Many people wonder why the Great Pyramid in particular
One of the seven wonders of the world
"It is not only the shape of the pyramid, its length or its dimensions that confuses and puzzles, but the secrets it holds, and those who know them keep hidden." "
Each single block of the pyramid weighs between 2.5 and 5 tons,
with some stones up to 15 tons
The total number of stones in the pyramid is about 2 million and 600 thousand, enough to build a wall around France, even if they were cut into small pieces.
With them you could go around the world on the equator
The height of the pyramid at the time of construction was 149.4 meters, while now it is 138 meters, equivalent to the height of a skyscraper of about 48 floors
The roof of the funeral chamber, located in the centre of the pyramid, consists of 9 stone blocks, each weighing 45 tons. How can you imagine 45 tons positioned at a height of 75 meters? This was done according to engineering theory to reduce the pressure of the superfluous blocks and prevent the pyramid from collapsing.
The height of the pyramid is 149.4 meters, while the distance between Earth and Sun is 149.4 million kilometers. Coincidence?
The location of the pyramid is exactly at the center of five ancient continents.
Pyramid’s entrance points to the North Pole star.
and the inner corridor refers to the star of Sirius
The largest pyramid of the astronomical system is located directly under the brightest star in the sky
If you take a piece of meat and put it in the King's Chamber, the meat dries but does not rot
If you take a rough blade and leave it inside the pyramid for a few hours, it comes back sharp
If you pick up a plant and put it inside the pyramid, it grows more than when it is outside
The circumference of the pyramid divided by its height is 3.14.
The same ratio is obtained by analyzing the King's Chamber.
The pyramid lit up at night because it was covered with a special substance.
and the rocks under the pyramid, connected to the course of the Nile, allowed the underground water to move, generating electricity that made the pyramid appear like a neon at night.
The Great Pyramid is said to be a center of positive energy and is connected to the world of astronomy
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