When he turned 16, his parents persuaded him to get married. When Sambandar expressed reluctance, as marriage might hinder his service to Siva, his father reminded him that as per Vedas, one has to be married for the efficacy of spiritual pursuits. Sambandar agreed and his marriage was fixed with Sosthra Poornambigai of Thirunaloorthirumanam. On arrival at the venue, Sambandar prays to the presiding deity Sivaloka Tyagesan. As his wedding is conducted by the Tiruneelakanda Nayanar, the groom’s mind is in turmoil. As he circumabulated the agni with his bride, he beseeched Siva saying, “How will I serve you if trapped in family life? I only want to serve you forever.” Understanding his turmoil, Siva asked him if he was ready to enter Kailasa, His abode, along with his family. Not only Sambandar’s wife but both their parents and all the attendees sought Kailasa along with the newlyweds willingly. In order to achieve moksha in that manner, one has to be a true devotee, wanting nothing other than serving Him at all times and reaching His abode.
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