Wednesday, November 16, 2022

Curdrice with pickles.

 Kadumadhuramaina meegada perugulanu man hi

Adiyaala ooragaayala ruchulatho

Badi badiga navakampu palleramv

bula thoda

Kadu naaraginchu venkatagireendra.

Sweet tasty thick creamy curds along with good variety of pickles, are being offered one after another in beautiful plates.

Please O Lord of Venkatagiri, partake of all these offerings.

This specific curd rice is offered daily to the Lord early morning after suprabhatam

Tuesday, November 15, 2022


 Visishtadvaita has the distinction of showing the world that the way to moksha is through Saranagati or prapatti. This means that total surrender to Lord Narayana is the assured way of reaching His feet. Vedanta Desika, through his works in Tamil, Sanskrit and Manipravala, shows us this path, said T.N. Aravamudachariar, in a discourse. In Tattva Mukta Kalapa, Desika acknowledges the role played by his predecessors in highlighting the prapatti marga. Nathamuni, and later his grandson Alavandar and Ramanujacharya — all of them made significant contributions in establishing the Visishtadvaita philosophy, which stresses prapatti as the way to reach Sri Vaikuntha..

Desika’s Tamil verses are honoured by referring to them as Desika Prabandham, for they are considered to be as full of meaning as the Nalayira Divya Prabandham, which is a collection of all the verses of the Azhvars. These Tamil verses talk about the greatness of saranagati and also about divya desas like Srirangam, Kancheepuram etc. Desika was the avatara of the bell of the Tirumala temple. He grew up in Kancheepuram. He was blessed by Lord Deivanayaka of Thiruvaheendrapuram. He attained moksha in Srirangam. Thus his association is with many sacred temples and pilgrim centres. But Desika had a special fondness for Lord Varadaraja of Kancheepuram. This is evident from his works. In the Tamil work Adaikkalappathu, Desika says that he surrenders at the feet of Lord Varadaraja. There are five concepts that we must fully comprehend. They are the Supreme One; the jivatma; the ultimate goal, which is moksha; the means to attain this goal and the hurdles that stand in our way. Desika wrote the Artha Panchakam, explaining these concepts. And in Artha Panchakam, we can see him praising Lord Varadaraja throughout.

Sunday, November 13, 2022

Tuesday, November 8, 2022


Monday, November 7, 2022



Ellaru Maaduvudu Hottegaagi

Genu Battegaagi Genu Battegaagi

Ellaru Maaduvudu Hottegaagi

Genu Battegaagi Genu Battegaagi

Billugala Huttikondu Bidirugala Hoththukondu

Kooligala Maaduvudu Hottegaagi

Billugala Huttikondu Bidirugala Hoththukondu

Kooligala Maaduvudu Hottegaagi

Nalku Veda Puraana Panchaanga Helikondu

Kaala Keleyuvudella Hottegaagi

Yellaru Maaduvudu Hottegaagi

Genu Battegaagi Genu Battegaagi

Badidu Badidu Kabbinava Kaasi Thoopaki Maadi

Hodeva Gundu Maaduvudu Hottegaagi

Badidu Badidu Kabbinava Kaasi Thoopaki Maadi

Hodeva Gundu Maaduvudu Hottegaagi

Chanda Bhandarella Munde Kaththi Harigeya Pididu

Khanda Thunda Maduvudu Hottegaagi

Yellaru Maaduvudu Hottegaagi

Genu Battegaagi Genu Battegaagi.

Dodda Dodda Kudure Yeri Medhe Hoththu

raahuthnaagi Hodedaadi Saayuvudu Hottegaagi

Dodda Dodda Kudure Yeri Medhe Hoththu

raahuthnaagi Hodedaadi Saayuvudu Hottegaagi

Kunte Kurige Inda Hente Manna Hada Maadi

Rante Hodedu Belesuvudu Hottegaagi

Ellaru Maaduvudu Hottegaagi

Genu Battegaagi Genu Battegaagi

Ketta Thanadinda Kallathanavanne Maadi

Kaththi Hodesikolluvudu Hottegaagi

Sanyaasi Jangama Jogi Jatti Munda Bhairaagi

Naana Vesha gumbuvudu Hottegaagi

Unnatha Kaagi Nele Aadi Keshavana

Unnatha Kaagi Nele Aadi Keshavana

Anudina Nenevudu Bhakthigaagi

Para Mukthigaagi

Naavellaru Maaduvudu Hottegaagi

Genu Battegaagi Genu Battegaagi

Yellaru Maaduvudu Hottegaagi

Genu Battegaagi Genu Battegaagi..

Ellaru Maduvudu Hottegaagi Lyrics: Ellaru Maduvudu Hottegaagi is a song from the 1988 Kannada movie Shiva Mecchida Kannappa, directed by Vijay. The film was produced by S A Govindaraj and Raghavendra Rajkumar under the banner Bhagavathi Combines. This film was inspired from the 1959 Kannada film Bedara Kannappa, which marked the debut of Dr. Rajkumar.

Shiva Mecchida Kannappa features Shivarajkumar, Dr. Rajkumar, Puneeth Rajkumar, Geetha, C. R. Simha, Balaraj, Saraladevi, Doddanna, Shankar Patil, Honnavalli Krishna, Sathyajith, Bhatti Mahadevappa, Seetharam, Padma Kumata, Sangeetha, Priya, Srishailan, Kamalashree, Shyamala and others. Lahari Music is the music label of this movie. This song was composed by T. G. Lingappa using the one of the poem of Kanakadasa. Ellaru Maduvudu Hottegaagi was rendered by Rajkumar.

Ellaru Maduvudu Hottegaagi is a very famous Kanakadasa song. It is very meaningful song about life. What ever we do, we do for our survival. to fulfill the basic needs of life like food and cloth. we choose different occupation but our main purpose is to get food and cloth to lead our daily life. that is what the song is all about. all of us us doing whatever we do to earn our bread and butter. udhara nimittham bahukrutha vesham.

Sunday, November 6, 2022

T bindige.

 An allegory where the pot is bodythat is useless until you fill it with Rama rasa and ensure it has been updated to Krishna bhakti to be able to do abhisheka to purandara vittala.

Song: taaraka bindige

Composer: Purandara Daasa

Language: Kannada


tArakka bindige nA nIrighOguve tArE bindigeye bindige oDedare ondE kAsu tArE bindigeye

caraNam 1

rAma nAmavembo rasavuLLa nIrige tArE bindigeye kAminiyara kUDe EkAntavADEnu tArE bindigeye

caraNam 2

gOvinda embo guNavuLLa nIrige tArE bindigeye AvAva pariyali amrtada pAnake tArE bindigeye

caraNam 3

bindu mAdhavana ghaTTakke hOguve tArE bindigeye purandara viTTalage abhiSEka mADuve tArE bindigeye

Purandara dasa songs

Tarakka Bindige song interpretation

July 05, 2020

Purandara dasa asks akka to take the Bindige and fetch the Bindige represents the human body and the water is consciousness. He asks akka to take the pot to bring water because the essence of Bindige is not the Bindige itself. The Bindige is something which is transient and temporary and we keep discarding it but the essence that is the water remains the same and it is invaluable.

         Then Purandara Dasa asks tarakka to bring a pot which has the nama Rama rasa which is the consciousness or the true essence. Then he says I am surrounded by kaminis meaning to say kamanas I.e the desires and to raise above the desires he asks akka to go and bring the pot which has the gunas of Govinda. The aim of Govinda nama smarana is ultimately to reach the divinity or get moksha and to get the same get the water with the Govinda name which has the qualities of amrita.

          Purandara dasa next says bring the pot and we will go to the Bindu Madhav Ghatta.he refers to Bindu Madhava ghatta in particular. Bindu means centre point and Madhava is the central point of everything. Madhav is the centre of universe so going to ghatta  is committing your consciousness to be centered around Madhava.

     And then purandara asks to get the Bindige with water to perform abhisheka implying that your body is n the service of divine rather than for worldly pleasures.

If the pot breaks it will cost only one paisa but it is capable of fetching the amrita of Rama nama govinda madhava and what you can use the pot meaning bodyfor service to the Lord. 



Raagi  Thandeera  Bhikshake

By Sage Purandara dasa

Translated by

P.R.Ramachander and Chakravarthi Madhusudan

Raaga:  REvathi

Thaala: Aadhi


Raagi thandeera bhikshake, Ragi thandeera ,

Yogyaraagi , bhoghyaraagi,

Bhaagyavanthavaraagi    neevu


1. Annadaanava  maaDuvaraagi,

Anna chatravanittavaragi,

Anya vaarthegala bittavaraagi,

Anu dina   Bhajaneya  maaDuvaraagi

2. Maatha pitharannu   seviparagi,

Paapa kaaryava  bittavaraagi,

 Reethiya baaLanu baaLuvaraagi

Neethi margadali   khyaatharaagi .

3. Guru karuneya  paDedahavaraagi,

Guru vaakhyavannu paaliparaagi,

Guruvina padava    smarisuvaragi,

Parama puNyava   maaDuvaraagi

4. Kaama Krodhava alidavaraagi,

Nema nishtegaLa  maaDuvaragi,

Rama Naamava  Japisuvaraagi,

Premadi kuNi   kunNidaaDuvaraagi

5. Sri RamaNana sada smarisuvaragi,

Guruvige baagovanthavaraagi,

Kare kare bhavavanu neeguvararaagi,

Purandara  Vittalana sevipavaraagi

English translation


Have you brought Raagi for giving alms, have you brought Raagi,

May you be an upright person,

May you be one who  enjoys,

May you be fortunate, have you.


1.May you be one    who feeds others free,

May you be   one who establishes inns giving free  food,

May you be one who does not bother about  any other matters ,

But may you only sing the name of Gods daily.

2.May you be one who serves   father   and mother ,

May you be one who forsakes   sinful actions,

May you be   one who leads a disciplined life,

But   May you be famous   in just    actions.

3.May you be one who gets   the teachers grace,

May you be one   who obeys   the words of the Guru,

May you be    one who contemplates on the feet of the teacher,

And  May you be one doing  blessed  deeds.

4.May you be one who forsakes   passion and anger,

 May you be one who performs rituals according to rules,

 May you be one who keeps on chanting name of Rama  ,

And May you be one who dances and dances out of pure love.

 5.May you be one who always thinks   the consort of Lakshmi,

May you be one who bows before the teacher,

May you be one who forsakes sinful deeds ,

May you be one who serves Purandara  Vittala.