Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Thiruppuliyur (Kuttanadu)

Kerala seems as they normally advertise as Gods own country all the temples here have a pitures description of the surroundings. no doubt as the full state is surrounded by water mostly and God's abode on earth seems to be next to water bodies. where water is trees flowers birds and nature survive and thus make it beautiful to behold.
the Moolavar is Mayappiran seen standing facing east. the thayar is Porkodi Nachiyar. the two theerthas are Pragnasaras and Poonshunai theertha. the vimanam is known as Purushothama vimanam. The Lord appeared to the saptha rishis. The temple is on a small hillock, Nammalwar describes the temple as "Karimanickkathu malai mel manithadam chadukal pol" this description stands good even today the beautiful lotus tank and the emerald like hill described is seen even today like in the glorious past.
the Mahabharata war is too well known the Pandavas had a lot of hesitation to fight against their guru and teacher Dronacharya. The plan was that Dharmaraja was to utter in the hearing of their guru Aswathama Hatathaha at a feverish pitch and at a more softer tone Kunjaraha. Even on hearing this it seems Dronacharya was continuing to fight and engage the pandavas in the encounter. then Bhima is said to have uttered even louder the words Aswathama Hatathaha and it was true what dharmaraja had said. now on hearing Bhima, Dhronacharya is said to have swooned. Drishtadumnya is said to have let loose an arrow and killed the great acharya. here Bhima is said to have been greatly disturbed for what he had done. they the Pandavas lived so righteous a life that this action of theirs caused them so much mental torture and they had to atone for the fault committed. Bhima decided to go on a pilgrimage he went in search of peace and saw the beautiful hill he enquired from the locals and on learning that the God had blessed the saptha rishis there he decided he would also worship the lord at Thiruppuliyur and worship Mayappiran. Very interesting stories are related of the sapta rishis being blessed by perumal and also of Bhima being associated with this temple and of his worshipping and installing the idol here.also the namboodri brahmins and one Nair amoung the 28 member council who administered the affairs of the temple is quiet interesting. everything offered in the temple is of gigantic size the appamas and adas and also a payasam called Chathushatham the minimum quantity of rice used to prepare this payasam is 400 measures. today there is a long list of devotees waiting to perform this feat to express their gratitude to the lord here.
Namallawar has sung 10pasurams on this deity they are in a nature of words uttered by a companion describing the mental anguish of her mistress. the three sets of ten called tholi pasurams of thiruvaimozhi are 3062 -3072;3271- 3281; and 3535- 3545; In all the three sets of pasurams the alwar expounds the philosophy ofananyarhatwam  which is enshrined in the word om which relates I belong to him and to none else.
the first set starting with Theerpaarai yaam eni.....  the lady companion notices that the elderly ;ladies in the village look at her love lorn mistress parankusa nayaki and mistake her behaviour as that of a woman in danger of loosing her senses and they arrange for a veriaattam a dance to exorcise the deamon that they believe has taken hold on the mistress. however the lady companion knows of what has smitten the mistress and tells them that the disease and medicine do not match and that she can be cured if her mistress could get the basil garland of the Perumal and explains the ananyarhathwa state of her mistress.
The second set of pasurams starting with Thuvalil maamani maadam..... here Parankusanayaki has lost her heart to Aravindalochana perumal of Tholaivilli mangalam, the tholi also says ini umakku aasai illai vidumino. meaning she belongs to Aravindalocana and not to herself or you or me or the other. 
The third set starting with Karu manicka malai....... here Parankusa nayaki has attained marriageable age, the parents have fixed a date for her swayamvara and send invitations to select eligible bachelors. the companion learns of this and knows too well that her mistress has voiced her choice of not marrying mortals and that she would willingly give up her life too. She tells the parents after much thoughtthat their daughter is for ever talking of Thirupuliyoor perumal and his great qualities his great achievements and that they should give up the thought of arranging any svayamvara for her. the parents wanted to know if the Thirupuliyoor perumal was a fit companion for their daughter  if he was proficient in vedas was he equally beautiful like their daughter and if he had enough wealth fame qualities of generosity affection etc. she assures them that the Perumal of Kuttanad Puliyoor fulfills all these criteria, even if he does not meet with their approval, their daughter has already set her heart on him. though this reads like a love story the beauty lies in reveling the fundamental truth of life itself. swaroopa gnana. refer 3540 pasuram of Nammalwar.

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