Tuesday, August 1, 2023


 Praising or chanting the name of God is a special form of prayer. The excellence of chanting the names of god lies in the mystic syllabes    Invoking gods sovereign power, enumerating his many attributes.

Srimad bhagavatham 6.1.

Nothing is more purifying than the holy name of god.

Srimad bhagvatham.10.

Wonderful is the teacher, Sri Krishna. 

Wonderful are his deeds.

Even the utterance of his holy name

Sanctifies him who speaks and him who hears.

Katha upanishad. 1.2.15-16.

The goal which all the vedas declare, which all austerities aim at, and which men desire when they lead a life of continence, briefly it is OM.

The syllable OM is indeed Brahman. This syllable is the highest whoso ever knows this syllable obtains all that he desires.

Mandukya upanishad.

OM! The syllable is the whole world. The past the present and future …..everything is just the word OM.

Everything here is Brahman.

The thousand names of the great lord which are based on his qualities and which the sages have sung. He is the form of the universe and is all pervasive who is of the form of sacrifice. Who is the lord of the past future and present. The creator of all living beings, their suspenders and their existence, their indweller and their wellwisher the pure supreme being, the highest goal of the liberated. The imperishable spirit that is the onlooker and the eternal knower of the body, who is the path and the leader among those who know the path, himself matter spirit and god the supreme being who took the form of manlion who has rays of light as hair, and possesses the god of fortune, the all, the destroyer the beneficent the steadfast the prime source of beings, the inexhaustible repository who manifests himself as he pleases, the benefactor, the protector, one whose birth is unique, the capable, tha master, the self born the giver of happiness, the solar deity, the lotus eyed, the speaker of the sublime sound named Veda… the king the destroyer of sins, he who holds the conch the sword the discus the bow and the mace, the discus armed the unperturbed, he who can use anything to strike. Thus these thousand from among the divine names of the great Keshava, fit to be sung, have been fully told. He who listens to this or recites it daily shall encounter nothing untoward here or in the hereafter.  From Mahabharata anusasana parva 254.

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