1. Pedda Seshavahana.
Every car that the Lord mounts during the Brahmotsava has a history of its own, a legend of its own. The Lord gives diverse messages to the devotee, depending on the car used for his procession. On the night after Dhwajarohana, a festival is held with the Lord on the big seven hooded golden seshavahana. The lord of the serpents, Adisesha, who with a fearsome form, bears to eternity the massive weight of the globe with its forests, oceans, hills,etc with its thousands of hoods dispels sins and acts as a bed for Lord Vishnu. Visistadwaita tradition proclaims the Lord as a Seshi the saviour of all. thus preaching the concept of Sesha Seshi.
2. Chinna Seshavahana. second day morning.
The Flute playing Lord on the Chinna Five hooded Sesha is captivating this goes to prove the Seshavahana's diversity. Adisesha is the abode, the bed, the seat, the sandals, the upper garment, the pillow, the canopy, thus protecting the lord in a myraid ways offering to completely perform anything required by the Lord. watching the Lord is a feast to the eye.
3. Hamsavahana the swan car on the second day evening
The Lord alone goes in procession mounting the swan whose great reputation is born of the skill of clearly distinguishing the milk from water, symbolically distinguishing the good from bad, The individual soul free from human bondage. The Lord takes the form of goddess of Learning Saraswati holding the veena. The swan spans the mansarovar the Lord the lakes in the devotees mind. Only they who can distinguish the soul from the rest of the things can visualize the universal soul. this being the spiritual message of the swan car. Parabrahma gave the Vedas to Brahma in the shape of the swan. the characteristics of the soul is thus preached.
4. Simhavahana the Lion car.
The Lord goes out alone on the Simhavahana on the third day.
Simha stands for the ability to carry and move, the Lords power to protect, and symbolising the end of evil and protection of devotee. In the Lords abode Ananda Nilaya there are statues of lions on all four sides. majestic Simhavahana is a fear ridding for the devotee.
5. Mutyalapandirivahana The pearl Bower car.
On the third day the Lord goes in a procession accompanied by Sridevi and Bhudevi. The pearls emanate coolness. In Swathi Karthe, a drop of rain enters an oyster shell and becomes a pearl. The Lord is described as wearing a fresh pearl at the tip of his nose. "Nasagre navamouktikam" and "Mouktika Sragvi" one wearing the garland of pearls. the Lord seams to go here and there enticing the devotees who flock to see the Lord in the various vahanams.Many senior citizens spend a year in the temple towns and enjoy the festivities conducted to the Lord all round the year. Then they move to another temple town and enjoy the festivities there. By appearing in the electrifying Mutyalapandirivahana he dispels the trials and tribulations of the devotee. they feel what is our fear what is our worry when such a lord is there to take care of us.
6. Kalpavrikshavahana.
On the fourth day, the Lord with his consorts goes in a procession on the Kalpavrikshavahanam delighting the devotees. The Kalpavriksha ride assures the devotees of both the worldly and spiritual bliss to the devotees who seek his shelter. the Lord is dressed as a cowherd. the fame of the Kalpavriksha the charity that is capable by this emperor among trees is unimaginable. its a wish yielding tree.
7. Sarvabhupalavahana.
On the fourth night of the Brahmotsavas, the Lord along with Sridevi and bhudevi goes in a procession captivating the devotees in the golden mandapa. It is said all the kings all the gods have placed their crowns at the foot of the Lord and are ready to serve him in his presence. they seem to preach to the devotees make your heart the Lord's car and serve him to attain salvation. Krishn appears punishing the Kaliya serpent on this vahanam.
8. Mohini incarnation.
On the fifth day the Lord appears to the devotees as Mohini in the golden palanquin enticing one and all with his blushes and charms. He is seen in a sitting posture and adorned with all the jewels and ornaments befitting a woman. also dressed in a silk Saree with the gem studded Suryachandrasaveri on his crown. His nose is decorated with a nose stud and nose ring "bulaki" his raised hands hold beautiful blooming lotuses in the place of the conch and disc. the right hand is in a boon giving posture. he pleases the devotee in this charming form. In the Mohini incarnation, the Lord preaches that the strong but arrogant ones cannot obtain their desire, while those who take refuge in all humility will obtain their hears desire.
9. The service of Garuda.
On the night of the fifth day a festival of Garuda is celebrated. the Panchavarna Rahasya is performed on the fifth day the blend of Vishnu and Garuda manifest in the form of the vedas, a personification of the vedas.
the famous saying goes .... as a servant, as a friend, as a fan, as a canopy, as a seat, as a habitation, as a flag in many ways Vinatha's son, serves the Lord. he is both the car as also the flag. The Lord too is dressed with special ornaments, the lakshmi hara and the garland worn by Goda devi, as also the Sahasranama mala. The consorts do not take part in this Garudotsava. The Lord is seen sitting with his legs resting in the hands of Garuda. The Lord seems to say I am ready at all instances to protect you riding on Garuda and armed with conch, disc and other weapons. Take shelter at my feet, submit yourself to me. Leave to me the responsibility of protecting you which i shall certainly do. this seva dispels all sin and showers all kinds of wealth and satisfying bliss on all the bhaktas.
10 Hanumadvahana.
On the sixth day of Brahmotsava the Lord appears making Hanuman his car stressing that he is the Lord of all yugas he was Rama too in thretayuga.
"Kritetu Narasimhobhut tretayam Raghunandanah
Dwapare Vasudevascha Kalau Venkatanayakah."
The Lord seems to say by giving an example of Hanuman to his devotees that fulfill your wishes in the same manner as Hanuman did. after this seva Vasanthotsavam is celebrated in the Ranga mantapam on the same day in the evening the Lord along with his consorts mounts the golden chariot. this utsavam is known as Suvarna ratha ranga dolotsavam. this is a feast to the eyes. the whole atmosphere seems charged and the golden chariot emits a golden sheen with the sun too scattering its crimson rays at dusk.
11. Gajavahana.
On the 6th night the Lord mounted on the King elephant the picture reminds one of Gajendra Moksha the elephant crying for help ... O God, all my strength is gone, my courage diminished, my vital powers languishing, I swoon. My physique faces reduction. I feel tired. No longer can I fight with the crocodile. Please help me, help this poor soul, come save me. This also shows how God just Loves one who completely depends on him and surrenders at his feet giving up all pride and my ness. How magnificent the Lord looks on Gajavahana. everything looks enormous the beauty of the Lord the Elephant carrying the Lord seems to be blotting with Pride who would not be. but the message given here is simply transfer the responsibility of protection to the Lord.
Synonymous : The world is a lake. The crocodile is the sum of our deeds. The Elephank King our human soul. Lord Vishnu is the one who saves us from the bonds of the world and our deeds. Every devotee is a king elephant. the Lord redeems us from the shackles of samsara.
12. Suryaprabha Vahana.
On the seventh day its the Lord alone dressed wearing the diamond gauntlet goes in procession riding on surya prabha vahana driven by seven horses. Narayana is seen as one riding the suns sphere in all its glory and brightness, the embodiment of light. "Jyotisham Raviramsuman""Dhyayet sada Savitru mandala madhyavartee Narayana" This scene must be meditated upon its the Sun the greatest repository of light, the giver of consciousness to nature. rains to the earth and its produce the moon and the medicinal herbs all attain an increase in their produce by the rays of the sun. The Lord showers health wealth and happiness. it is he that is the form of universal immanence. the Lord. How could any one describe the scene it has to be viewed soaked in and longed for. the purpose of man on earth is to achieve the Lord in the Suryaprabha vahana.
13. Chandraprabha Vahana.
On the seventh night the Lord mounted equally magnificent like on the suryaprabha. Yes it is he who is in control of the world by day and by night. he is that too which is the "Nakshatranam aham sasee" born out of the Lords mind the Moon spreads ambrosial rays causing joy tranquility and bliss in the quiet darkness to see the Lord alone on the chandraprabha vahana is to be experienced and cannot be described. the seventh day the two vahanas and the significance must be what one wishes for to achieve in life.
14. Rathotsava
On the eighth day under the rays of the morning sun every thing seems new that day the sun too seems charged with extra light energy and giving as it were its very best. why not after being the source of delight to the Lord and his dear devotees on the previous day The Lord along with his consorts sits in the chariot giving the devotees (who are by now seeped in bhakti after watching him continuously for seven days in his various captivating poses) to pull his chariot the Lord seems to follow such devotees who do not know where they are or what is happening to them after seeing the Lord with his beloved consorts in the chariot they are sure blessed as the saying goes "Kesavam drishtva punarjanma na vidyate"
Look, the God of gods mounted the divine car
For the likes of us, it is a chariot of wish fulfilment.
The way it looks like the sky and earth meet, its great.
The manner of Lakshmi's consort is a feast to the eye.
For all those who witness, it is a feast to the eye.
For here he goes the way of his devotees, the Lord
The glory of Rathotsava is the affinity of the body and the soul. depicting:-
The body is the chariot, discrimination is the charioteer, the senses are the horses, the sense and their tendencies are the paths that they trod. The soul the spark of divinity within us is the traveller in the chariot. The Lord teaches us to control our senses with mind as the reign, to drive the chariot like body with the help of the charioteer called buddhi or discrimination on a proper path recognising HIM as the one who inhabits the chariot serve him and attain salvation.
15. Aswavahana.
on the eighth night the Lord seated alone like a warrior with a helmet on his head and a sword in his hand seems to speed away once again to bring another lot of devotees to the banks of liberation from repeated births and deaths. reality dawning on the devotees that if you have not already sought his feet here you have another chance as the Lord has set out to save you once again. even now give up the me and i and reach out to Him the almighty he is continuously at the task of saving the devout souls who sincerely reach out for his grace.
The Brahmotsavam ends with the chakra snana and the dhwajavarohana very significantly too.
5. Mutyalapandirivahana The pearl Bower car.
On the third day the Lord goes in a procession accompanied by Sridevi and Bhudevi. The pearls emanate coolness. In Swathi Karthe, a drop of rain enters an oyster shell and becomes a pearl. The Lord is described as wearing a fresh pearl at the tip of his nose. "Nasagre navamouktikam" and "Mouktika Sragvi" one wearing the garland of pearls. the Lord seams to go here and there enticing the devotees who flock to see the Lord in the various vahanams.Many senior citizens spend a year in the temple towns and enjoy the festivities conducted to the Lord all round the year. Then they move to another temple town and enjoy the festivities there. By appearing in the electrifying Mutyalapandirivahana he dispels the trials and tribulations of the devotee. they feel what is our fear what is our worry when such a lord is there to take care of us.
6. Kalpavrikshavahana.
On the fourth day, the Lord with his consorts goes in a procession on the Kalpavrikshavahanam delighting the devotees. The Kalpavriksha ride assures the devotees of both the worldly and spiritual bliss to the devotees who seek his shelter. the Lord is dressed as a cowherd. the fame of the Kalpavriksha the charity that is capable by this emperor among trees is unimaginable. its a wish yielding tree.
7. Sarvabhupalavahana.
On the fourth night of the Brahmotsavas, the Lord along with Sridevi and bhudevi goes in a procession captivating the devotees in the golden mandapa. It is said all the kings all the gods have placed their crowns at the foot of the Lord and are ready to serve him in his presence. they seem to preach to the devotees make your heart the Lord's car and serve him to attain salvation. Krishn appears punishing the Kaliya serpent on this vahanam.
8. Mohini incarnation.
On the fifth day the Lord appears to the devotees as Mohini in the golden palanquin enticing one and all with his blushes and charms. He is seen in a sitting posture and adorned with all the jewels and ornaments befitting a woman. also dressed in a silk Saree with the gem studded Suryachandrasaveri on his crown. His nose is decorated with a nose stud and nose ring "bulaki" his raised hands hold beautiful blooming lotuses in the place of the conch and disc. the right hand is in a boon giving posture. he pleases the devotee in this charming form. In the Mohini incarnation, the Lord preaches that the strong but arrogant ones cannot obtain their desire, while those who take refuge in all humility will obtain their hears desire.
9. The service of Garuda.
On the night of the fifth day a festival of Garuda is celebrated. the Panchavarna Rahasya is performed on the fifth day the blend of Vishnu and Garuda manifest in the form of the vedas, a personification of the vedas.
the famous saying goes .... as a servant, as a friend, as a fan, as a canopy, as a seat, as a habitation, as a flag in many ways Vinatha's son, serves the Lord. he is both the car as also the flag. The Lord too is dressed with special ornaments, the lakshmi hara and the garland worn by Goda devi, as also the Sahasranama mala. The consorts do not take part in this Garudotsava. The Lord is seen sitting with his legs resting in the hands of Garuda. The Lord seems to say I am ready at all instances to protect you riding on Garuda and armed with conch, disc and other weapons. Take shelter at my feet, submit yourself to me. Leave to me the responsibility of protecting you which i shall certainly do. this seva dispels all sin and showers all kinds of wealth and satisfying bliss on all the bhaktas.
10 Hanumadvahana.
On the sixth day of Brahmotsava the Lord appears making Hanuman his car stressing that he is the Lord of all yugas he was Rama too in thretayuga.
"Kritetu Narasimhobhut tretayam Raghunandanah
Dwapare Vasudevascha Kalau Venkatanayakah."
The Lord seems to say by giving an example of Hanuman to his devotees that fulfill your wishes in the same manner as Hanuman did. after this seva Vasanthotsavam is celebrated in the Ranga mantapam on the same day in the evening the Lord along with his consorts mounts the golden chariot. this utsavam is known as Suvarna ratha ranga dolotsavam. this is a feast to the eyes. the whole atmosphere seems charged and the golden chariot emits a golden sheen with the sun too scattering its crimson rays at dusk.
11. Gajavahana.
On the 6th night the Lord mounted on the King elephant the picture reminds one of Gajendra Moksha the elephant crying for help ... O God, all my strength is gone, my courage diminished, my vital powers languishing, I swoon. My physique faces reduction. I feel tired. No longer can I fight with the crocodile. Please help me, help this poor soul, come save me. This also shows how God just Loves one who completely depends on him and surrenders at his feet giving up all pride and my ness. How magnificent the Lord looks on Gajavahana. everything looks enormous the beauty of the Lord the Elephant carrying the Lord seems to be blotting with Pride who would not be. but the message given here is simply transfer the responsibility of protection to the Lord.
Synonymous : The world is a lake. The crocodile is the sum of our deeds. The Elephank King our human soul. Lord Vishnu is the one who saves us from the bonds of the world and our deeds. Every devotee is a king elephant. the Lord redeems us from the shackles of samsara.
12. Suryaprabha Vahana.
On the seventh day its the Lord alone dressed wearing the diamond gauntlet goes in procession riding on surya prabha vahana driven by seven horses. Narayana is seen as one riding the suns sphere in all its glory and brightness, the embodiment of light. "Jyotisham Raviramsuman""Dhyayet sada Savitru mandala madhyavartee Narayana" This scene must be meditated upon its the Sun the greatest repository of light, the giver of consciousness to nature. rains to the earth and its produce the moon and the medicinal herbs all attain an increase in their produce by the rays of the sun. The Lord showers health wealth and happiness. it is he that is the form of universal immanence. the Lord. How could any one describe the scene it has to be viewed soaked in and longed for. the purpose of man on earth is to achieve the Lord in the Suryaprabha vahana.
13. Chandraprabha Vahana.
On the seventh night the Lord mounted equally magnificent like on the suryaprabha. Yes it is he who is in control of the world by day and by night. he is that too which is the "Nakshatranam aham sasee" born out of the Lords mind the Moon spreads ambrosial rays causing joy tranquility and bliss in the quiet darkness to see the Lord alone on the chandraprabha vahana is to be experienced and cannot be described. the seventh day the two vahanas and the significance must be what one wishes for to achieve in life.
14. Rathotsava
On the eighth day under the rays of the morning sun every thing seems new that day the sun too seems charged with extra light energy and giving as it were its very best. why not after being the source of delight to the Lord and his dear devotees on the previous day The Lord along with his consorts sits in the chariot giving the devotees (who are by now seeped in bhakti after watching him continuously for seven days in his various captivating poses) to pull his chariot the Lord seems to follow such devotees who do not know where they are or what is happening to them after seeing the Lord with his beloved consorts in the chariot they are sure blessed as the saying goes "Kesavam drishtva punarjanma na vidyate"
Look, the God of gods mounted the divine car
For the likes of us, it is a chariot of wish fulfilment.
The way it looks like the sky and earth meet, its great.
The manner of Lakshmi's consort is a feast to the eye.
For all those who witness, it is a feast to the eye.
For here he goes the way of his devotees, the Lord
The glory of Rathotsava is the affinity of the body and the soul. depicting:-
The body is the chariot, discrimination is the charioteer, the senses are the horses, the sense and their tendencies are the paths that they trod. The soul the spark of divinity within us is the traveller in the chariot. The Lord teaches us to control our senses with mind as the reign, to drive the chariot like body with the help of the charioteer called buddhi or discrimination on a proper path recognising HIM as the one who inhabits the chariot serve him and attain salvation.
15. Aswavahana.
on the eighth night the Lord seated alone like a warrior with a helmet on his head and a sword in his hand seems to speed away once again to bring another lot of devotees to the banks of liberation from repeated births and deaths. reality dawning on the devotees that if you have not already sought his feet here you have another chance as the Lord has set out to save you once again. even now give up the me and i and reach out to Him the almighty he is continuously at the task of saving the devout souls who sincerely reach out for his grace.
The Brahmotsavam ends with the chakra snana and the dhwajavarohana very significantly too.