The vedas are universal in their benevolence and are more affectionate and beneficent than say a thousand mothers or fathers put together. they prescribe methods for realising the varied ends of the different classes of people governed by their inherent nature in accordance with the preponderance of one or other of the three qualities Sattva Rajas and Tamas. Each one may choose whatever he likes according to his taste and ability. But a wise man must think and find out what is good for him amongst those that are prescribed. he must not indiscriminately run after all things that are found in the vedas.
Lord Krishna's words to Arjuna.
Yavan artha udapane sarvatas- samplutodake,
Tatva sarvesu vedesu brahmanasya vijanatah.
The vedas in toto are authoritative, all the rules are not meant for all.
A man uses only as much water as he needs out of a reservoir abounding in water far beyond his demand and not more. In the same way a man of discrimination choose from the Vedas only those that pertain to him and are conducive to his objective.
Lord Krishna's words to Arjuna.
Yavan artha udapane sarvatas- samplutodake,
Tatva sarvesu vedesu brahmanasya vijanatah.
The vedas in toto are authoritative, all the rules are not meant for all.
A man uses only as much water as he needs out of a reservoir abounding in water far beyond his demand and not more. In the same way a man of discrimination choose from the Vedas only those that pertain to him and are conducive to his objective.
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