Showing posts with label sabdha. Show all posts
Showing posts with label sabdha. Show all posts

Friday, August 12, 2011

Q Explain in your own words how the three aspects namely Sabdam, pratyaksham and anumanam are described in Yateendra mata deepika.

Pramana is the cause of valid knowledge. The definition of pramana is one which makes known what is not already known. These pramanas are three: Pratyaksha (perception) anumana inference) and sabdha (verbal testimony) what we understand directly by our senses like what we see with our eyes or what we hear with our ear this is called pratyaksha. Inference or logic (Anumana) that is by seeing or understanding a thing we logically infer something else. Although it is not actually seen by us. For eg. If we see smoke coming we infer there is fire. So this is called one of the sources of knowledge (anumana). sabdha or sound, we accept the Vedas, smrithis itihasas, puranas as authority (so long as they do not contradict the Vedas) It is from these that the various systems of philosophy are developed by logical deductions and arguments.
What we need to know is; The awareness of an object not in the form of oneness but with a bifurcation of subject and object has an important metaphysical significance. For in the highest state of God realization, when the consciousness in its expanded state is directed upon God, the individual is not merged in the supreme but becomes aware of the supreme. But there is a process of unity in so far as the usual barriers between conscious self and God are annulled. The liberated individual realizes that he is a mode of the divine. Since conscious self is aware of oneness with god, there cannot be any absolute unity in which the individuality is lost.