The Divya Prabandham, composed by the Alvars, is a treasure trove of devotional poetry with a history intertwined with fascinating events. Its recitation has often been linked to miraculous and mysterious occurrences, as devotees believe that these divine hymns have the power to invoke divine intervention. Below are some lesser-known or strange stories and instances associated with the recitation of the Divya Prabandham:
1. The Mystical Recovery of Lost Verses
In ancient times, parts of the Divya Prabandham were believed to have been lost. It was Swami Nathamuni who retrieved these hymns by divine intervention. While meditating and chanting the Tiruvaymoli at Alwar Thirunagari, Nathamuni experienced a mystical vision of the Alvars. The lost verses were "revealed" to him, an act many consider divine grace, showcasing the hymns’ inherent spiritual potency.
2. Floods Stopped by Nalayira Divya Prabandham
During a severe flood in Srirangam, the recitation of the Divya Prabandham by temple priests was said to have caused the river's water levels to subside miraculously. It is believed that the divine resonance of these hymns pacified the elements, protecting the temple and its surroundings from destruction.
3. Healing Powers of Divya Prabandham Recitation.
A well-known story speaks of a devotee from Thirukurungudi who was bedridden due to a mysterious illness. Upon hearing the recital of Periyalvar’s Thirumozhi in the nearby temple, he was suddenly healed. This instance is often cited as proof of the hymns' ability to resonate with divine vibrations that can cure ailments.
4. Protective Power of the Hymns
In the Tamil Nadu village of Srivilliputhur, it is said that a group of devotees once faced an aggressive wild elephant while returning from the Andal temple. The leader of the group recited specific verses from Andal’s Thiruppavai with absolute devotion. The elephant, instead of attacking, bowed and walked away. This event reinforced the belief in the hymns' protective powers.
5. Divine Fragrance from Recitation
In certain temples, particularly in Melkote, devotees have reported experiencing a mysterious divine fragrance during the recitation of Tiruvaymoli. This unearthly fragrance is believed to be the presence of Lord Vishnu and the Alvars, blessing the gathering.
6. Unusual Weather Phenomena
During grand recitations in temples like Srirangam or Kanchipuram, unusual weather changes have been observed. For example, during one Vaikunta Ekadasi, when the verses describing Vaikuntha were recited, a sudden, inexplicable drizzle fell, despite it being a cloudless day. Devotees interpret such occurrences as divine responses to the hymns.
7. Children Learning Miraculously
There is an instance where a mute child was brought to a temple during a Divya Prabandham recital. After repeated sessions of listening to the hymns, the child began to recite portions of Thiruppavai fluently. This was regarded as a divine miracle resulting from the hymns' spiritual energy.
8. The Lamp That Would Not Die
In a small temple in Sriperumbudur, it is said that during a marathon recitation of the Divya Prabandham over several days, the lamp lit before the deity did not extinguish even when strong winds blew through the sanctum. Devotees believe this phenomenon signified the eternal light of devotion that the hymns embody.
9. Appearance of Divine Forms
In Thirumaliruncholai, there’s a tale of a devotee who saw a vision of Lord Sundararaja Perumal seated majestically while the Tiruvaymoli was being recited. This vision was witnessed by others in the group, affirming the spiritual potency of the hymns.
10. Animals Responding to Hymns
In certain temples, cows and even stray dogs have been observed gathering peacefully and listening attentively to the Divya Prabandham recitations. It is said that animals, being closer to nature, are naturally drawn to the divine vibrations.
These stories serve as a testament to the belief that the Divya Prabandham is not merely a collection of hymns but a medium through which the divine interacts with the mortal world. The hymns’ recitation continues to inspire awe and devotion among countless devotees.