Tuesday, January 7, 2025


 An independent house with a courtyard in the middle. All rooms opening into the courtyard. the longest wall  of the courtyard had a fountain a beautiful one which could be lit up. it was a crescent shaped  structure. most gatherings happened in the courtyard there were potted plants on three steps on both the sides and all around the fountain  of the courtyard one side led to the double kitchen one for the cook when he she cooked the other one with a rasized platform where we cooked. The outer kitchen  had a mesh window through which the full courtyard was visible the opposite side had the downstairs diwan khana and just before it were stair case leading to the first floor where  again there was a central courtyard a similar one but here it was facing the side of the house which had rooms on both sides at the perifree. the best part was one side of this upstairs courtyard had a full view of the downstairs courtyard., the upstairs one was not as private as the downstairs one as other houses on both sides could get a view of any thing happening here. half of the upstairs courtyard had a sheltered verandah which housed a large table tennis table which  doubled into dining area when we had important guests over. the food was cooked in the double kitchen downstairs and transported upstairs. it was  bada khana that used to be served here with all the finest cutlery and dining sets. no this area though visible to the neighbours houses still had the best and coolest dining arrangements. our room led directly into this space it was ideal place to study and spend hours on end engaged in what one liked to pass time with  be it painting sculpture writing etc. but you could not leave any thing here as it was a space accessible to monkeys which did visit us some times twice a day morning and evening they always visited in groups so those times we just went into the rooms upstairs and closed the door till they left. though it was part of the house we never imagined that we had to build walls and enclose the space. nov end to mid jan sometimes feb we had the open portion of the courtyard housing daliah flowers which used to be bought in lorry and arranged  here nearly 50 60 pots of flowers which bloomed in various colours all through the time they were housed. music programs used to be conducted here once a quarter. with almost nine rooms both downstairs and nine upstairs two car garages each could house two to three cars . Rooms were huge and well lit the corridors itself were 3000 sq ft both upstairs and downstairs. all marble floorings with the best ornamental pillars supporting the stucco. The downstairs courtyard doubled up as open to sky area to be used  to sunbathe the various kitchen items like sun bathed pickle chundo icecreams used tobe made here. this courtyard also was used as dining place but one had to squat on the floor and eat. we either used pai or mane to sit only grand mother sat on a make shift chair and stool cause she could not sit on the floor all cousins used to eat together here. mothers sisters family brothers family etc. we also used to have guests who stayed for long periods of two months at a stretch. we were four girls parents grandparents and an aunt with her two children staying together. another aunt and uncle used to drop by daily. We were so self sufficient we never found the need to have friends outside of family. School friends college friends were just acquaintances. May be once in few years came home. Lots of relatives did come especially around deepavali .

We went swimming cycling hobby classes together. I and my eldest sister went for typing classes as well as car driving. We enjoyed our childhood.

Entry by my sister .

2nd kitchen raised cooking platform came subsequently. Earlier this kitchen was used only for Tea Coffee Milk, etc.

The house had separate rooms like Haath dhonae ka room; Sone ka room, lamba room.bade Amma ka room, kone ka room, Bandar, watch man room not included which was as big as our bed room now a days ,Masi ka room, Kids were thrilled to know that there was a room for washing hands which was as big as one full dining room. Dining table and eight chairs could be accomodated conveniently and there still would be place for 2 or 3 crockery cubords.

The bar on the gate would chime indicating Entry & Exit- loud enough to be heard from any corner of the house.

Downstairs court yard was of multi purpose use as it was a few feet deep a corridor running all through connecting the rooms kitchen Bandar the pillars supporting this were so huge as children we could hide behind them and dodge while playing hide and seek. Four corners was another game we played where the pillars marked the boundary running and catching. (a) helped in blocking rainwater in which kids would make paper boats and enjoy playing. (b) Steaming hot Jalebis were made during Diwali. (c) Party get together 

(d) background for clicking pictures

Terrace was at 2 levels used for Kite flying.

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