Devotional Hymns and Verses for Kaishika Dvadasi
Singing or reciting hymns in praise of Lord Vishnu is central to Kaishika Dvadasi. These hymns are believed to bring immense spiritual merit. Below are some key hymns and verses traditionally recited on this sacred day:
1. Vishnu Sahasranamam
The Vishnu Sahasranamam (Thousand Names of Lord Vishnu) is an integral part of Kaishika Dvadasi celebrations. It glorifies the Lord through His divine attributes and deeds.
Famous verses from Vishnu Sahasranamam:
Verse 1:
Om Vishvam Vishnur Vashatkaro Bhuta Bhavya Bhavat Prabhu |
Bhutakrud Bhutabhrud Bhavo Bhutatma Bhutabhavanah ||
Meaning: Lord Vishnu is the universal soul, the creator, protector, and sustainer of all beings.
Verse 2:
Shantakaram Bhujagashayanam Padmanabham Suresham |
Vishvadharam Gagan Sadrusham Meghavarnam Shubhangam ||
Meaning: Lord Vishnu rests peacefully on Adisesha, holding the entire universe, appearing serene and radiant.
2. Nalayira Divya Prabandham
The Nalayira Divya Prabandham is a collection of 4,000 Tamil hymns composed by the Alwars, who were ardent devotees of Vishnu. On Kaishika Dvadasi, these hymns are recited with devotion.
Key Pasurams (Verses):
From Thiruvaymozhi by Nammazhwar:
Pasuram 1.1.1:
Uyarntha ulagil uyarntha tani mudhalvan,
Niyanan nediyane nedumaale! |
ThuyarangaL tigu marundhe surungathi,
KettaruL seythathu vittayayane ||
Meaning: Lord Vishnu, the eternal supreme being, is the refuge for those seeking salvation. His blessings remove all suffering.
From Periyalwar Thirumozhi:
Pasuram 1.6.10:
Pallandu Pallandu Pallayirathandu,
Palakodi Noorayiram |
Mallanda thinn thol manivanna, un
Senkazhal sevithirukkae ||
Meaning: May the glory of Lord Vishnu last forever. Worshipping His divine lotus feet is eternal bliss.
3. Kaishika Mahatmiyam Verses
In many temples, the Kaishika Mahatmiyam is recited in Sanskrit or Tamil. These verses narrate the encounter of Nampaduvan and the Rakshasa, highlighting the significance of Kaishika Vrata.
Key Verse from Kaishika Mahatmiyam:
Rakshasa’s Redemption:
Yasya Nama Japath Punyam, Sarva Papapranashanam |
Vishnu Bhakta Jana Sevaya, Shapam Mukto Bhavishyati ||
Meaning: Singing or hearing Lord Vishnu's names destroys all sins. Even a sinner is redeemed by serving Vishnu’s devotees.
4. Thiruppavai (Andal’s Hymns)
The Thiruppavai, composed by Andal, a female saint and devotee of Vishnu, is also recited on Kaishika Dvadasi for its devotional and poetic charm.
Pasuram 1:
Margazhi Thingal Mathi Nirainda Nannalaal |
Neerada Podhuveer! Podhumin O' Nero! |
Naaraayanane Namakke Parai Tharuvan |
Paaror Pugazha Padindelorempaavaai ||
Meaning: Andal invites devotees to worship Lord Narayana, whose grace ensures eternal bliss and liberation.
5. Bhagavad Gita Verses
Selected verses from the Bhagavad Gita, especially from Chapter 10 (Vibhuti Yoga) and Chapter 12 (Bhakti Yoga), are recited for their emphasis on devotion.
Bhagavad Gita 12.6-7:
Ye Tu Sarvani Karmani Mayi Sannyasya Matparah |
Ananyenaiva Yogena Maam Dhyaayanta Upasate ||
Teshaam Aham Samuddharta Mrityu Samsara Sagarat |
Bhavami Na Chirat Partha Mayyaveshita Chetasam ||
Meaning: Those who dedicate their actions to Me and meditate upon Me with undivided devotion, I swiftly deliver from the cycle of birth and death.
6. Thirunedunthandagam by Thirumangai Alwar
The Thirunedunthandagam, another work from the Nalayira Divya Prabandham, is also sung, focusing on the majesty of Lord Ranganatha.
Anni Nnum Payanennum Tharu Marundhe |
Enna Indru Pidiyodu Ithai Ariyeer |
Nanninna Pangaye Nee Malarkanan Thannai |
Nanninam Thol Mikka Thondar Adaikkalam ||
Meaning: The Lord’s divine form is the ultimate refuge for His devotees, and His name is the eternal cure for worldly suffering.
7. Sundarakanda of Ramayana
Some devotees recite sections from the Sundarakanda, which highlights Lord Rama’s compassion and Hanuman’s unwavering devotion.
Cultural Practice in Srirangam
During the recitation of these hymns
1. Devotees sit in groups in the temple corridors and chant in unison.
2. The temple priests lead the recitation of Sanskrit and Tamil verses, alternating between scripture and hymns.
3. The entire atmosphere is filled with the sound of Vedic chants, Divya Prabandham, and bhajans, making it a deeply immersive devotional experience.
1. Vishnu Sahasranamam
Verse 1:
Om Vishvam Vishnur Vashatkaro Bhuta Bhavya Bhavat Prabhu |
Bhutakrud Bhutabhrud Bhavo Bhutatma Bhutabhavanah ||
Vishvam: He is the Universe itself, all-pervading.
Vishnu: He pervades everything.
Vashatkaro: He is worshipped through Vedic rituals.
Bhuta Bhavya Bhavat Prabhu: He is the Lord of past, present, and future.
Bhutakrud: He creates all beings.
Bhutabhrud: He supports all beings.
Bhavo: He is existence itself.
Bhutatma: He is the soul of all beings.
Bhutabhavanah: He nourishes and sustains all beings.
Verse 2:
Shantakaram Bhujagashayanam Padmanabham Suresham |
Vishvadharam Gagan Sadrusham Meghavarnam Shubhangam ||
He is calm and serene (Shantakaram), reclining on the divine serpent.
He has a lotus emerging from His navel (Padmanabham), and He is the Lord of all celestials (Suresham).
He is the support of the entire universe (Vishvadharam), vast like the sky (Gagan Sadrusham).
His complexion resembles a dark rain cloud (Meghavarnam), and His form is auspicious and beautiful (Shubhangam).
2. Thiruvaymozhi by Nammazhwar (Pasuram 1.1.1)
Uyarntha ulagil uyarntha tani mudhalvan,
Niyanan nediyane nedumaale!
ThuyarangaL tigu marundhe surungathi,
KettaruL seythathu vittayayane ||
The Supreme Being, exalted above all in this vast universe, is the singular origin of everything.
He is eternal and omnipresent (Nediyane Nedumaale).
He is the remedy for all sorrows (Thuyarangal Tigu Marundhe).
He grants liberation (Surungathi) by His grace when we surrender to Him.
3. Periyalwar Thirumozhi (Pasuram 1.6.10)
Pallandu Pallandu Pallayirathandu,
Palakodi Noorayiram!
Mallanda thinn thol manivanna, un
Senkazhal sevithirukkae ||
"I sing 'Pallandu' (eternal blessings) to the Lord for many, many years, thousands, and millions of eons.
O Lord with mighty shoulders (Mallanda Thinn Thol), who possesses a radiant gem-like complexion (Manivanna), may Your divine lotus feet (Senkazhal) always be revered and worshipped!"
4. Kaishika Mahatmiyam Verse (Rakshasa’s Redemption)
Yasya Nama Japath Punyam, Sarva Papapranashanam |
Vishnu Bhakta Jana Sevaya, Shapam Mukto Bhavishyati ||
Chanting the holy names of the Lord generates immense merit (Punyam) and destroys all sins (Sarva Papapranashanam).
Even one cursed is freed (Shapam Mukto) by serving Vishnu’s devotees (Bhakta Jana Sevaya).
5. Thiruppavai by Andal (Pasuram 1)
Margazhi Thingal Mathi Nirainda Nannalaal |
Neerada Podhuveer! Podhumin O' Nero! |
Naaraayanane Namakke Parai Tharuvan |
Paaror Pugazha Padindelorempaavaai ||
During the auspicious month of Margazhi, with full-moon-lit days, let us bathe in the sacred waters (Neerada Podhuveer).
Lord Narayana, the ultimate refuge (Naaraayanane), will bless us and grant all our needs (Parai Tharuvan).
Let us join together and sing His glory, praised by all (Paaror Pugazha).
6. Bhagavad Gita (Chapter 12: Verse 6-7)
Ye Tu Sarvani Karmani Mayi Sannyasya Matparah |
Ananyenaiva Yogena Maam Dhyaayanta Upasate ||
Teshaam Aham Samuddharta Mrityu Samsara Sagarat |
Bhavami Na Chirat Partha Mayyaveshita Chetasam ||
Those who dedicate all their actions to Me (Sarvani Karmani Mayi Sannyasya), and meditate upon Me with unwavering devotion (Ananyena Yogena),
I deliver them swiftly (Na Chirat) from the ocean of birth and death (Mrityu Samsara Sagarat), O Arjuna, for their minds are fixed on Me (Mayyaveshita Chetasam).
7. Thirunedunthandagam by Thirumangai Alwar (Pasuram)
Anni Nnum Payanennum Tharu Marundhe |
Enna Indru Pidiyodu Ithai Ariyeer |
Nanninna Pangaye Nee Malarkanan Thannai |
Nanninam Thol Mikka Thondar Adaikkalam ||
"The Lord is the divine remedy (Tharu Marundhe) for all worldly attachments.
Seek refuge (Adaikkalam) in Him, the lotus-eyed one (Malarkanan), surrounded by His devoted followers (Thol Mikka Thondar)