Little Prahlada and the Miracle of the Potter’s Kiln
Little Prahlada was always filled with devotion and an unshakable faith in Lord Vishnu. Even though he was the son of the mighty asura king Hiranyakashipu, whose heart was filled with hatred for the Lord, Prahlada’s mind was ever immersed in thoughts of divine grace and protection. His faith was pure, untainted by doubt, and his heart overflowed with love for all living beings.
One day, as he wandered through the village, he came across a woman who sat near a temple, her hands folded in fervent prayer. Tears streamed down her cheeks, and her lips quivered as she murmured words of supplication. Curious and concerned, the young boy approached her.
"Mother, why do you weep so? What troubles you?" he asked gently.
The woman looked at him with sorrowful eyes and sighed deeply. "Oh, child! I am a potter’s wife, and today, I made a terrible mistake. A cat had given birth to two tiny kittens in one of the clay pots I had set aside. Unaware of this, I placed the pot in the kiln along with the others for baking. When I realized my mistake, my heart broke. Those innocent little creatures are now trapped inside the burning fire of the kiln! I fear they will not survive."
Prahlada was moved by her distress. "Then why do you sit here in prayer?" he asked.
The woman wiped her tears and smiled through her sorrow. "Because I know that only God can save them. Nothing is impossible for Him."
Her words struck deep within Prahlada’s heart. He had always believed in the power of God, but here was a simple village woman, with no knowledge of scriptures or philosophy, displaying an unwavering trust in the divine.
"Do you truly believe that God will protect them?" he asked, his young mind eager to understand the extent of divine grace.
She nodded firmly. "Yes, child. If He wills, even the fire will not touch them."
Prahlada was deeply touched by her faith. He left the place, but his mind remained preoccupied with thoughts of the kittens and the miracle the woman expected.
The next morning, he hurried to the potter’s house, eager to learn what had happened. He found the woman beaming with joy, her face glowing with gratitude.
"Praise be to the Lord, child!" she cried happily. "All the pots inside the kiln were baked and hardened by the fire, except for the one with the kittens. That pot remained just as it was—soft clay, untouched by the flames. And when I pulled it out, the kittens were alive and safe, not a single hair on them was singed!"
Prahlada’s heart swelled with joy. The woman's words were true—nothing was impossible for God. If He could protect tiny, helpless kittens from the raging fire, would He not protect a devotee who surrendered to Him completely?
That day, Prahlada’s faith grew even stronger. He now knew, without a trace of doubt, that the Lord’s grace was limitless. No force in the world—not even his father’s wrath—could harm him as long as he remained devoted to Vishnu.
Little did he know that one day, he too would face the fire of his father’s fury, and that the same divine protection that had saved the kittens would also shield him from the cruelties of the world.
And so, with a heart full of devotion, little Prahlada continued on his path, trusting in the infinite mercy of his beloved Lord.
This beautiful story highlights the power of faith and divine grace. It reminds us that true surrender to God can turn even the fiercest fires of the world into a gentle breeze. May we all cultivate such unwavering trust in the Lord!