Monday, July 17, 2023

Roman Greek and Italian

 The Roman's adopted many of the Greek gods and goddesses and gave them Latin names. The Greek Ares became the Roman Mega God Mars. Zeus became Jupiter , Hera became Juno , posed on Neptune,  Hades Pluto, Hebe Juventus, Artemis Diana, Apollo remains Apollo, Hermes mercury, Athena Minerva, Aphrodite Venus, Demetrius Ceres, Dionysus Bacchus, Asclepius Aesculapius, pan Faunus, Hephaestus Vulcan, Hercules Hercules, Odysseus Ulysses, Orpheus Orpheus, Medusa remained Medusa  etc.

Egyptian divinities

Being Bird, Ra, Mut, Nut, Osiris, Isis, Houston, Hathor, Seth, Nephthys, Anubis, Thoth,  Seshat, Seth met, Ptah  Bastet, Bes, Sober, Rameses.


Odin, Yagdrasil, Bifrost, Heimdall, Thor, Sif, Loki,  Hel, Balder, Tyr, Njord, 

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