Tuesday, July 7, 2020


  1. 1.
    a formal assessment of something with the intention of instituting change if necessary.

  1. 1.
    assess (something) formally with the intention of instituting change if necessary.

review is a survey over a whole subject or division of it, or especially an article making a critical reconsideration and summary of something written: a review of the latest book on Chaucer. A criticism is a judgment, usually in an article, either favorable or unfavorable or both: a criticism of a proposed plan.

to look at or examine (something) carefully especially before making a decision or judgment.

Welcome the positive reviews. Be ready to accept the negative ones. Use the first to boost your work and your morale. Use the second to improve you competences and your skills. Reviews provide companies with a great opportunity. The opportunity to see what their customers see and work harder to improve as a whole. Find your company’s reviews and work of that feedback to improve your services and secure your company’s future.

It is usually suggested to have a review twice a year for long on going projects.

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