami Nammazhwar in his home town. This travel back to Azhwar Thirunagari and return back at Srirangam, will usually take a duration that will be close to Thai Hastam.
Since the Sri Vaishnavaas will be busy in the travel and the celebration, they did not chant Azhwar’s 4000 Divya Prabhandam at their homes. That became a practice – and so at individual’s home they did not recite Azhwar’s Divya Prabhandam between Karthigayil Karthigai and just a day before Thai Hastham. The Divya Prabhandam recitation at homes would restart from Thai Hastam (Swami KoorathAzhvan ThiruNakshathiram).
Though it’s in the Anadhyayana period, during Marghazhi masam, as a practice, the Sri Vaishnavas recited Thirupalliyezhuchi & Thiruppavai at home. The Thaniyans of all the Azhwars who wrote the 4000 Divya prabhandams are also chanted during this time.
After the days of Sri Thirumangai Azhwar, this Utsavam slowly stopped. It was Sri Nathamunigal who restarted this practice.
Few more challenges surfaced during the times of Swami Desikan as well. Swami Desikan ensured that those were resolved for good and restarted the Adhyayana Utsavam in Srirangam. Today, We are celebrating Adhyayana Utsavam only because of Swami Desikan.
Also, from the times of Swami Desikan, the 4000 Divya Prabhandha “Anadhyayana” kalam is observed as “Desika Prabhandha Adhyayana Kalam”. Swami Desikan has also summarised the 4000 Divya Prabhandams in his “Prabhanda Saram”. Reciting Desikan’s Prabhanda Saram gives all the benefit of reciting 4000 Divya Prabhandam.
Since the times of Swami Desikan, and during the Anadhyayana period, as a practise, daily at homes
We should recite the Thaniyans of all the Azhwars who wrote the 4000 Divya prabhandamsWe should recite Swami Desikan’s “Prabhanda Saram”We should also recite “Pillai Andhadhi” written on Swami Desikan.
So the “4000 Prabhandha Anadhyayana” kalam/time is actually “Desika Prabhandha Adhyayana Kalam/time”.
Extract written based on the learnings in Sri APN Swami’s Kalakshepam.
Sriranjani Jagannathan
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