suki evvarO
raagam: kaanaDaa22 kharaharapriya janya
Aa: S R2 G2 M1 D N2 S
Av: S N2 P M1 G2 M1 R2 S
taaLam: dEshaadi
Composer: Tyaagaraaja
sukhi evarO rAma nAma sukhi evarO
sukhi evarO sumukhi evarO akhila sAramagu tAraka nAma
satyamu tappaka sakala lOkulaku bhrtyuDai daiva bhEdamu lEka
nityamaina susvarapu gAnamutO nirantaramu tyAgarAjanuta rAma
Who is the raamaa naama enjoyer? Who is that person having the good face [as a result of uttering the raama naama]? Like the pupil of the eye that liberating naama, which is the entire essence of all - that liberating raamaa naama, the enjoyer who is it? That naamaa eulogised by Thyaagaraaja, which is truth and nothing but truth in the entire world, guiding all people, without creating any difference or distinction between different gods, the eternal, with good quality singing made permanent, the enjoyer of that naamaa, who is he?
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