BG 6.29: The true yogis, uniting their consciousness with God, see with equal eye , all living beings in God
BG 6.29: The true yogis, uniting their consciousness with God, see with equal eye , all living beings in GodRani Durgawati
Durgawati was born on 5th October 1524 A.D. She hailed from the family of the rulers of Kalinjar fort. They were descendants of Chandella rulers. It was the Chandellas who had prevented the invasion of Mahmud of Ghazni and are better known as builders of the world famous Khajuraho temples. Being a descendant of such family, Rani Durgawati learned horse riding, archery, sword fighting and even went for hunting sessions. At a very young age she was trained to be a fighter.
At the age of eighteen she was married to Dalpat Shah, the prince of Gond dynasty. The Gond dynasty came to power in the 16-18th century and ruled over Kherla, Chanda, Garha-Mandla, and Deogarh.
Since the Chandellas were always at war with the Delhi Sultanate it exhausted their treasury and weakened their State. The marriage with Dalpat Shah was an alliance to win the support of the powerful and wealthy kingdom of Garha Mandala.
After Dalpat Shah's demise, Durgawati became the queen of the Gondwana kingdom. She shifted her capital from Singaurgarh fort to Chauragarh near Panchmarhi in Madhya Pradesh. “It was a fort of strategic imp
Attracted by the prosperity of Durgawati’s kingdom, a Mughal General Asaf Khan moved towards it with a huge army in the year 1564.
“Asaf Khan was entrusted subduing the kingdom of Gondwana. It was then ruled by Rani Durgawati, a princes of the famous Chandel dynasty of Mahaboa, as regent for her son Bir Narayan. She was a capable and benevolent ruler, courageous leader who possessed an army of 20,000 cavalry and 1,000 elephants and had defeated in battle Baz Bahadur and the Miyana Afghans.
“The advance of the Mughal army alarmed Durgavati’s soldiers, many of whom deserted. The rani, however, made a gallant stands at Narhi to the east of Garha against the Mughals inspite of their overwhelming superiority in number.”
Slowly the Gond dynasty’s kingdoms realized the impending Mughal threat. The brave queen fought back when the Mughals marched for Garha Mandala in the year 1564. Her chief was killed but she stood fearlessly and fought to drive away the Mughals.
The very next day the Mughals launched a second attack with reinforced artillery. This time Rani Durgawati, with the help of her son, led the troops mounted on her elephant Sarman and fought bravely. She was shot by two arrows. One struck her ear and another got into her neck. Instead of getting captured she stabbed herself to death.
Two months later Asif Khan marched on the capital Chauragarh and defeated Bir Narayan, who was slainduringthebattle.
“Rani Durgawati, who fell fighting to Akbar’s forces in 1564 engaged Padmanabha Mishra to write out a digest in seven volumes, named after her as Durgavati-prakasa, but only the first volume could be written before her death and the project had to be given up.”
Rani Durgwati died at the age of 40. Is it not ironical that Bajirao Peshwa too passed away at the age of 40?
Naikidevi - Queen of Goa
We know that Muhammad Ghori defeated Prithviraj Chauhan in 1192. What few know that fourteen years before this battle Ghori was defeated by Naikidevi, a Goa born queen of Gujarat. This victory is chronicled by Hindu and Muslim chroniclers.
Being the daughter of the Kadamba king of Goa, Naikidevi was well-trained in military strategy, war tactics, cavalry and others elements of statecraft.
“After the death of Kumarapala in A.D. 1171-72 Ajayapala, nephew of Kumarapala became kind. Ajayapala lost his life in A.D. 1176 and was succeeded by his young son Mularaja II, whose mother queen Naikidevi, the daughter of the Kadamba Paramardin, the king of Goa acted as agent”.
“In A.D 1178 Muhammad Ghuri (Ghori) attacked the kingdom of Gujarat. Naikidevi, taking her son in her lap, led the Chalukyan army against the Muslims and defeated them at Gadaraghatta near Mount Abu.”
From the works of Merutunga, a Jain scholar of the 14th century comes the most appropriate description of Naikidevi defeat of Muhammad Ghori. One of Merutunga’s chief work, Prabandha Chintamani, is where one can find details of how the queen fought the armies of Ghori at Kyara or Gadararaghatta near the foot of Mount Abu.
Naikidevi’s capital is the present day Patan in Gujarat. Patan is known today for Rani-ki-Vav a wow step-well.
Integrity, self- respect and bravery define these two Indian women. Rani Durgawati and Naikidevi are a source of inspiration. They took the battle into the enemy camp to defeat Muslim invaders.
Mara Ghat Ma Birajt
Mara Ghat Ma Birajta,
Srinathji Yahmunaji Mahaprabhuji,
Maru Mandu Chhe Gokul Vanara Van,
Mara Tan Na Aanganiya Ma Tulsi Na Van,
Mara Praan Jeevan, Mara Ghat Ma Birajta,
Srinathji Yahmunaji Mahaprabhuji
Mara Aatam Na Aangane Sri Mahakrishnaji,
Mari Aankho Dishe Girdhari Re Dhari,
Maru Tanman Thayu Jene Vaari Re Vaari,
Mara Shyam Murari, Mara Ghat Ma Birajta,
Srinathji Yahmunaji Mahaprabhuji
Mara Praan Thaki Mane Vaishnav Vhala,
Nitya Karta Srinathji Ne Kaala Re Vaala,
Mein To Vallabh Prabhujina Kidha Chhe Darshan,
Maru Mohi Lidhu Man, Mara Ghat Ma Birajta,
Srinathji Yahmunaji Mahaprabhuji
Hun To Nitya Vithalavarni Sevaare Karun,
Hun To Aathe Samaa Keri Jhaanki Re Karun,
Me To Chitadun Srinathjine Charane Dharyun,
Jeevan Safal Karyun, Mara Ghat Ma Birajta,
Srinathji Yahmunaji Mahaprabhuji
Me To Bhakti Maaraga Kero Sanga Re Saadhyo,
Me To Pushtire Maaraga Kero Sanga Re Saadhyo,
Mane Dhod Kirtana Kero Ranga Re Laagyo,
Me To Laalaani Laali Kero Ranga Re Maagyo,
Hirlo Haatha Laagyo, Mara Ghat Ma Birajta,
Srinathji Yahmunaji Mahaprabhuji
Aavo Jivanma Laavo Fari Kadi Naa Male,
Vaarivaare Maanava Deha Kadee Naa Male,
Fero Lakhare Choraasino Maaro Re Fade,
Mane Mohan Male, Mara Ghat Ma Birajta,
Srinathji Yahmunaji Mahaprabhuji
Maari Anta Samay Keri Suno Re Arji,
Lejo Sharano Maa Shriji Baba Daya Re Kari,
Mane Tedaa Re Yam Keraa Kadi Naa Aave,
Maaro Naath Tedaave,
Mara Ghat Ma Birajta,
Srinathji Yahmunaji Mahaprabhuji,
Maru Mandu Chhe Gokul Vanara Van,
Mara Tan Na Aanganiya Ma Tulsi Na Van,
Mara Praan Jeevan, Mara Ghat Ma Birajta,
Srinathji Yahmunaji Mahaprabhuji
Srinathji Bolo, Shri Yahmunaji Bolo,
Srinathji Bolo, Shri Yahmunaji Bolo,
Srinathji Bolo, Shri Yahmunaji Bolo
The Vaishnavites of Thirucherai use the attribute ‘Sara’ (quintessence, core, soul, etc.) to denote the Perumal enshrined here. The kshetra is known as Sara-kshetra. The Moortra-nathan, His Consort as Sara-nayaki, the temple tower as sara-vimanam and the temple tank as sara-pushkarani. It is therefore that the Saivites have also chosen to call their Lord as Sara-Parameswarar, the Lord who is the core of all beings. The Shiva temple is popularly known as Arul migu Gnanavalli-samedha-Sara Parmeswarar Koil.
Temple: This temple has two prakarams. The temple is 116 meters in length and 72 meters width with 22 meters high Raja Gopuram. There are shrines for Yoga Narasimhar and RajaGopalaswamy with his consorts Rukmani and satyabama. It is also believed that Anjaneya blesses the devotees from the west end of Pushkarini and Ganesh from northeastern side.
Naayak King of Thanjavur, who was attached to Vishnu temples, sent construction materials to Mannargudi for the construction of the Rajagopalaswamy temple. A minister of the king decided to bring a few bricks on every trip to Thiru Cherai for the renovation of this temple.
Suspecting this, the king decided on a sudden inspection. A worried minister prayed to Rajagopalaswamy and to the surprise of the Nayak King, the Mannargudi Lord is said to have appeared before the king at Thirucherai, at the time of the inspection. A delighted king immediately allocated funds towards the construction and renovation of the Thirucherai temple.
In the inner sanctum, River Kaveri has been personified as a mother holding a child on her lap.! The importance given to forces of nature – i.e. the sun, moon, planets, stars, and every aspect of the universe like, rivers, trees, etc. in Hindu religion is indeed remarkable. Every temple honours the stala vruksham- a tree, a mount--- e.g. Garudan or Nandi ( i.e. an animal); and at Tirucherai we can see the river Kaveri in her maternal status as a life- giver.
Legend: Markandeya and Kaveri Amman meditated upon Lord Vishnu. It is also believed that brahma made a clay plot to rescue and preserve the Vedas during pralaya, but none of the pots made by Brahma whenever he tried. There upon he was directed by Lord Vishnu to proceed to Thirucherai (Saara Kshetram) and make a pot out of the clay on the banks of kaveri, and thus the Vedas were protected in a pot made out of tough mud at this place. Once Ganga, Cauvery and other big rivers were playing at the foot of the Vindhya Hills. A Gandharva, who was passing by, waited for a minute and saluted them. Peculiar to know who he looked at, they approached the Gandharva who answered that his salute was addressed at the senior most among them.
While the rest of them gave way, Ganga and Cauvery got into an argument as to who was senior among the two and went to Brahmma for the decision. Brahma pronounced that the water he used for the special pooja of Lord Vishnu flowed down as the Ganges and hence she was the most sacred.
Depressed by this, Cauvery was eager to get herself a similar stature. Brahmma asked her to undertake penance at ThiruCherai and invoke Vishnu’s blessings as he was the only one who could provide her with a solution.
Cauvery requested the Lord to stay at Thirucherai in the same form and he accepted her wish. Also, she wanted to achieve the status of the "sacred water". After more than 1000 years of thapus, Lord appeared before Goddess Kaveri and blessed her with following: 1. She will be equal to ganga in southern part of vindya. 2. He will stay at this Kshethram for ever and bless all those who visit this place.
It houses Sri Saranathan Perumal Temple which is a divya desam.
Daridra was very lazy. She got up very late. She did not take her bath. Washing clothes was a rare occasion for her. She was very discourteous. She was as much a flirt and unthoughtful. Cruelty and awe were natural to her. She generally told lies and befooled others. She was always hated by men in the street.
People believe that praying to Goddess Lakshmi will make them rich and give them financial success in business or jobs. However, people who despite praying to the Goddess, are not helped financially are said to be affected by her sister – Alakshmi – known to spread poverty.
Laxmi and Daridra were sisters. While Laxmi virtues, Krishna married Laxmi, Laxmi asked Krishna to find a suitable husband for Daridra. Krishna said, “No body would like to marry her because of her laziness.” Laxmi said a sage would be a suitable husband for Daridra as he would be busy in his meditation all day and would not be bothered by her laziness. Krishna found a sage who was ready to marry Daridra. But after the marriage, the sage was so fed up with her laziness that he asked her to leave.
Sadly, Daridra went to Laxmi asked Krishna to find a suitable home for Daridra. Krishna found a peepal tree and asked Daridra to stay under it. Daridra asked Laxmi and Krishna to visit her, as she would get lonely. They promised to visit her on Saturdays. This is why people worship peepal trees on Saturdays because Krishna and Laxmi reside in