When we give to one another freely and without conditions, sharing with others, the sharing multiplies and we receive far more than what was given. Even when there is no immediate prospect of return. It seems like heaven keeps an account of the giving and the blessing returns to the giver manifold times.
Rig veda 1.125.5
He Who gives liberally goes straight to the God. On the high ridge of heaven he stands exalted.
Bhagavad Gita 17.20 to 21.
Giving simply because it is right to give, without thought of return, at a proper time, in proper circumstances and to a worthy person, is enlightened giving. Giving with regrets or in the expectation of receiving some favour or of getting something in return is selfish giving.
Rig veda 10.117.1to 6
The gods have not ordained that humans die of hunger, even to the well fed man death comes In many shapes.
The wealth of a generous man never wastes away, but the Niagara has none to console him.
He Who possessed of food, hardens his heart against the weak man hungry and suffering, who comes to him for help, though of old he helped him... surely he finds none to console him.
He is liberal who gives to anyone who asks for alms, to the homeless distressed man who seeks food.
Success comes to him in the challenge of battle, and for future conflicts he makes an ally.
he is no friend who does not give to a friend, to a comrade who comes imploring for food. Let him leave such a man... his is not a home.... and rather seek a stranger who brings him comfort.
let the rich man satisfy one who seeks help. And let him look upon the long view. For wealth revolves like the wheels of a chariot, coming now to one , now to another.
In vain does the mean man acquire food. It is ... I speak the truth ..verily his death. He Who does not cherish a comrade or a friend, who eats all alone, is all sin.
Apastamba Dharma Sutra 8.2
The husband and wife of the house should not turn away any who comes at eating time and asks for food. If food is not available a place to rest, water for refreshing ones self, a Reed mat to lay one's self on, and pleasing words entertaining the guest these at least never fail in the house of the good.
Sri ad bhagvatam 9.
The fame of Rantideva is sung in this and the other world.Rantideva though himself hungry, was in the habit of giving away his wealth as it came, while trusting in God to provide his needs. Even in time of famineRantideva continued his genorositythough his family was reduced to poverty.
For 48 days he and his family were starving, a little liquid and that too enough for only one was all that remained. As he was about to drink it, an outcast came begging for water. Rantideva was moved at the sight and said, “I do not desire from God the great state attended by divine powers or even deliverance from rebirth. Establishing myself in the hearts of all beings, I take on myself their suffering so that they may be rid of their misery. “ so saying the compassionate king gave that little liquid to the outcast, though he himself was dying of thirst.
The Gods of the three worlds came and desired to bestow upon him manifold blessings but Rantideva who had no attachment or desire, merely bowed to Lord Vasudeva in devotion.
Judge not.
Garuda purana 112.
The vile are even prone to detect the fault of others, though they be as small as mustard seeds, and persistently shut their eyes against their own, though they be as large as villa fruit.
Basavanagudi vacana 124.
Why should you try to mend, the failings of the world, sirs,
Correct your bodies first, each one of you.
Correct your minds first each one.
The Lord does not approve of those who shed crocodile tears to their neighbours grief.
Good deeds. Bhagavad Gita 6 40-41.
No one who does good deeds will ever come to a bad end, either here or in the world to come. When such people die, they go to other realms where the righteous live
To be continued.