Friday, July 31, 2020


Amazing!!! Time to revive cultural heritage!
The 13th century poet saint Gyandev created a children's game called Moksha Patam. The British (intentionally to break our rich culture & education system)  later named it Snakes and Ladders instead of the original Moksha Patam.
In the original one hundred square game board, the 12th square was faith, the 51st square was reliability, the 57th square was generosity, the 76th square was knowledge, and the 78th square was asceticism.

These were the squares where the ladders were found and one could move ahead faster. The 41st square was for disobedience, the 44th square for arrogance, the 49th square for vulgarity, the 52nd square for theft, the 58th square for lying, the 62nd square for drunkenness, the 69th square for debt, the 84th square for anger, the 92nd square for greed, the 95th square for pride, the 73rd square for murder and the 99th square for lust. These were the squares where the snake waited with its mouth open.

The 100th square represented Nirvana or Moksha.The tops of each ladder depict a God, or one of the various heavens (kailasa, vaikuntha, brahmaloka) and so on. As the game progressed various actions were supposed to take you up and down the board as in life...

life's blueprint

Prabha Narasimha

9:23 PM (33 minutes ago)
to me

Rarely seen footage of Martin Luther King, Jr., speaking to students at Barratt Junior High School in Philadelphia on October 26, 1967, where he delivered his speech “What Is Your Life’s Blueprint?

“Thank you very kindly. Principal, Mr. Williams, Members of the faculty and members of the student body of Barratt Junior High School, Ladies and Gentlemen. I need not pause to say how very delighted I am to be here today, and to have the opportunity of taking a very brief break in a pretty busy schedule in the city of Philadelphia, to share with you the students of Barrat Junior High School. And I want to express my personal appreciation to the Principal and the administration for inviting me and giving me the opportunity to see this very fine and enthusiastic group of students here at Barrat.”

I want to ask you a question, and that is: What is in your life’s blueprint?

This is the most important and crucial period of your lives. For what you do now and what you decide now at this age may well determine which way your life shall go.

Whenever a building is constructed, you usually have an architect who draws a blueprint, and that blueprint serves as the pattern, as the guide, and a building is not well erected without a good, sound and solid blueprint.

Now each of you is in the process of building the structure of your lives, and the question is, whether you have a proper, a solid, and a sound blueprint.

And I want to suggest some of the things that should be in your life’s blueprint.

Number one in your life’s blueprint should be, a deep belief in your own dignity, your own worth and your own somebodiness. Don’t allow anybody to make you feel that you are nobody. Always feel that you count. Always feel that you have worth, and always feel that your life has ultimate significance.

Now that means you should not be ashamed of your color. You know, it’s very unfortunate that in so many instances, our society has placed a stigma on the Negro’s color. You know there are some Negro’s who are ashamed of themselves? Don’t be ashamed of your color. Don’t be ashamed of your biological features. Somehow you must be able to say in your own lives, and really believe it, “I Am Black But Beautiful!” And therefore you need not be lulled into purchasing cosmetics advertised to make you lighter, neither do you need to process your hair to make it appear straight. I have good hair and it is as good as anybody else’s in the world…And we gotta believe that. Now in your life’s blueprint Be Sure that you have a principle of Somebodiness.

Secondly, in your life’s blueprint you must have as the basic principle the determination to achieve excellence in your various fields of endeavor. You’re going to be deciding as the days, as the years unfold, what you will do in life — what your life’s work will be. Once you discover what it will be, set out to do it, and to do it well.

And I say to you, my young friends, that doors are opening to you–doors of opportunityare opening to you that were not open to your mothers and your fathers — and the great challenge facing you is to be ready to enter these doors as they open.

Ralph Waldo Emerson, the great essayist, said in a lecture in 1871, “If a man can write a better book or preach a better sermon or make a better mousetrap than his neighbor, even if he builds his house in the woods, the world will make a beaten path to his door.”

This hasn’t always been true — but it will become increasingly true, and so I would urge you to study hard, to burn the midnight oil; I would say to you, don’t drop out of school. I understand all of the sociological reasons why we drop out of school, but I urge you that in spite of your economic plight, in spite of the situation that you’re forced to live so often, with intolerable conditions — stay in school.

And when you discover what you are gonna be in life, set out to do it as if God Almighty called you at this particular moment in history to do it. And just don’t set out to do a good Negro job, but do a good job that anybody could do. Don’t set out to be a good Negro doctor, or a good Negro lawyer or a good Negro school teacher or a good Negro preacher or a good Negro barber or a beautician or a good Negro skilled laborer. For if you set out to do that, you have already flunked your matriculation exam into the University of Integration. Set out to do a good job and Do That Job So Well that the LIVING, the DEAD, or the UNBORN couldn’t do it any better.

If it falls your lot to be a street sweeper, sweep streets like Michelangelo painted pictures, sweep streets like Beethoven composed music, sweep streets like Leontyne Price sings before the Metropolitan Opera. Sweep streets like Shakespeare wrote poetry. Sweep streets so well that all the hosts of Heaven and Earth will have to pause and say: Here lived a great street sweeper who swept his job well. If you can’t be a pine at the top of the hill, be a shrub in the valley. Be the best little shrub on the side of the hill.

Be a bush if you can’t be a tree.
If you can’t be a highway, just be a trail.
If you can’t be a sun, be a star.
For it isn’t by size that you win or you fail.
Be the BEST of whatever you are.”

“Finally, in your life’s blueprint, must be a commitment to the eternal principles of beauty, love, and justice. Well life, for none of us, has been a crystal stair, but we must keep moving, we must keep going!

If you can’t fly, run.
If you can’t run, walk.
If you can’t walk, crawl,
but by all means, keep moving!”
— From the estate of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

Wednesday, July 29, 2020

The song of the adorable.



L approval.

Maraneri Nambi was a disciple of Alavandar. But Maraneri Nambi’s family members were not devout Sri Vaishnavas, and Maraneri Nambi did not want them to perform his last rights after his death. So Periya nambi another disciple of Alavandar performed the last rites for Maraneri nambi. Periya nambi was a brahmin and Mananeri nambi was not. People started saying Periya nambi being a brahmin should not have performed the last rites of Maraneri nambi.
When people complained to Ramanuja about Periya nambi, Ramanuja wanted to show the greatness of Maraneri nambi, so he met Periya nambi and asked him why he had performed the last rites of  Maraneri nambi. Periya nambis reply pleased Ramanuja very much for thatis what he had expected to hear, Periya nambi said, "Lord Rama granted moksha to bird Jatayu. Maraneri Nambi is not lower in status than a bird, nor am I greater than the Lord Rama".

Lord Ranganatha of Srirangam also gave his approval for Periya nambi's act. Periya nambis family had been ostracized and none of the inhabitants of Srirangam would talk to any one in  his family. Periya nambi who had not missed a single participation in Lord Ranganathas festivals stayed at home, sad because he could not witness the Lords procession in his chariot. Lord Ranganatha who was out on his chariot (IT is said that Lord Ranganatha is always out on his chariot almost everyday on his rounds there are so many festivities and it seems any small reason he wants to get out of the temple to meet his people in their places of stay work) wanted to show the world that he was in full support of what Periya nambi had done. Even as people walked along the chariot the chariot suddenly stopped outside Periya nambis house and no matter what it would not move even an inch until Periya nambi had had darshan of the Lord. Showing the world his acceptance of what Periya nambi had done and their attitude was disapproved. 
There are many such stories connected to temple and its town people both small and large temples. certain being followed to this day.

Friday, July 24, 2020


An Account of the Law for Liberation.
1-4. Garuḍa said: I have heard from you, O Ocean of compassion, about the
transmigrating of the individual, through ignorance, in the worlds of change. I now wish
to hear about the means for eternal liberation.
O Lord, O Ruler of the Shining Ones, compassionate to those who seek refuge,--in this
terrible world of change, in the unsubstantial, in all deep miseries,
The endless multitudes of individuals, placed in various kinds of bodies, are born and die-
-of them no end is known.
Always miserable in this world, no one is ever known to be happy. O Lord of Liberation,
tell me by what means they may obtain release, O Lord.
5-7. The Blessed Lord said: Listen, O Târkṣya, and I will explain to you what you have
asked, even by the hearing of which a man is released from the world of change.
There is a Shining One, Śiva, who has the nature of Supreme Brâhmaṇ, who is partless,
all-knowing, all-doing, Lord of all, stainless and secondless,
Self-illumined, beginningless and endless, beyond the Beyond, without attributes, Being
and Knowing and Bliss. That which is considered the individual is from a part of Him.
8-10 These, like sparks of a fire, with beginningless ignorance, separated and encased in
bodies by beginningless karma,
Are fettered by forms of good and evil, giving happiness and misery,--with nationality of
body, length of life, and fortune born of karma.
In every life obtained. They have also, O Bird, a higher and more subtle body, the liṅga,
lasting until liberation.

11-13. The unmoving things, worms, goats, birds, animals, men, the righteous, the thirty-
three deities, and also the liberated, according to their order,

Having worn and cast aside the four sorts of bodies thousands of times, one becomes a
man by good deeds, and if he becomes a knower 1 he attains liberation.
The embodied, in the eighty-four hundred thousands of bodies before attaining human
birth, can obtain no knowledge of the truth.
14-16. Through millions of myriads of thousands of births some time a being obtains
human birth, through the accumulation of merit.

He who, having obtained a human body, difficult to get, and a step to liberation, does not
help himself over,--who in this world is more sinful than he?
The man who, having obtained this highest birth and superior senses, does not understand
what benefits the soul is a slayer of Brâhmaṇ.
17-19. Without a body, nobody obtains the object of human life; therefore should he
guard his body as wealth and perform meritorious deeds.
He should always guard his body, which is the means to everything. Living, he should
make every effort to protect it, in view of welfare.
A village again, a field again, wealth again, a house again, good and evil actions again--
the body never again. 1
20-21. The wise always adopt means for the preservation of the body; even those
afflicted with diseases such as leprosy do not wish to give it up.
It should be guarded for the sake of duty; duty for the sake of knowledge; knowledge for
the sake of Yoga-meditation,--then he is soon released.
22-23. If he does not guard himself against harm who else will? Therefore should he look
after his own benefit.
He who does not take precautions against the diseases of hell while here; afflicted with
disease and having gone to a country where there is no medicine, what will he do?
24-25. Old age comes on like a tigress; life goes like water from a broken pot; diseases
attack like foes. Therefore should he strive for the best.
So long as misery does not come, so long as calamity does not befall, so long as the
senses are not decayed, so long should he strive for the best.
26-32. So long as the body lasts, so long should truth be pursued,--the stupid man digs his
well when the corner of his house is already afire.
The time of death is not known by those who are variously embodied in the world of
change. Alas! a man, between happiness and misery, does not know his own benefit.
Though seeing those just born, the afflicted, the dead, those whom calamity has befallen,
and the miserable, people are never afraid, having drunk the liquor of delusion.
Riches are like unto a dream; youth is like a flower, life is fickle as lightning,--where is
there a discerning one who is at ease?
Even a hundred years of life is very little, and half of it is sleep and idleness, and even
that little is unfruitful owing to the miseries of childhood, disease and old age.

He does not do what ought to be done; when he should be awake he sleeps; where he
should fear he confides. Alas! what man is not stricken.
How shall the individual who has taken a body, which is like foam on water and is
attached to passing objects, be free from fear?
33-35. He who does not know what is good for him thinks the harmful beneficial, the
impermanent permanent, and the evil good;
Though seeing, he falters; though hearing, he does not understand; though reading, he
does not know; bewildered by the divine magic.
This universe is immersed in the boundless ocean of death,--though grasped by the
crocodiles of death, disease and old age, he does not understand.
36-38. Time, though wearing away with every moment, is unnoticed, just as an unbaked
pot placed in water disappears imperceptibly.
Air may be enclosed, ether may be split; waves may be bound,--life cannot be made
Earth is burnt away by time; even Meru is reduced to powder; the water of the ocean is
dried away--what shall be said of the body?
39-41. The wolf of death forcibly slays the lamb of a mortal, who prates of "my
offspring; my wife; my wealth; my relatives."
"This has been done; this is to be done; this other is done or not done." Him who is thus
prating death overpowers.
"It must be done to-morrow; it must be done to-day; in the morning or in the afternoon,"-
-death does not consider whether it leas been done or not done.
42. Thou shalt encounter the enemy, death, whose, coming is shown by age, who has an
army of dreadful diseases--wilt thou not see the saviour?
43-44. Death preys upon the man afflicted with the needles of thirst, bitten by the serpent
of sense-objects, and baked in the fire of desire and repulsion.
Death attacks children, young men, the old, those in the embryo condition,--such is this
world of creatures.
45-48. This individual, leaving his own body, goes to the abode of Yama. What is the
good of association with wife, mother, father, son and others?
The world of change is verily the root of misery. He who is in it is afflicted with misery.
He who abandons it becomes happy,--otherwise never.

This world of change, which is the source of all misery, the seat of all calamities, and the
refuge of all sins, should be abandoned at once.
A man bound in fetters of iron or wood may be released, but from the fetters of son and
wife can never be freed.
49-51. So long as the being makes attachments pleasant to the mind, so long shall the
dagger of sorrow pierce his heart.
People are destroyed every day by the desire for great wealth. Alas! Fie upon the foods of
the senses, which steal away the senses of the body.
Just as the fish, covetous of flesh, does not see the iron hook, so the embodied, covetous
of pleasure, does not see the torments of Yama.
52-55. Those men who do not understand what is good and what is not good for them,
who constantly pursue evil courses, and are intent on the filling of the belly, are destined
for hell, O Bird.
Sleep, sexual pleasure, and eating are common to all creatures. Who possesses
knowledge is called a man, who is devoid of it is called a beast.
Foolish men are tormented at break of day by nature's calls; when the sun is in the
meridian by hunger and thirst; in the night by passion and sleep.
All those beings who are attached to their bodies, wealth, wife and other things, are born
and die deluded by ignorance, alas!
56-57. Therefore should attachment be shunned always, It is not possible to give up
everything. therefore should friendship with the great be cultivated, as a remedy for
Attachment to the good, discrimination, and purity of the eyes--the man who has not
these is blind. How shall he not tread evil ways?
58. All those deluded men who turn away from the duties of their respective castes and
orders, and do not understand the highest righteousness, perish fruitlessly.
59-60. Some are intent upon ceremonies, attached to the practice of vows; with self
enveloped in ignorance the imposters go about.
The men who are attached to the ceremonial alone are satisfied with mere names, deluded
by the repetitions of mantras, oblations and other things, and by elaborate rituals.
61-62. The fools, bewildered by My magic, desire to obtain the invisible by single meals,
fasts and other restraints, and by the emaciation of the body.

Of those who have no discrimination, what liberation can there be by bodily tortures
alone? What great serpent is killed by beating the anthill alone? 1
63. The hypocrites, putting on appearances, and wearing quantities of matted hair, and
using antelope skins, wander about like knowers, and even delude people.
64. He who is attached to the pleasures of the worlds of change, saying "I am a knower of
Brâhmaṇ," and is devoid of both rites and Brâhmaṇ should be shunned like a low
65-69. Donkeys walk about among people, in forests and among houses, quite naked and
unashamed. Are these free from attachment?
If men are to be liberated by earth, ashes and dust, does the dog which always live among
earth and ashes become liberated?
The jackals, rats, deer and others, which feed upon grass, leaves and water, and always
live in forests,--do these become ascetics?
The crocodiles, fishes and others, which from birth to death, dwell in the waters of
Ganges,--do these become Yogins?
Pigeons at times eat stones, and Châtaka birds do not drink water from the earth,--are
these observers of vows?
70. Therefore this class of practices is a thing which makes pleasure for people, O Lord
of Birds,--direct knowledge of the Truth is the cause of liberation.
71-73. Fallen into the great well of the six philosophies, 1 O Bird, the brutes do not
understand the chief good; bound in the snare of animalism.
They are tossed hither and thither in the dreadful ocean of Vedas and Śâstras; caught in
the six waves they remain sophists.
He who knows the Vedas, the Śâstras and the Purâṇas, but does not know the chief
good,--of that imitator all this is as the speech of a crow.
71-76. "This is known; this must be known,"--thus bewildered by anxiety they read the
scriptures day and night, turning away from the highest truth.
The fools, decorated with garlands of poetry constructed of forms of speech, miserable
with anxiety, remain with senses bewildered.
76-77. Men trouble themselves variously, but the highest truth is otherwise; they explain
in different ways but the best purport of the Śâstras is otherwise.

They talk of the highest experiences, not realising them themselves. Some have ceased
preaching, being engrossed in egotism.
78-82. They repeat the Vedas and the Śâstras, and argue with one another, but they do not
understand the highest truth,--like the spoon the flavour of the food.
The head bears flowers, the nostril knows the smell. They read the Vedas and the Śâstras,
but find impossible the understanding of the truth.
The fool, not knowing that the truth is seated in himself, is bewildered by the Śâstras,--a
foolish goatherd, with the young goat under his arm, peers into the well.
Verbal knowledge cannot destroy the illusions of the world of change,--darkness never
disappears by talking of a lamp.
Reading, to a man devoid of wisdom, is like a mirror to the blind; hence, for those who
have understanding, Śâstras are only a potter to the knowledge of the truth.
83-84. "'This is known; this must be known,"--he wishes to hear everything. If one lives
for a thousand celestial years he cannot reach the end of the Śâstras.
The Śâstras are numerous; life is brief; and there are tens of millions of obstacles;
therefore the essence should be understood,--like the swan taking the milk in the water.
85-86. Haring practised the Vedas and the Śâstras, and having known the Truth, the wise
man should abandon all the scriptures; just as one rich in grains abandons the straw.
Just as there is no use for food to one who is satisfied with nectar, so is there not use for
the scriptures, O Târkṣya, to the knower of the Truth.
87-88. There is no liberation by the study of the Vedas, nor by the reading of the Śâstras.
Emancipation is by knowledge alone, not otherwise, O son of Vinatâ.
The stages of life are not the cause of liberation, nor are the philosophies, nor are
actions,---knowledge only is the cause.
89-90. The word from the Teacher gives liberation; all learning is masquerade. Among
thousands of woods the Sañjîvana 1 is best.
The non-dual, verily declared auspicious, is beyond efforts of action, and to be obtained
by the word of the Teacher, not by the study of tens of millions of texts.
91. Knowledge is said to be of two kinds: study and discrimination. The study is of Śabda
Brâhmaṇ; Para Brahmaṇ is reached by discrimination.
92. Some prefer the Non-dual 2; other prefer the Dual 3 but they do not understand the
One Reality, beyond the Dual and Non-dual.

93-94. Two phrases make for bondage and liberation: "Mine" and "Not-mine." The being
saying "Mine" is bound; saying "Not-mine" is released.
That is the karma that does not bind, that the knowledge that gives release; other karma is
worrying, other knowledge is skilful chiselling.
95-97. So long as actions are performed; so long as the impressions of the world of
change remain, so long as the senses are fickle; so long how can there be realisation of
So long as there is pride of body; so long as there is the sense of "mineness," so long as
there is excited striving; so long as there is imagination of plans;
So long as there is not stability of mind; so long as there is no meditation upon the
Śâstras, so long as there is no love for the Teacher; so long how can there be realisation
of Truth?
98-99. So long as one does not reach Truth, so long should he do austerities, vows,
pilgrimage to sacred waters, recitations, oblations, worship and reading of the prescribed
texts of the Vedas and Śâstras.
Therefore, if one desires liberation for himself, O Târkṣya, he should every effort,
always, and under all circumstances he attached to Truth.
100. One who is tormented by the three miseries and the rest, should resort to the shade
of the tree of Liberation, whose flowers are righteousness and knowledge, and fruits are
heaven and liberation.
101. Therefore from the mouth of the Blessed Teacher the Truth of the self should be
known. By knowledge the being is easily released from the awful bondage of the worlds
of change.
102. Listen! I will tell you now about the final actions of the knower of the Truth, by
which he obtains liberation, which is called the Nirvâṇa of Brâhmaṇ.
103-107. His last days approaching, the man, rid of fear, should cut off, with the sword of
unattachment, the desires connected with the body.
Courageously wandering from home, performing ablutions in the water of the holy
bathing places, sitting alone on a pure seat prepared as prescribed,
He should practise mentally upon the supreme three-fold pure Word of Brahmâ. He
should, with breath controlled, restrain his mind, not forgetting the Brahma Bîja. 1
With reason for charioteer he should withdraw the senses from the sense-objects by the
mind, and should fix his mind, drawn away by karmas, with understanding, upon the

"1 am Brâhmaṇ, the Supreme Abode; I am Brâhmaṇ, the Highest Goal,"--having realised
this and placed the self in the self he should meditate.
108. He who, when leaving the body, utters the one-syllabled Brâhmaṇ, "Oṁ,"
remembering me, goes to the Highest Goal.
109-110. The hypocrites, devoid of knowledge and unattachment, do not go there. I will
tell you about the wise, who go to that goal.
Free from pride and delusion, with the evils of attachment conquered, always dwelling in
the Higher Self, with desires overcome, released from the contracts known as pleasure
and pain, they go, undeluded, on that eternal path.
111-114. He who bathes in the water of the Mânasa, 1 which removes the impurities of
attraction and repulsion, in the lake of knowledge, in the waters of Truth,--he verily
attains liberation.
He who, firm in non-attachment, worships me, thinking of no other, full-visioned, with
tranquil self,--he verily attains liberation.
He who, expecting to die, leaning his home, dwells at a sacred bathing-place, or dies in a
place of liberation, he verily attains liberation.
Ayodhyâ, 2 Mathurâ, 3 Gayâ, 4 Kaśî, 5 Kañchi, 6 Avantikâ, 7 Dwârâvatî, 8--these seven
cities should be known as the givers of liberation.
115. This eternal way of liberal in al has been described to you, O Târkṣya,--hearing it
with knowledge and dispassion one attains liberation.
116. Knowers of Truth attain liberation; righteous men go to heaven; sinners go to an evil
condition; birds and others transmigrate.
117. Thus in sixteen chapters I have related to you the extracted essence of all the
scriptures. What else do you wish to hear?
118-120. Sûta said: Having thus heard, O King, these words from the mouth of the Lord,
Garuḍa, repeatedly prostrating himself, said this, with hands folded together:--
"O Lord, O God of Gods, having heard these words of nectar I have been helped over the
ocean of existence, O Lord, O. Protector!
"I stand freed from doubts. My desires have been completely fulfilled." Having said this,
Garuḍa became silent and lost in meditation.
121. May Hari, the remembrance of whom removes evil, who gives the condition of
happiness for the sacrifice of worship, and who gives liberation for supreme devotion to
Him,--protect us.

atma anatma

direction --salvation

Thursday, July 23, 2020

Jnana over karma.

The comparative efficacy of the paths of karma janana as sadhanas for the spiritual aspirant in the attainment of the highest purushartha, moksha, is taken up for discussion in the text Naishkarmya siddhi of suresvaracharya.
Swami ParamArthAnandaji’s lectures on Sri SureshwarachAryA’s Naishkarmya Siddhi, an advanced work on Advaita VedAntA. This particular post is for those who have done a reasonable amount of ShravaNa under a qualified VedAntic teacher, and who are aware of the utility of the classical methods of doing VedAntA vichArA, by refutation of purvapaksha(opposing views) and establishing siddhAntA (true conclusion). This post is about SureshwArAchAryA’s refutation of the various variants of the purvapakshin (the holder of the opposing view) called “Karma KANdin” –  

one who believes in the superiority or equality of karma with Atma jnaana in giving liberation or moksha.

to be continued.

Wednesday, July 22, 2020

Friend Philosopher Guide.

Friend Philosopher and Guide.
If one had a friend Philosopher and Guide he /she would be successful in life. Lucky for us we had all the three in them.

 friend philosopher guide.

A friend in Mama, a Philosopher

 in Tatha and Guide in Anna.

Muaji amma mama friend.

A mother is your first God.She was our all. Her passing away has created such a vast void in all of us our life it's difficult to put it in writing. No one can replace a mother. We could go to her with any problem she would always have a solution or direction for us to take. Her just being around could create magic to the atmosphere. She had a special aura which attracted us to just be our natural self. Amma accepted us as we were, encouraged us with words and set values by herself living it.

courageous as she was she never hesitated to take a stand in any situation and stuck to her decision she had a unique way of doing things prioritizing how a job should be done she made a system for everything be it cooking, cleaning, caring, singing, playing the Sitar with Masiba In fact they together were a good combination and got along very well, I rather we all would wait for Masiba to come home on saturdays for she used to bring new dishes she had prepared in college, She was studying Home science. Masi always wanted moms opinion on most matters, both of them enjoyed their Pondicherry trip and looked forward to it, they usually came back with ideas for some new craft, praying, painting, doll making knitting her work area had to be neat be it doll making or sitting to embroider she was a whole package of creativity she put her full concentration on the job at hand. for example cooking she would clear the area and keep all the things she required at hand and then start cooking, vessel washing she would stack all the cups spoons plates etc together and then go about cleaning them if some wanted extra scrubbing it was done before and then stacked for cleaning thus setting a system, her clothes washing drying etc were worth watching, her shell doll making was a special art the shells had to be chosen from frequent trips to Pondicherry( the collection) then they were individually painted oil painting and then stuck with sealant used in postage packets just the right quantity melted and fixed at the exact position to form a human figure or dress the color combinations were very interesting,  any thing she did was to perfection. She loved to read and waited anxiously for kalki and ananda vikatan later on when she learnt to read Gujarathi she waited for jan kalyan she was a great writer too she wrote me two letters she would wait for letters from her family siblings, her folding clothes she did it in such a way it did not need ironing at all. her saree folding and drying on the high up rod. she was very neat. She made things presentable she used to tell us with so many girls around if when people came home they should see things sparkling and clean. she never hesitated to let us do things we liked. She saw that we learnt swimming, driving etc . She herself was always occupied; she never complained or found fault but corrected things where possible. she could get along with anyone any age she adjusted and was forward thinking even the grand children and their family will vouch for this. She allowed me to join Jaycees; she never forced her decisions on us. I can write pages with no end about her, As my sister was saying the other day when photographs were taken she would see that the backdrop was good or else she used her saree for the backdrop. oh there are so many things one can write about her unending. Of course we did have maids cooks and drivers but very often we had to manage home chores ourselves.


Philosopher Tatha.


what we are today, all of us is because of our association with him. we cannot write a tribute to our parents without mentioning Tatha. A great philanthropist. Often I would ask amma how we associated with Tatha and she would narrate how at first when Tatha was operated for cancer in America and came there was very little he could or would eat and he was unable to talk until they used the mike pressed against his vocal chord to be audible. His mother Badeamma would send forth for my mother and get suggestions as to how to make food that tatha could eat my mother managed to give almost everything by mashing crushing those days were no mixie days we had the special crusher hand operated ones to use. The bond between the families grew by both contributing for the welfare of the other. Thatha was instrumental in our upbringing and we learnt many great things from him. He was a thorough business man meticulous in his working and management. a Father figure for all of us my parents included. We looked up to him for direction and what he said was law. Nobody had the guts to say anything to him but i remember disagreeing with him on two occasions and he finally did consider my view and we did come to an agreement for the situation. He was a voracious reader and often he would get us to read to him the topics he had marked out be it paper or magazines. he taught me money management cataloging sorting his records both investments and cash was always up to date by end of the day. he would not go to bed unless he had completed that days updation the shares and correspondence had to be filed at the end of the day some days it would be late at night but it was never put away for the morrow. alert and interested in everything happening around him. He was well connected and was known among the great men in town. genuine interest in people he came in contact with he always thought of their welfare. Those days applications for shares etc would be delivered with the newspaper and dad would get these to him they would together on Tathas instructions would fill in the forms and invest he taught dad to maintain records of these very important papers. We all did learn a lot from these incidents. 


Guide Anna. 

Only in Karnataka and especially Mysore Tamilian's have the habit of calling their father Anna. 

There is no script for this language they read and write Kanada so also in Gujarat Father is referred to as Kaka or Kaku. meaning uncle here too they speak katchi which has no script they read and write Gujarathi, only for the speaking dialect is used. , in bengali too they say dada for father.


So Anna he was for all of us I remember his friends had come home and /Father was in the last room upstairs and we children were busy playing in the courtyard downstairs near the fountain besides the children making noise the noise from the water fountain in the center of the house the sparrows chirping etc. the watchman comes and says chote saab ke dost ayehai baby papa ko bula lau so i scream anna your friends have come can you please come down. we had a very impressive visitors sitting room downstairs usually the watchman dare not enter it to come to the other door quiet close by leading to the stairways upstairs and the beautiful courtyard. but that day he did venture as probably all were busy with the Bhagvath sapta on that week. My fathers friends mistook me for his sister and referred to me as his sister he laughingly corrected them saying she is my third daughter. Anna looked very young for his age even after the four of us were born he could pass off as a handsome bachelor. Once when he went to collect his pension he was asked to send his father to collect the pension as it would not be given to the son. he had to prove that it was his own pension he was collecting or come to collect. He was very quick on his feet and meticulously clean and orderly stickler for keeping things in its place. my younger sister has this habit from him i suppose. his own books clothes were last attended to he would see that all our books were properly covered he did this himself would type out the labels giving full details of name class subject school all neatly piled so was our uniform neatly ironed and piled up ready for school the next day our shoes polished with the socks yes only he would fold the socks up so neatly we had to just slip into them and pull the end up no great issue even with closed eyes we could be sure it would be right and perfect (folded at the heel on the right side the wrong side coming up all the way and inserted into the shoes) On Fridays it used to be the sports white all well polished  set out in age order. that was the only discipline other of course was time to stop play and get to serious study. no matter what we had to be back home at that hour i think it was 6 pm. yes vatsu i remember he used to get us mud goglets of different sizes all six lined up in a row and we would drink water only from our own all aranged in age order so we knew exactly which was meant for us. and mom sitting up with us at night when we had to prepare for our exams etc. those memorable days. oh bachpan ke din laut ke aana.

Anna's English was excellent. he loved pitman's short hand and tried to teach us short hand when we were in college. i was so impressed that i enrolled in a typing institute to learn typing. yes i did go for the exam but was mesmerized with the music created by all the type writers in that huge big darbar hall of the womens college (where I studied later)that i gave in my paper after the time limit only quater finished. I did not care i was not secretary material more the boss type. My grand daughter says pati do'nt boss me when i sit with her for her online school these days.

Anna  even for that matter Tatha never drove the car he preferred his office chuffer driven car we had two drivers one Ambassador for Tatha to go to the mills and one morris minor for the children to be dropped off to school and other classes etc. I enrolled in all types of classes tailoring classes cook/baking classes typing classes driving classes Bhagvad gita classes dancing classes. I was the only one who worked before i got married and i went the gov way enrolling in employment exchange getting a job through them i preferred doing things on my own no recommendations. i did land up a job at the high court and got a preferred placement too people used to ask me how come i got into the specials department where people were selected only after experience and selections were made only after the persons were tested. we had to take a special oath that what we did was never reveled to any one outside of work. anna was proud that i had got that job. 

Anna was fond of listening to carnatic music which were broadcast on the radio late into the night on week ends. He never ever absented himself from work or other duties people loved him for that a very depended person its over nearly 35 years now we lost him. he did miss out on seeing how our life turned out to be he did of course play with all his grand children took them to parks to play etc. 


Sunday, July 19, 2020

*The Parable of the Coffee Bottle*

A young couple had neighbours who were senior citizens, the husband around 80 years old, and the wife about 5 years younger.

The young couple were very fond of the elderly couple and made it a point to visit them and have coffee with them every Sunday.

They observed that the old lady would bring the coffee bottle to her husband to be opened, every time.

The thoughtful young man gifted the lady a gadget, without her husbands knowledge, to easily open the bottle, and showed her how to use it.

On their next visit, the old lady once again brought the bottle for her husband to open! The young couple was amazed! Had she forgotten about the gadget?!

When the opportunity arose to be alone with the old lady, they quizzed her about this. Her reply made them speechless......

She said: "Oh, I can open the bottle myself, even without your gadget! But I get him to open it so he feels he is still stronger than I am and thus the man of our home.......that he remains useful to me as always; that I still depend on him; that togetherness is the main ingredient of any marriage....we don't have many more years of life in us, and togetherness is of utmost importance......"

*Moral*: Never underestimate the wisdom of the elderly. Our parents/grandparents may not be bringing in money any longer, but their guidance alone is priceless. You may have a fruitless tree in your garden, but at least it gives you will not cut it off, now, will you? Looking after the elderly and infirm should be looked upon as a blessing.


No one expected that the alphabet "C" would play a Completely overwhelming  role compared with any of the other alphabets...

Cough (C)
Cold (C)
Corona virus (C)
Covid-19 (C)
Case (C)
Confirmed (C)
Confinement (C) 
Contamination (C)
Containment (C)
Curfew (C)

        Two most serious "C"s  are,
Cemetery (C)
Cremation (C)

        The possible remedial drug is, Chloroquine (C)
      The beauty is, it started from China (C)....

      But at the same time,
GOD smiled, and said...

      Cleanliness (is the remedy...)
Courage (is the need of the hour...)
Compliance to the expert advice...
Contention to overcome the crisis...
Clarity of thought...
Cooperation with the fellow beings...
Caring for the needy..

                          and finally....

"Clearance" is awaited and in a Short while..

"Cure" is definitely going to "Come"......
Till then take vitamin C 😃


A man named Tom Nicholson posted on his Facebook account the sports car that he had just bought and how a man approached and told him that the money used to buy this car could've fed thousands of less fortunate people.

His response to this man made him famous on the internet.

READ his story as stated on Facebook below:

A guy looked at my Corvette the other day and said,
"I wonder how many people could have been fed for the money that sports car cost?

I replied I'm not sure;
it fed a lot of families in Bowling Green, Kentucky who built it,
it fed the people who make the tires,
it fed the people who made the components that went into it,
it fed the people in the copper mine who mined the copper for the wires,

it fed people in at Caterpillar who make the trucks that haul the copper ore.
It fed the trucking people who hauled it from the plant to the dealer and fed the people working at the dealership and their families.

BUT... I have to admit, I guess I really don’t know how many people it fed.
That is the difference between capitalism and the welfare mentality.

When you buy something, you put money in people’s pockets and give them dignity for their skills.  When you give someone something for nothing, you rob them of their dignity and self-worth.

Capitalism is freely giving your money in exchange for something of value.
Socialism is having the government take your money against your will and give it to someone else for doing nothing.

Tuesday, July 14, 2020